• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2013

We are starting the New Year with a little run of freezing weather; lows in the 25˚F range at night.

1/1/13 - Soaked seeds 24+ hours, put into seed starting mix (BG, peat and perlite mix). The temp in the grow shelf about 72 degrees, the dome trays about 84 degrees.




Here's the seed and overwinter list for this season:

OW greenhouse plants. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant:

Explosive Ember, c. annuum (THSC)​
NuMex Twilight, c. annuum (CPI from Ken/Siliman)​
Black Pearl, c. annuum (THSC)​
Goat's Weed, c. annuum (Shane/Stc3248)​
Bushy Peruvian Market Yellow Aji, c. baccatum
Red Manzano, c. pubescens (Shane)​
Wild Texas Tepin, c. annuum (THSC)​
(?) Wild Brazil c. baccatum var. praetermissum (Shane)​
Fatali, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Ghost Pepper, c. chinense (Robin/Spankycolts P)​
Chocolate Habanero, c. chinense (Refining Fire), also 2 in #1 pots​
'Red' Habanero, c. chinense (Lily Miller) - orange pods​
Peach Habanero, c. chinense (Fernando/SocalChilihead)​
Congo Trinidad, c. chinense (Peppermania)​

Seeds for this season. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant,

H = my pod harvest OP, * = repeat from 2012:​

*Costeño Amarillo, c. annuum (Fernando) H​
*Chiltepin, c.annuum (CPI)
*Marconi Rosso, c. annuum (Hume Organic)​
*Tepin cross, c. annuum (Shane) H​
*Tepin 15, c. annuum (Shane) H​
*Orange Rocoto, c. pubescens (Peppermania) H​
Devil's Tongue, c. chinense (USHotStuff)​
Yellow Seven, c. chinense (Trippa)​
*Naga Morich, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
*Bih Jolokia, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Bonda Ma Jacques, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Bahamian Goat, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Congo Trinidad Yellow, c. chinense (Pia/Sanarda pod)​
*Congo Trinidad Red, c. chinense (Peppermania) H​
*Red Habanero, c. chinense (CPI)​
Jamaican Red Habanero, c. chinense (Ferry Morse)​
Red Savina, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Jamaican Red Mushroom, c. chinense (Refining Fire)​
Peruvian White Habanero, c. chinense (Peppermania)​
Orange Habanero, c. chinense (CPI)​
*Fatali/Savina, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
*Pointed Yellow Habanero, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Scotch Bonnet MoA, c. chinense (Steve)​
Scotch Bonnet TFM, c. chinense (Trippa)​
Yellow Scotch Bonnet, c. chinense (Refining Fire)​
*Giant White Habanero, c. chinense (Robin P) H​
Bodeen said:
Those pods are awesome!!!  Been thinking about trying the yellow DT and Fat x Sav...how are the flavors on those two?  Do you like them and would you grow them again?
I'm with Jeff wanting to know taste of fatalii x savina. I mean, love fatalii straight up--not the reds--imo, they could pass for congo reds, not a bad thing, just not a fatalii thing, lol. Beautiful pod shots and have great one! .
Bodeen said:
Those pods are awesome!!!  Been thinking about trying the yellow DT and Fat x Sav...how are the flavors on those two?  Do you like them and would you grow them again?
Thanks, Jeff.  I have been fortunate to get some decent ones.  
Just picked a bunch yesterday; will post up pics soon.  Will also
do a little taste test on the DT and F/S mature pods to go along
with the pics.  PM me some data and I'll send some seeds your
way when they are ready - not too long.  I will grow them again,
the DT to go with the Fatalis and Bonda Ma Jacques, and the F/S
because I can't wait to see what comes out next year after this
year's switch from red to yellow and bigger pods.  I just like yellow
Kudos on your great grow, bud!
romy6 said:
 Beautiful yet extremely informative as well Paul. You should post in your grow more often .   :fireball:
I am sorry for being a hit and miss-er this season, my friend.  THP deserves better.  
I would be lying if I said that the past year hasn't seen some hard moments since
dad died last November.  There were some periods when I just basically didn't do
much, and wasn't interested in anything some days. and due to the events of last 
Fall, the yard didn't get the best of care through the winter.  If it wasn't for getting
a pepper grow going, I would have been in bad shape!  Anyway, not to cry on your
shoulder, but you should know why I haven't been the best forum citizen this season.
I will be better about posting and visiting.
Thanks for the visit and kind words as always, Jamie.  Hope y'all are staying 'cool',
if 80-90 can be thought of as cool   :cool:  
annie57 said:
I'm with Jeff wanting to know taste of fatalii x savina. I mean, love fatalii straight up--not the reds--imo, they could pass for congo reds, not a bad thing, just not a fatalii thing, lol. Beautiful pod shots and have great one! .
