• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2014

Grow List 2014 - Many new varieties and a few repeaters.  
This is the third year of my original three year plan to grow a slew of different
types to see what grows well here before settling on some consistent performers.  
I'd love to grow some of the new varieties from this season again, and some more
of my favorites from 2012, but not enough space.  But I have seed for my favorites for
season 2015, so I have something to look forward to already!  
Major goal for season 2014 - lay in a good supply of super hot powder!
OW Plants:
Chocolate Habanero OW, Refining Fire 2012, 3gal. x 2 2nd year 2014
Mountain Pepper OW, Honduran Market, 3gal. x 1 2nd year 2014
Orange Manzano OW, Shane F1, 3ga. x 12nd year 2014
Goat's Weed OW, Shane F1, 3gal. x 1 2nd year 2014
'Black Pearl' OW, THSC, 3gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
NuMex Twilight OW, CPI via Siliman, 2gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
Fatali OW, Peppermania, 4gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014 
Orange Manzano OW 7gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
Plants germinated 8/15/2013:
Goat's Weed, Shane F1, 1gal. x2
Goat's Weed, Shane 2012, 1gal. x1
Aji Amarillo, Peruvian Market 2012, 1gal. x 2
Aji Amarillo, PepperGal 2012, 1gal. x 1
Orange Manzano, Shane F1, 1gal. x 3
Wild Texas Tepin, THSC 2012, 1gal. x 3
Starting From SeedBold font indicates mid-December sowing for long-season varieties.
Ghost (SP* F1)
Reaper (Sawyer 2013
Funky Reaper (Sawyer 2013)
7 Pot Burgundy (Sawyer 2013)
Bhut Jolokia Yellow (Sawyer 2013
NagaBrain (Windchicken F3 2013)
Jigsaw (Baker's Peppers 2013)
Primo (MGold 2012 pod)
Brain (Romy6 2012 pod)
Douglah (Alphanerdz via Trippa, Stickman)
Indian Carbon (MGold 2012 pod)
Trin. Scorp. (USHotStuff 2012)
Infinity (SP F1)
Butch T (SP F1)
'Scotch Bonnet TFM' (Trippa F1)
Giant White Habanero (RP F2)
Congo Trinidad Yellow (Sanarda F1)
Fatali x Red Savina (Justaguy via Spankycolts F2)
Mountain Pepper (Honduran Market F1)
*SP = seed harvested from plants from Spankycolts 2012
Wilds and Milds:
Cheiro Recife (Sean W via Stickman 2013)
Wild Brazil F1 (Shane 2012)
Hungarian Sweet Paprika (Stickman 2013)
Marconi Rosso (Hume F1)
Costeño åmarillo F1 (SoCalChilihead 2012)
Giant Jalapeño (SoCalChilihead 2012)
The items in bold font went into distilled water today, 12/15,
and will go into Jiffy pellets tomorrow.  The incubator has the
cell pack with the three Giant white Habanero seeds that
germinated planted in it:

Water added after pic taken:

Just a quick update on the wild Texas Tepins.  This one has the most ripe pods; all will have to go to the greenhouse when and if I need space for starts in party cups:
Penny said:
Looks great and LOVE the greenhouse space too. :dance:
Thanks Penny.  The greenhouse definitely expands the garden
horizons in a moderate climate like ours!
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
love the look of hookers.. hope your weather gets better
Haha thanks, Denniz!  
It's warming up to the high 30's and 40's for at least a week to ten days!  
Woo Hoo!   :liar:
Here's a few of the bushier plants from the round two start.  All are just over a month from hooks:




Here's the MoA Scotch Bonnet that made it through culling gauntlet:

Here are the seedlings from the Mystery Cross seed Trippa sent my way:

Meanwhile, out in the greenhouse...
The canopies on the manzanos I started in august got so big they were
hanging down.  To save space in the greenhouse space and get a plant
that would grow upright I had to prune them back.  This one if putting out
new growth the quickest:

The plant that I harvested the Manzanos from has put out the first flower of the season!

