• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2012

I'm chomping at the bit to get started with some new chilli varieties this coming Spring. So far I've just scratched the surface with Poblanos, Jalapenos and Serranos, all of which I really like. I've been egged on by a new Second Generation Mejicano neighbor as we've talked about hot chillis over the back fence! He helped me make some Pico de Gallo with my Serranos and Early Girl tomatoes and has some great recipes from his mother and grandmother. Hopefully I'll be able to share some of them on this forum in the future. I need to grow more Cilantro. Oh yeah!

I've ordered seed from several sources which received at least a few good comments on this forum (6/12 - items crossed out did not germ, or weren't planted this year):

US Hot Stuff:
Bolivian Rainbow
Yellow Peter
Trinidad Scorpion (from Spankycolts)
Devil Tongue

The Hippy Seed Company: Seed Packet Mixes
NuMex Twilight (from Siliman)
Yellow Jellybeans
Tom Thumbs
Wild Texas Tepin

Refining Fire: Seed Packet Mix
Scotch Bonnet
Chocolate Habanero
Jamaican Red Mushroom

New Mexico State University:
Red Carribean Habanero
Orange Habanero

Pepper Gal:
Aji Yellow (request from a Peruvian friend of ours!)
Thai Hot

Inca Lost
White Habanero (from Spanky)
Red Savina (cross with Fatali, from Spanky)
Bishop's Crown
Inca Red Drop
Orange Rocoto
Congo Trinidad

I doubt I will be able to try all of these out this year, but I have saved my seeds in small glass jars with tight-fitting lids for storage over the next year. I have been saving seed from other garden produce and have had good luck with germinating them after two or even three years. The jars are stored in boxes in the garage for a cool dark location for them. I have ordered several compact varieties with an eye toward trying to winter over some of my plants this year. Since I didn't even know peppers were perennial, I can say I've already learned something from this forum!

I purchased a small greenhouse from One Stop Gardens (via Harbor Freight) for $300 four years ago. This is one of the greenhouse kits I've noticed in the greenhouse advertsing bar at the bottom of some of the pages on this forum. This picture is from Spring/ Summer 2011. You can see my tomato and pepper starts on the sheves. I winter over some bonsai trees and jade plants as well as geraniums, begonias and Gerbera Daisies. In the winter, I use a small space heater (visible on ground in the picture) to keep the temp at 40F during the few cold weeks we experience here. So far it has worked pretty well. If overwintering pepper plants becomes a reality I'll be making more room in the greenhouse! I've started a thread in the Grow Tech forum to discuss issues which crop up with these units.


January 14, 2012:


Okay, I need to do something outside. I know, I'll dig out a compost bin. We've had a little dry cool weather, so the worms have burrowed down, and the compost is crumbly, if a tad wet.


The first step - dig out the bin and sift the material. I use a homemade frame with a layer of 1/4 inch plastic hardware cloth backed with a layer of one inch mesh poultry netting. The fine stuff goes into the wheelbarrow, the coarse stuff into an adjacent compost bin we're still building up.


The bin on the left is covered to keep the leafy material dry and fluffy. The dry leaves are an important layer in the compost 'cake'. The bin on the right is the one I'm digging out. Nice, dark and crumbly with lots of worms! The sifter is on the wheelbarrow, and some of the coarse stuff is already on the active compost bin in the middle. The bin in the back is resting for several of months. It has a black plastic hardware cloth cover to keep out squirrels and racoons.


The bin is all dug out. I left about two inches of broken up compost on the bottom of the hole to create a space for the worms to move into. You can see the bin in the middle has a layer of coarse stuff spread out on the top.


The last step is to put a nice deep layer of dry leaves on the bin we just dug out. Now that bin will rest for a at least several months or more while the earthworms move into the compost/earth interface and do their work. That will make a great base for the next cycle of composting in this bin. I put a thin layer of leaves on the middle bin, too. Now there's a nice layer cake of dirt/compost, leaves. kitchen scraps. All small yard clippings except grass go into the compost bins, even tomato vines and pepper branches and twigs. I don't even chop stuff up too much. I try to have at least 10 or 12 layers of stuff built up before I cover the bin with a layer of dirt/compost and let the worms work for several months. I'm getting about 12-18 cubic feet of compost from these bins a year. My goal is to become 'soil self-sufficient' at some point, perhaps only having to procure horticultural pumice or vermiculite and some peat moss every so often.