Information forthcoming, dearie!I will do a little taste test today.  
I'm with you, the yellow pods just seem more appealing to me in
taste and appearance.  I guess because 'red' peppers are so
common.  Do like a Ghost or a good Jolokia of some kind for punchy
garden color and spine-tingling heat!
Thanks for visiting, Annie, and congrats on a really fine grow season.
Hope the Fall weather is kind to you.  I see some color on the weather
map back in that region from tie to time.   
PaulG said:
Thanks, Jeff.  I have been fortunate to get some decent ones.  
Just picked a bunch yesterday; will post up pics soon.  Will also
do a little taste test on the DT and F/S mature pods to go along
with the pics.  PM me some data and I'll send some seeds your
way when they are ready - not too long.  I will grow them again,
the DT to go with the Fatalis and Bonda Ma Jacques, and the F/S
because I can't wait to see what comes out next year after this
year's switch from red to yellow and bigger pods.  I just like yellow
Kudos on your great grow, bud!
I am sorry for being a hit and miss-er this season, my friend.  THP deserves better.  
I would be lying if I said that the past year hasn't seen some hard moments since
dad died last November.  There were some periods when I just basically didn't do
much, and wasn't interested in anything some days. and due to the events of last 
Fall, the yard didn't get the best of care through the winter.  If it wasn't for getting
a pepper grow going, I would have been in bad shape!  Anyway, not to cry on your
shoulder, but you should know why I haven't been the best forum citizen this season.
I will be better about posting and visiting.
Thanks for the visit and kind words as always, Jamie.  Hope y'all are staying 'cool',
if 80-90 can be thought of as cool   :cool:  
Information forthcoming, dearie!I will do a little taste test today.  
I'm with you, the yellow pods just seem more appealing to me in
taste and appearance.  I guess because 'red' peppers are so
common.  Do like a Ghost or a good Jolokia of some kind for punchy
garden color and spine-tingling heat!
Thanks for visiting, Annie, and congrats on a really fine grow season.
Hope the Fall weather is kind to you.  I see some color on the weather
map back in that region from tie to time.   
Jeff's grow went/is growing wonderfully (his Burgundy 7's are best ever had) as ya noted, Paul.
Jamie's jerkin' some chain, per usual. :drooling: 
And I more than have a "sprinkling" of red naga that I really need to get at: hot today, had day off, sadly decided to wash some stuff including Polar-Tech, Columbia dang jackets coats, and hang on line, instead of processing peach bhut ferment sauce. After our insanely wet spring/summer, I counted on this Indian Summer and surely as we get one, esp. if dry as has been, cold doesn't happen gradually. Digital, not analog. (smh) But much as I love yellow fatalii (and Y7), would love to know how those fat/savina X's taste. Thanks for growing them!
annie57 said:
Jamie's jerkin' some chain, per usual. :drooling:  Yes, but he is right, I haven't posted much this season.  But tomorrow is another day!
And I more than have a "sprinkling" of red naga that I really need to get at: hot today, had day off, sadly decided to wash some stuff including Polar-Tech, Columbia dang jackets coats, and hang on line, instead of processing peach bhut ferment sauce. After our insanely wet spring/summer, I counted on this Indian Summer and surely as we get one, esp. if dry as has been, cold doesn't happen gradually. Digital, not analog. (smh) But much as I love yellow fatalii (and Y7), would love to know how those fat/savina X's taste. Thanks for growing them!
I'd be happy to send you some, Annie.  The original plant was grown by
Spankycolts from Brian's (Justaguy) seed.  This is the second round,
seeds from that plant , given to me by Robin last Spring 2012.  
Here are a few pre-harvest pictures, taken yesterday.  You'll notice some cracked pods and pale and missing leaves - the usual Fall scene here.  However, the plants brave on, ripening a bit more every day.  We have had nice sun breaks the past 5 days and a couple of sunny afternoons.  The next 3-5 days look to be at least partly sunny with a little rain.  At least this weather makes the grass grow like weeds.  Will post harvest pics after a day or two in a brown bag to help some of the pods catch a bit more color.
Scotch Bonnet TFM (Trippa).  Good sized pods with great color.  I love the shape of most of the pods - the 'hot air balloon' look.  I'll post some pics of the pods up close with the harvest photos.  A couple of the green ones look almost like Bahamian Goats, and somewhere on the plant os a pod that actually looks like a bonnet:

Devil's Tongue (USHotStuff):

Bonda Ma Jacques (Trippa):

Orange Habanero (CPI).  A very productive plant.  Will be many pods off this one:

Red Habanero (CPI).  Should ripen quite a few more pods with any luck:

Fatali x Red Savina (Justaguy via Spankycolts).  A most interesting plant.  Will definitely be going for round three with seeds from these pods:

Jamaican Red Mushroom (Refining Fire).  Mild with great flavor.  Might dry some to use
as a blending powder with another red of some kind or other:

Yellow 7 (Trippa).  I think every pods will ripen on this one.  That's the Red Habanero down in the corner:

Fatali (Peppermania) OW, year two. Another very productive plant that will ripen all of it's pods:

I need to process a few more pics, and then will post a few more.  ¡Viva sun!
Very nice Paul!
Glad to see all that color too.
The Habs have to be one of the most productive C.Chinense out there.
Wishing you continued nice weather!
Devv, on 09 Oct 2013 - 2:46 PM, said:
Devv said:
Very nice Paul!
Glad to see all that color too.
The Habs have to be one of the most productive C.Chinense out there.
Wishing you continued nice weather!
Thanks for the bump, Scott.  As glad to see some color, as well!
Last year I was harvesting pods into November and even December.
Not in abundance of course.   Maybe we'll be just as lucky this year

Bahamian Goat (Trippa).  Finally began to ripen in earnest a couple of days after the Fall trimming.  Still a lot left on the plant to ripen after harvesting:

Giant White Habanero (Spankycolts).  Robin gave me this plant last year.  It never was white.  It's a cross of some kind, I'll just call it a Yellow Cardi Scorp and be done with it   :lol:  Another def on the list for 2014:

A closer look at the pods:

Really hoping this one starts to ripen a bit faster.  I hate to lose out on some of these pods:

Naga Morich (Spankycolts).  Just a couple of days ago started ripening more pods:

Same for the Bih Jolokia (also Spanky):

The only sweet pepper in the grow, Marconi Rosso (Hume Organic):

Okay that's it for the pre harvest shots.  I will post greenhouse pics later.
Excellent pods all the way around!!!  Marconi is an awesome pepper to grow.  The patio red I grew this year broke down on me so I harvested the green pods and even those were really sweet.
First Fatalii I grew was a red and I just loved the aroma I got from these just cutting them in half.  I liken them to a paper lantern without the after taste that you get with them.  I only have the one plant and I plan on OW it and just having that one red next year as well.  To my surprise, the yellow Fatalii I was sent this year had a bigger kick than the red.  
Anyways, excellent looking grow and some superb looking pods.  Hope they all get ripe for you.
Devv said:
Just beautiful pods and pics!
Glad your having such a good year!
Thanks, my friend!
I can't complain despite my mistakes early on!
As always, looking forward to next season!