Here's another view:

Hope everybody's week is off to a decent start!
Everything is looking great, Paul.  Here's to continued winter growing success.
PaulG said:
The brightest thing in the view out the window is the Goat's Weed
rista I made last Fall:

And another endorsement for the Goat's Weed.  I'm glad I've added it to my grow list.
maximumcapsicum said:
Great photos Paul! Strong, glorious looking starts. Cool that you go their ages since hook. Looks like by guys are growing slightly slower than your kiddos, but that's okay. No need to rush thinks April is still a long way off.
Thanks, Adam.   I'm always amazed by how fast plants grow in general.
My greenhouse plants (round one) have slowed down in their less cozy confines.
The grow shelf plants will be banging on the walls before long!
Sawyer said:
Everything is looking great, Paul.  Here's to continued winter growing success.
And another endorsement for the Goat's Weed.  I'm glad I've added it to my grow list.
Thanks, John, back at ya, buddy!
The GW is a great pepper indeed.  
Hope to get a good harvest of them this year.
Trippa said:
Looking very healthy Paul!! Those f2s look a little lighter in there purple colouring then the f1s or is that just the light??
Thanks, Trinsten.  The F2 are a tad lighter but I would wait for a week or so
before making a judgement about how they will look.  Some of my plants get
the flu or something when they are little, then square themselves away and
grow out fine.  I'm hoping the Purples escape that scenario.  The F2 are a
tad further back under the light, so that could make some difference.
maximumcapsicum said:
Yay for goat's weed! Should probably pellet another one of those guys.
There ya go, Adam!
stc3248 said:
Load of Manzanos this season with it already blooming!!! 
I'll count four pods as a load, Shane!  Hoping for a strong Manzano crop
from my two big OW plants this season!
megamoo said:
Nice work on growing yellow apples in your greenhouse!  Making my mouth water :drooling:
HillBilly Jeff said:
Those things are HUGE.  Way to grow em!!!
They were impressive, indeed, Moo and Jeff
Got a nice surprise from Jericson:

Thanks, my friend - I sampled each with a toothpick and thought they had great heat, and nice complex flavor.  The Banana (yellow) has a
notably fruity after taste, and the special blend is killer.  The red one had a fruity flavor with a salty finish.  
Here are the four NagaBrain (Gary) plants I have going.  The first two are on the grow shelf and are 33 days from hooking:

These are in the greenhouse and are just shy of seven weeks from hooks:


This is the Scotch bonnet MoA (Ramon), 36 days from hooking:

This is the Not White Bhut jolokia Yellow from Sawyer, just shy of seven weeks from hooking:

Thanks for the visits.  Hope everyone's having a decent week.
Sorry, the quote police wouldn't let me post all these in one post.

Penny said:
Again, more amazing looking plants Paul, well done.
!  Hoping for more of the same this Summer!
Pulpiteer said:
Wow.  :shocked: Beautiful! Crazy that you have those this time of year.
I guess the Manzanos like the cool extended Fall in the greenhouse!
Also. 24 pages? Are you kidding me? You're going to have 100 before the snow even melts.
I've been doing my best to keep it down, Andy   ;) 
Good luck this season! You use your greenhouse so well!
Thanks, my friend! , same to you!  The greenhouse is easy to like, 
but it does create a job for me during the winter!
Penny said:
Again, more amazing looking plants Paul, well done.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart, Penny!
Jeff H said:
Paul, with all of us growing monzanos this year (H Jeff even started a grow thread for them), you have sure set the bar high for all of us. Keep up the amazing work.
We'll see what the summer brings, Jeff!  Thanks, buddy!

capsidadburn said:
Beautiful monster plants Paul!  Downright scary in fact.
Excellant job, and have a great week!
Hey, Mike, thanks, buddy!
Hope everything is well down your way!
Plants are lookin very strong Paul! Love those big ovate chinense leaves! Yeah mine got a week or so before they catch up with ya, so I think on pretty strong in the solos. Keep on growin!
maximumcapsicum said:
Plants are lookin very strong Paul! Love those big ovate chinense leaves! Yeah mine got a week or so before they catch up with ya, so I think on pretty strong in the solos. Keep on growin!
You southern growers will leave us PNW folk in the dust in a few weeks, my friend!
Good luck in the coming months, bud!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Plants are growing fast for you....I won't complain how big my brown moruga collection is getting.  You can't have too much of a good thing, Jeff!
Yeah, wish I was looking at plant out in a month instead of three!
Looking good Paul!
I'm hoping the weather behaves and the greenhouse babes can lavish in some warm weather!
Keep it green!