The good stuff. It will go into a plastic, vented storage bin for at lest eight weeks to cure a bit. Then I mix it with a little peat moss and some vermiculite or pumice for aeration. In my large containers, I add 2 or 3 inches of compost worked into the top of the container only every year. I try not to mix up the soil layers in the big containers very much, letting the nutrients percolate down through the soil as in a natural setting. As the blog continues this summer, I'll include photos of the irrigation system and containers I use to grow my tomatoes and peppers, and a few other things.
Looking great Paul. I love how the donor Aji Yellow and Cayenne basically 'branch' where you chopped them down. I wonder if you cut them on the first node of each branch if they'd segment out again. Could be a cool experiment to lead to more pod formation! If I could bring myself to cut up my seedlings, I'd give it a try myself.
I'm really to cut all my peppers above the cotyledons.... That Yellow Aji is lookin' sweet. Thanks for the update PG.

Thanks for stopping by, GT! I'm hopin' the aji hangs in there
and grows up, but don't cut all your seedlings :stop: just yet!
Looking great Paul! I'm really interested in your cloning experiment... Are you keeping them in a particular humid place? do you know what the humidity is? Everyone I've seen try to clone a pepper has failed (although, I haven't seen anyone else from this particular forum try... Quite a few experts here it seems :).
Looking great Paul. I love how the donor Aji Yellow and Cayenne basically 'branch' where you chopped them down. I wonder if you cut them on the first node of each branch if they'd segment out again. Could be a cool experiment to lead to more pod formation! If I could bring myself to cut up my seedlings, I'd give it a try myself.

Hey, Matt - Glad you came by! I think they would branch out again;
back-budding is a normal reaction to pinching the tip. Sort of like
making a bonsai! Maybe next year ; ) A person could just grow a few
of something easy to grow just to practice various techniques! These
seedlings were destined for the compost pile, so no great loss, and maybe
some gain :woohoo:

Looking great Paul! I'm really interested in your cloning experiment... Are you keeping them in a particular humid place? do you know what the humidity is? Everyone I've seen try to clone a pepper has failed (although, I haven't seen anyone else from this particular forum try... Quite a few experts here it seems :).

Thanks for the visit, J! The clones lived for a number of days on my workbench
under a cfl desk lamp, with no gro tent, while they were recuping. I did mist
them lots during the day. They are now under the lights and seem to be doing
fine. I think one advantage is that these were young green seedlings being cloned,
so in a growth mode to begin with. It might be more difficult with the more woody
or late growth of summer and Fall.

Almost forgot. Here's the Chiltepin stem I topped
yesterday - the top node's new growth has already
pushed up beyond the cut off stem:
Dang Paul...I thought you said you were afraid if you cloned any more they would revolt and take over the world??? Of course these days I think peppers would do pretty well in politics!
Makes lots of sense...

Early on, I inadvertently seperated a seedling from its roots... I stuck it back into the peat pod right away, and it came back and is indistinguishable from the rest... I suppose its the same principal.
Dang Paul...I thought you said you were afraid if you cloned any more they would revolt and take over the world??? Of course these days I think peppers would do pretty well in politics!

Remember The Invasion of the Body Snatchers? The pods
would send out threads which would envelope and then make
a cloned copy of any human sleeping nearby. Just sayin'.

The peppers would do just as well as the other vegetables
in office!

Makes lots of sense...

Early on, I inadvertently seperated a seedling from its roots... I stuck it back into the peat pod right away, and it came back and is indistinguishable from the rest... I suppose its the same principal.

That's amazing, I guess the life force just will not be denied!
wow cant wait to see your harvest it seems like your making clones of everything. just remember to take off the flowers til july then you will get some monster 5 foot tall plants to make your harvest HUGE!!!! good luck with your season paul i know i havnt commented until now but i have been following this for awhile now and your doing an amazing job with your peppers lol better then my second year lol good luck and have a great season :)

Alex :)
...The peppers would do just as well as the other vegetables
in office!