Sanarda said:
beautiful Paul!! :confused:
Thank you, Pia!  
Bodeen said:
Excellent pods all the way around!!!  Marconi is an awesome pepper to grow.  The patio red I grew this year broke down on me so I harvested the green pods and even those were really sweet.
First Fatalii I grew was a red and I just loved the aroma I got from these just cutting them in half.  I liken them to a paper lantern without the after taste that you get with them.  I only have the one plant and I plan on OW it and just having that one red next year as well.  To my surprise, the yellow Fatalii I was sent this year had a bigger kick than the red.  
Anyways, excellent looking grow and some superb looking pods.  Hope they all get ripe for you.
Yeah, those beasty Marconis are a great pepper green or red!
Yellow Fatali is the only one I've grown.
Thanks, Jeff - I think that most will ripen up for us - If not, what can I say?  
We're not supposed to be able to grow hot chilis here, anyway     ;)    :lol:

A little greenhouse update.  With the cool nights, I have moved my
3-gallon pouches and a couple of OW 7-gallon ones, along with the
ornamentals into the greenhouse.  The nights are cooling signifi-
cantly, and they will appreciate the warmer, calmer air in there.
official temps:  35/62F today
greenhouse:    50/83   :party:
Now to be vigilant for aphids and mold issues in these tight quarters.  
At least none of the plants are directly touching, although a few are
real close.  Still need to bring the Fatali OW in:

A little closer look at the greenhouse plants.
Mountain pepper, Honduran Market.  First ripe pod.  These are small, on the order of 1" x 1",
and this first one is even smaller.  I ate this one with some pork chops last night, and even this
little guy gave me a bit of sniffles and forehead sweat while imparting a nice flavor to the meat.  
Nice little kick, but an enjoyable pepper.  Am looking forward to giving this one a decent shot at
a whole grow next season:

Here's a shot of the Mountain Pepper canopy.  It really is a beautiful little plant.  I love the compact
growth habit this one displayed, and hope that is a trait that gets passed on:

Close up of some flower buds about to swell and open in the midst of this Mountain Pepper growth tip:

Goat's Weed (stc3248).  This seed came from a pod I harvested last year.  It is still flowering and setting pods regularly.  It loved the greenhouse last year, hope it's the same case this season:

'Black Pearl' (THSC),(and all the other ornamentals) still flowering and
setting pods.  Some white flowers with purple edges, and some all purple

NuMex Twilight (CPI via Siliman):

Chocolate Habanero (Refining Fire) clone.  Took a while to get started setting pods, but is rolling along now.  Another variety that liked the greenhouse last Fall:

Chocolate Habanero (RF).  Hammered by the wind and
rain last week, then hit with several nights in the high
30's in the low spot in the yard.  Alost all leaves dropped,
and many small pods.  I trimmed all but the branch that
looked most promising and moved it into the greenhouse.  
Hopefully the pods will ripen there:

Orange Manzano (stc3248), harvested seed early 2013.  Sown April 2nd.  Last year this variety
produced two ripe pods over the winter.  This one has been pruned back to allow a handful of pods
to set and then winter over.  Last year, it managed the greenhouse climate very well:

I have a few growshelf pictures to post after a bumpity-bump.  Hope everyone is having a good week.
GA Growhead said:
Still looking awesome!
Thanks, GH!  Appreciate the visit and bump!
The growshelf plants are growing fast and have required some pinching back.  I have given away 4 of the plants to make room in the shelf, so these remaining are the best specimens.
Wild Texas Tepins (THSC).  I decided to stake them up since they were bending over so radically.  Hope they grow a little straighter now:

Wild Texas Tepin.  Close up view of top:

Goat's Weed (stc3248).  The one on the left from my harvest seed, the other from Shane's original seed.
They were pinched on 9/28:

The third Goat's Weed, also from last year's harvest seed.  The shortest and
bushiest of the three.  Also pinched 9/28:

Aji Amarillo.  First plant on left from Peruvian Market Seed; the two in the middle from
seed harvested last year from the Market Ajis.  The plant on the far right is from
PepperGal seed 2012.  The two in the middle haven't required pinching, yet.  
the plant on the left pinched 9/28, the one on the right, yesterday:

Orange Manzanos (stc3248) from seed harvested early this Spring:

Here's a little harvest teaser.
These are in paper bags until tomorrow, then deseeding and drying:

Mountain Pepper:

Okay, that's it until I post pods from the harvest tomorrow (hopefully).  
:cheers: Beautiful pods in everyone's grows!
Wow, I just caught up and went through a ton of beautiful pictures - great looking pods, lots of color.  Well done.  You've had many victories with all those pods my friend!
Wow Paul, after not having much to say for most of the season, you've got lots to show now! Good on ya! Pod porn and harvest pics look excellent, and glad to see you had no trouble germing your Manzano seeds... I'm impressed that you got such an early start on next season, and wish you the best of luck with it. Cheers!
Pulpiteer said:
Wow, I just caught up and went through a ton of beautiful pictures - great looking pods, lots of color.  Well done.  You've had many victories with all those pods my friend!
Hey, Andy, thanks buddy!  Mydeparted  dad's Nikon is a bitchin' camera!  
The 12-24 and 24-120 zoom lenses are too awesome.  Easy to look good
with a D300S!
We have a few sunny days in the making, so there may even be some more color.  
The little yellowing pod fell off the Yellow SB from your seed in the 36˚ night several
days ago; I may hang it upside down at the end of the season if no more ripen.
Here are some of the latest harvest.  First up, this seed from Trippa:

This one has really come on in the past couple of weeks:

Tons of green pods left on this one:

Very productive plant, although the pods are not real large:

A little slow ripening, but steady:

F2, can't wait for F3 next season.  The pods in the center are all 2 - 2 1/4 inches long:

Trippa's Y7 has been a noutstanding bush:

stickman said:
Wow Paul, after not having much to say for most of the season, you've got lots to show now! Good on ya! Pod porn and harvest pics look excellent, and glad to see you had no trouble germing your Manzano seeds... I'm impressed that you got such an early start on next season, and wish you the best of luck with it. Cheers!
Hey Rick.  The Orange Manzanos from Shane did pretty well.  I tried some
Red Rocotos from SocalChilihead, but the two that sprouted just didn't have
the oomph to get past the coty stage.  Next season, I'll try again with some
new red rocoto, or manzano seeds.
The early start was the result of my guilt trip, as I said before!  But, I think the
Tepins and Manzanos are doing very well.  The pinched Goat's Weed, too.  
The Aji's will be problematic, they like to grow so huge.  I'm hoping the small
one is truly a compact bush.
We'll see if the plants can live for 4 or 5 more months in the grow shelf!
Okay, more pics to follow.
Devv said:
Very nice Paul!
GH plants all look stellar!
Love the harvest too!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks, Scott, same to you   :party:
Devv said:
I see you have an affinity for the yellows, and with good reason, their flavor is a real pleasure.
Excellent pics and pods.
Well done!
Thanks, friend.  I guess you are right - almost all yellows!
Here are a few more pics, starting with a not hot variety:

Here are some pods from seed Trippa sent:

This just about does it for this one.  Only several green pods left on the plant:

And that does it for this harvest.  Will post some pics of pods in the dryer tomorrow.  Hope everyone's
weekend is off to a good start!  Eat heat!