• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2014

Grow List 2014 - Many new varieties and a few repeaters.  
This is the third year of my original three year plan to grow a slew of different
types to see what grows well here before settling on some consistent performers.  
I'd love to grow some of the new varieties from this season again, and some more
of my favorites from 2012, but not enough space.  But I have seed for my favorites for
season 2015, so I have something to look forward to already!  
Major goal for season 2014 - lay in a good supply of super hot powder!
OW Plants:
Chocolate Habanero OW, Refining Fire 2012, 3gal. x 2 2nd year 2014
Mountain Pepper OW, Honduran Market, 3gal. x 1 2nd year 2014
Orange Manzano OW, Shane F1, 3ga. x 12nd year 2014
Goat's Weed OW, Shane F1, 3gal. x 1 2nd year 2014
'Black Pearl' OW, THSC, 3gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
NuMex Twilight OW, CPI via Siliman, 2gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
Fatali OW, Peppermania, 4gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014 
Orange Manzano OW 7gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
Plants germinated 8/15/2013:
Goat's Weed, Shane F1, 1gal. x2
Goat's Weed, Shane 2012, 1gal. x1
Aji Amarillo, Peruvian Market 2012, 1gal. x 2
Aji Amarillo, PepperGal 2012, 1gal. x 1
Orange Manzano, Shane F1, 1gal. x 3
Wild Texas Tepin, THSC 2012, 1gal. x 3
Starting From SeedBold font indicates mid-December sowing for long-season varieties.
Ghost (SP* F1)
Reaper (Sawyer 2013
Funky Reaper (Sawyer 2013)
7 Pot Burgundy (Sawyer 2013)
Bhut Jolokia Yellow (Sawyer 2013
NagaBrain (Windchicken F3 2013)
Jigsaw (Baker's Peppers 2013)
Primo (MGold 2012 pod)
Brain (Romy6 2012 pod)
Douglah (Alphanerdz via Trippa, Stickman)
Indian Carbon (MGold 2012 pod)
Trin. Scorp. (USHotStuff 2012)
Infinity (SP F1)
Butch T (SP F1)
'Scotch Bonnet TFM' (Trippa F1)
Giant White Habanero (RP F2)
Congo Trinidad Yellow (Sanarda F1)
Fatali x Red Savina (Justaguy via Spankycolts F2)
Mountain Pepper (Honduran Market F1)
*SP = seed harvested from plants from Spankycolts 2012
Wilds and Milds:
Cheiro Recife (Sean W via Stickman 2013)
Wild Brazil F1 (Shane 2012)
Hungarian Sweet Paprika (Stickman 2013)
Marconi Rosso (Hume F1)
Costeño åmarillo F1 (SoCalChilihead 2012)
Giant Jalapeño (SoCalChilihead 2012)
The items in bold font went into distilled water today, 12/15,
and will go into Jiffy pellets tomorrow.  The incubator has the
cell pack with the three Giant white Habanero seeds that
germinated planted in it:

Water added after pic taken:

Just a quick update on the wild Texas Tepins.  This one has the most ripe pods; all will have to go to the greenhouse when and if I need space for starts in party cups:
Trippa said:
Hope you enjoy growing them as much as I enjoy sharing them!! (And growing them :D ) cheers!!
You bet I will, Tristen!
:cheers:  back to ya, mate!
maximumcapsicum said:
Wow Paul! Grats on the huge pepper canopies. Gonna have to explain the process of pruning back... Trying to encourage more side to side growth?