You crack me up with almost every post.... :halo:

Hey, I finally butchered off some green new growth from my over-wintered plants to try to clone. I remember you left on some bigger leaves at first with the idea it might provide some vigor in the system. Do you think it helped for awhile, or would it be best to pare down at planting. I decided to go with 'dirt planting' instead of comparing to water cloning. Just too easy to spill and tougher to wait it out for a couple of weeks. I also did a Rootone dip, made sure there were a couple of nodes underground (from leaves I removed), and plan to keep the medium near saturated for a few days anyway. Thanks again for the ideas.... :cool:
I have to say I am inspired to try to clone a few plants... That is fantastic. Its going to be a bit though, I want to clone my Trinidad Scorpions, and they are still too little.
wow cant wait to see your harvest it seems like your making clones of everything. just remember to take off the flowers til july then you will get some monster 5 foot tall plants to make your harvest HUGE!!!! good luck with your season paul i know i havnt commented until now but i have been following this for awhile now and your doing an amazing job with your peppers lol better then my second year lol good luck and have a great season :)

Alex :)

Thanks for the kind words, Alex! I will keep your advice in mind as the plants get larger. Right now
the night temps in my garage are around 57-59, so the flowers may just drop off by themselves! Good
luck going forward with your grow.

Hey, I finally butchered off some green new growth from my over-wintered plants to try to clone. I remember you left on some bigger leaves at first with the idea it might provide some vigor in the system. Do you think it helped for awhile, or would it be best to pare down at planting. I decided to go with 'dirt planting' instead of comparing to water cloning. Just too easy to spill and tougher to wait it out for a couple of weeks. I also did a Rootone dip, made sure there were a couple of nodes underground (from leaves I removed), and plan to keep the medium near saturated for a few days anyway. Thanks again for the ideas.... :cool:

Hey S-man! Welcome to the ranks of the mad scientists! I don't know if leaving the
larger leaves on made a difference or not. They stayed springy for quite a while, and
the majority finally wilted when I put them under the lights. I let the cells absorb water
from a tray prior to putting the cuttings in, and then didn't water apart from spritzing
several times a day. After a while I loosened up the soil so it would dry a little faster
when I put them under the lights. I'll be sure to keep an eye on your progress, doctor!
If you can get this to work, there would be lots of possibilities! Thanks for the visit, buddy!

I have to say I am inspired to try to clone a few plants... That is fantastic. Its going to be a bit though, I want to clone my Trinidad Scorpions, and they are still too little.

Good of you to stop by, jcr; I'm glad you are enjoying the
experiment! I think cloning after there are a pair or two of
true leaves and cutting just above the first node is generally
good. You want enough stem to dip into the Rootone and to
anchor the plant in the soil. After that, patience is the key; I
started the first clones on 2/11, and am just now seeing growth
on more than a microscopic level. That's 18 days. So, do we
gain anything by cloning? Maybe easier to just start more seed,
if we're trying for more plants. The plus is that the cut off stem
produces a nice bushy plant! Good luck if you decide to try
your hand at cloning. Maybe practice on a couple of annuums
first ;) ?

Okay Shane and Ken will ROFL - I had to put up
another light for all the clones and new seedlings!

The annuums are starting to branch at the tops as well as at the nodes. Here's an
Early Jalapeno:

This one's a Long Red Cayenne:

Branching on a Wild Texas Tepin:

Black Pearl:

This Yellow Aji took 14 days to germinate, and seemed to just sit for the longest
time. Has begun to show some signs of life. The early bug nibble doesn't seem
to have hurt it too much:

This is the original Yellow Aji tip I cloned on 1/12. The big leaves have curled
and even been a little crispy several times, but now, finally, the new leaf in the
middle has started growing out:

These are the two NuMex Twilight seedlings that germinated in
cups on 2/17 and 2/18; hooks on 21st and 22nd. These photos
are for you, Ken - ty for the seeds!:
Paul I must say you've got my head churning new ideas. I guess it's a little late for me to start in December and make a clone army like you but I guess there's always next year! Love the log and glad I checked in, keep it up.
yeah i have to agree december sowing it is i want me some monster plants in march lol

looks like something has been eating your leaves ;) tomato hornworm? something else?
Paul I must say you've got my head churning new ideas. I guess it's a little late for me to start in December and make a clone army like you but I guess there's always next year! Love the log and glad I checked in, keep it up.

