• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Patricks 2012 Pepper Grow Log

Here we go again! Time is just jetting by and it's hard to believe it's time to get started again. It is though and ain't that wonderful!

I may be moving this summer so going small this year. Here's what I got started tonight:

7 Pot Brain Strain x 4
7 Pot Congo x 2
7 Pot x 3
Armageddon x 2
Bengal Naga x 3
Bhut Jolokia, Caramel color x 6
Not the Black Naga x 2
SB7J x 4
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T x 10
Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend x 6

The seeds are in coco coir in 3 oz dixie cups. They will be covered and on a heat mat with the temp set at 84F.

I am really curious to see how those Caramel Bhuts turn out. I had a few pods and I sent them to someone and forgot to pull seeds. Really disapointed I didn't plant them this year. I have his Chocs and Giant Reds growing now, but the caramel would have been a great trifecta. I am keepin my fingers crossed yours turn out that awesome color that his did last year.

I am growing a bunch this year and if they grow true I'll hook you up with a box o' pods, you will seeds a plenty :halo:
Thanks for all the kind words guys.

Greg, the taller bonnets are not much farther from the light than the shorter ones so I'm doubting if that is making enough difference. And it's only the one on the farthest right that is getting a straight shot of the wind from the fan. The rest of them are getting about the same. I'm not exactly sure what you're getting at, sorry. I'm not a huge fan of the MG stuff myself but I have to give creditt to it on this occasion.

I've had one more loss Meat but pretty sure a cat that goes by the name of Bugalicious had something to do with that.

Good luck to you TPGM! The Caramel BJ's I have going are some of my best. Best of luck to you and yours.
I really hate giving up on a plant, specially when it's something new, rare, and I only have one other one growing. This is the "Not a Black Naga" that the fungus gnat larvae had been feasting on. In post #108 it's the pepper in the bottom two photos. I decided to see if I could get it going again. So I cleaned as much of the dirt off that I could, added a drop or two of the MG Start/Planting fert to a cup of water and stuck the plant into it. I take it out of the water every day for a few minutes to let it get some air. Don't know if that helps or not but I don't think it's hurting it either. Anyway here it is.


Got a couple of new leaves.

And here's the money shot.


I am loving the bright and shiny white roots.
I think if you give that 'not a black naga' some time in a hydro type setup you'll be surprised at the rebound you'll see. I had a couple (red bhut and yellow 7) really stunted plants that I thought about throwing out, but instead I put them in a DWC setup. It took them about 4 or 5 days to start showing progress, but over the past 3 weeks, they've just exploded. I'm going to keep the red bhut in a hydro, but for fun, I'm going to try and reintroduce the yellow 7 back into soil a week or 2 before planting it out. Good luck getting that plant healthy Patrick!
Thanks everyone. I'm always a sucker for the underdog. I think I'll just change the water in the cup and let it stay there for a bit longer. Glad to hear others are having success with some of their problem kids.
Hope your plant makes it i usualy dont have those problems but when i grow a pepper im realy excited about and for some reason i must have some kind of bad luck cause the ones i want to grow usualy dont like to.

good luck
Alex @^_^@
Good job man! I am the same way! I have a rescued Jalapeno under the lights...and I already have all I need in the ground producing! Even if I have too many, someone else doesn't and they make great gifts!

Keep us posted on that little dude!
Watering things a bit ago and as usual I check a few to see if the roots are climbing out of the drain holes. Found this 7 Pot Brain Strain with a root escape attempt.



I use packing peanuts as the spacer between cups, give the runoff water some place to go. Occasionally the roots will wrap one of them up. Easy to remove it, just have to pay attention.

This baby is going into a one gallon pot just as soon as I hit the enter button. Later all.
This is a White Cat from AISPES. The seed was planted on the 10th of February. It's 14 inches tall and I just finished potting it up into a one gallon pot.

40 days old.

Edit: Make that 49 days old. Do'h!
Is that a tarantula in the background? Looks like you're also taking some sort of multiple choice test and what sort of mad scientist experiments are you doing with all the vials in the container beside the table?

Plants are looking fantastic! Keep the updates coming, they should really explode in their new 1 gallon homes!

You have some good eyes Shane. Yep, that is a tarantula in the background. A mature male Grammostola pulchra. He's here to entertain a couple of girls I have. The paperwork is a survey about how a purchase went and the vials are what I keep the baby tarantulas in. Yeah, what I keep the baby T's in. :whistle:
I run across them all the time out here... literally. I am a trail runner and they are abundant here. I always take the time to shoo them off the trail so some arachnophobe doesn't squish 'em.
That's very commendable of you Shane and on behalf of the T's and the people who love them thank you.

Since the weather is already in May I've started hardening off some of the bigger ones. I don't want to lug them back and forth so I set up a HO T5 light in the garage for the time they're not in the sun. I may have to get another one or two. I used one inch PVC and a heavier duty chain for this set up. I will be lowering the light to about 12 inches above the plants.