Happy growing!
Thanks, Adam!  Pruning does indeed cause plants to gain a more bushy
growth habit, and encourages the development of lower branches.  It does
set back flowering a bit, as well, so that's a possible benefit in some circumstances.  
Generally, the new branches will have the same growth habit as the original ones;
tall and lanky, etc.  I may have to prune these because they are spreading out so
much they will run out of room.  Also the branches are growing straight out to the
side rather than upward. Go figure.  I think it's a result of being under the T5HO
lights for too long.  Just a wild theory   :think:     :crazy:
Nice plants and pics Paul!
Running out of room is good and bad...
In my experience this year the T5 has kept the plants rather short with many nodes. And then I ran out room and had to rotate, and have been putting them outside. So they grew normally as far as height and node spacing....so I had to break out the snips. Or where could I put them?  They would just get leggy. I've only cut back the really tall ones that were flowering, and that wasn't easy. I thought I could hear the scream...
Devv said:
Nice plants and pics Paul!  Thanks, buddy!
Running out of room is good and bad… What's the good part?   ;) 
In my experience this year the T5 has kept the plants rather short with many nodes. And then I ran out room and had to rotate, and have been putting them outside. So they grew normally as far as height and node spacing....so I had to break out the snips. Or where could I put them?  They would just get leggy. I've only cut back the really tall ones that were flowering, and that wasn't easy. I thought I could hear the scream...
I feel your pain, Scott.  It's a bummer not to be able to let them grow unfettered!
My grow shelf is starting to get crowded, and I don't want to put plants in the greenhouse, yet.
I may be forced to , however.  I'm already short on space there.  I'll be glad when this three year
experiment os over, so I can grow out a reasonable number of plants!  Maybe I should buy some
land for a farm.  Yeah, that's the ticket   :liar:
Trippa said:
Any more pops in the aero Paul?? Those birdseye htm seeds can be stubborn starters in my experience by the way ...
Not, yet, Tristen.  They all are really difficult ones to germinate.  I'll be patient.  I think the water
bath isn't very warm in the aero since it's in the garage where the ambient temp is around 65-68˚F.
Shane said the same thing about the varieties he sent.  I still have an insurance policy in the Jiffy
pellets   :pray:
I have your mystery crosses soaking right now, and will put them ion the heating pad in Jiffies tomorrow!
Jeff H said:
The pube shots are great. Thanks, buddy! I would prune them back and watch them explode with bushy growth in the spring. 
I'm pretty sure that's what I will have to do, Jeff.  I'll let them go as long as I can
before cutting them back.  Maybe about three-four weeks before plant out.  It will
be great fun watching what happens next!
stc3248 said:
Perdy plants!!! They're really doing well this winter!
Having the greenhouse about 7-10 degrees warmer and a little extra light this winter
has made a lot of difference!  Thanks for stopping in, my friend!
Trippa said:
Fingers crossed for you Paul ... I hope you get the pops soon .... I hope the crosses turn out for you as well and you enjoy the end products!!
Thanks for the positive thought, Trippa.  I'm not worried; I'll let them go as long as I can.  
If they take three weeks to germinate, then I still have a way to go.  I put your Mystery
Cross seeds into Jiffy pellets on the 23rd.
Penny said:
Looks great, Paul!! :dance:
Glad you like it, Penny!
Have a little update today.  The round one starts are growing fast and are almost exactly 6 weeks along since hooks.  Most of them are using 3 ounces of water every other day, and have had their first light fish fertilizer feeding in the last day or two.  A number of them are beginning to put out lateral branches:

Here are the round one plants.  They are arranged the same order as the one month photos here, if you want to make a growth comparison.





Here are a couple of more with lateral branches emerging:

The OW Manzano in the greenhouse is ripening up all four pods now.  I'm very close to picking the pods, and am having a hard time being patient!  The two pods to the left of the center line larger, and the one farthest away is the biggest one.  Can't wait to sample them   :drooling: :

I'll post some pics of the round two starts when this post clears.
maximumcapsicum said:
Oh man... Love the mug shots. Nice lateral branches!
Thanks for the bump, Adam!  It's a real rogues gallery, all right!
Some of the round two starts are showing yellow leaves, not sure why.  Some are ironing themselves out, so will let them ride.  I did some culling after I took these
pictures.  You can see the original pics in the Jan.15th post here.  They are now about two weeks from hooks give or take a day or three.



These are the most recent starts to show.  The JA Red Habs hooked on the 16th, The Fatali x Red Savina on the
18th, and the Mountain Pepper on the 14th:
Glad to see the seeds worked out for you Paul!
All the credit goes to Ramon (Walkgood), all of his grow is golden!
I see you're going to be loaded with choices this season! 
As for running out of room...the good part is one finds a way to ake it work!
Keep it green my friend and stay warm...spring is out there soon!
Jeff H said:
Great update Paul. New plants are doing well and look happy. Monzano is looking really tasty. I'm trying to hop through the computer screen to eat them right now. No success so far. 
Thanks, Jeff - guess I missed your post while finishing the update.
Most of the plants look pretty good.  I'm hoping the ones that are a little
wan will pick themselves up by the bootstraps and green up a little!
Devv said:
Glad to see the seeds worked out for you Paul!
All the credit goes to Ramon (Walkgood), all of his grow is golden!
Your own grow is pretty awesome, brother!
I see you're going to be loaded with choices this season! 
As for running out of room...the good part is one finds a way to ake it work!
Keep it green my friend and stay warm...spring is out there soon!  It can't get here soon enough, my friend!    :pray: 
Everything you sent has germinated nicely, Scott.  
I'm hoping I can find a space for everything.  I'd
hate to give up any of the varieties! 
Not sure what caused the yellowing. Did you cull one of the larger seedlings in those two plant cups? Must have been painful, they're pretty big!
I had some chocolate bonnet seedlings come up as yellow hooks... any idea what that means? Luckily I have one green one, so I know which ones to snip...
maximumcapsicum said:
Not sure what caused the yellowing. Did you cull one of the larger seedlings in those two plant cups? Must have been painful, they're pretty big!
I had some chocolate bonnet seedlings come up as yellow hooks... any idea what that means? Luckily I have one green one, so I know which ones to snip...
I'm not sure, Adam.  I have a couple of ideas.  Maybe fungus gnat
larvae - I had an explosion of them a couple of weeks ago out of
nowhere.  It may be that the Happy Frog / Ocean Forest mix is too
'hot' for the tiny seedlings, but that would be weird since it wasn't
for the round one seedlings.  I'm confident things will sort themselves
out and if I lose a seedling or two that's the way it goes.  As for culling,
I just took the weakest if there were three, and if two and one looked
bad, I took it.  I will eventually get to one seedling per cup.
Good luck with those Scotch bonnets!