Thanks for visiting, MrZ! I'm glad you found something interesting
to put in your bag for next year! I know I've got some things I want
to try 'next season' already :lol: Good luck to you as the season

yeah i have to agree december starting it is i want me some monster plants in march lol looks like something has been eating your leaves ;) tomato hornworm? something else?

Hey Alex, good of you to stop by! You're right - an early start for some
varieties. I sure could have waited on the annums, for sure, but
experimenting on them has been interesting :D I put my seeds in soil
on Jan. 22, so it's been 38 days, already, say 4 weeks since germination.
The plants will be close to 8 weeks old when they go in the greenhouse.

A few weeks ago something chewed little places on about three plants.
I have looked at each plant daily, and every few days with a 7x lens, and
have seen no sign of any activity since, either on those plants or any other...
I'm still looking out :shocked:

Have all your clones made it through so far Paul?? Everythings looking good so far...

Hey, Tripp! Thanks for visiting. We're muddling along here,
hoping to keep the plants alive until greenhousing :pray:

The clones have their moments, you can see for yourself.

The original set of clones, some rough edges, but basically okay:

Clone tray A - so far probably the best, and some nice varieties:

Clone tray B - oh, dear! The two on the right end, back two rows, have
a fungus of some kind. On close examination, the one in the back has a
bent stem with little white flecks on it, and the one in the middle row has
been severed. I used tweezers and removed both plants from the flat.
The rest look pretty good; so two down in this flat! The little yellow
aji segment in the right front corner is really starting to go.

The baccatums have been struggling. Don't know if they are going to make
it or not - but will let them go. The Chiltepin stem in the front center has
growth buds elongating, and the annum next to it is very healthy.

Here are the Hungarian Hot Wax (2 largest), Chiltepin (28 day germ), and
the Red Habanero (smallest) - slow germinator, stayed in coty stage forever.
These are the latest seeds I started except for the Chiltepin:

Thanks for stopping by. Good luck with your grow going forward, everybody!
If you only lose 2-3 out of that lot I would consider that a huge success still considering they are bonus plants anyway !! Nice Work
I cloned a few broken limbs from my Bhut Jolokia`s couple of weeks ago, there was a storm with plenty of damage & i thought i may as well try and save what had been broken off.

So i dipped them in that cloning powder stuff & put them in pots,,,then some kind chap told me to cut off the leaves to promote root growth (so i did what he said) and they have started sprouting leaves right away.

I think the trick is not to give them to much direct heat/sunlight here, would you agree Paul?

If you only lose 2-3 out of that lot I would consider that a huge success still considering they are bonus plants anyway !! Nice Work

Thanks, Tripp. You're right; nothing ventured, nothing gained!

I cloned a few broken limbs from my Bhut Jolokia`s couple of weeks ago, there was a storm with plenty of damage & i thought i may as well try and save what had been broken off.

So i dipped them in that cloning powder stuff & put them in pots,,,then some kind chap told me to cut off the leaves to promote root growth (so i did what he said) and they have started sprouting leaves right away.

I think the trick is not to give them to much direct heat/sunlight here, would you agree Paul?


I agree, Mezo. They need to chill out and get their root thing on
for at least a few days to a week. Mine were on my workbench
under a 14w cfl desk lamp in cool temps (56-65F)! Good on ya
for cloning the broken bhut branches! That's just great. Be sure
to post some pics of your rooted cutting!
Be sure to post some pics of your rooted cutting!

Your wish is my command sir. :D

I just went in & snapped a couple of the rescued 'twigs' Paul, i had cut every single leaf from all of them as per the tip on my grown log from a fellow member, he said it would concentrate all the plants energy in to root growth & he was right.

They have all since then started sprouting new leaves, so they must be OK? they lived.



If i zoom in a bit you can see one has started to produce flower buds as well.


But does this mean i will end up with a Bonsai Bhut? or will it grow full size Paul?

If this will work & they grow full size it sure would be an easier way of growing these super hots, germination takes so long.
