• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2014

Grow List 2014 - Many new varieties and a few repeaters.  
This is the third year of my original three year plan to grow a slew of different
types to see what grows well here before settling on some consistent performers.  
I'd love to grow some of the new varieties from this season again, and some more
of my favorites from 2012, but not enough space.  But I have seed for my favorites for
season 2015, so I have something to look forward to already!  
Major goal for season 2014 - lay in a good supply of super hot powder!
OW Plants:
Chocolate Habanero OW, Refining Fire 2012, 3gal. x 2 2nd year 2014
Mountain Pepper OW, Honduran Market, 3gal. x 1 2nd year 2014
Orange Manzano OW, Shane F1, 3ga. x 12nd year 2014
Goat's Weed OW, Shane F1, 3gal. x 1 2nd year 2014
'Black Pearl' OW, THSC, 3gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
NuMex Twilight OW, CPI via Siliman, 2gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
Fatali OW, Peppermania, 4gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014 
Orange Manzano OW 7gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
Plants germinated 8/15/2013:
Goat's Weed, Shane F1, 1gal. x2
Goat's Weed, Shane 2012, 1gal. x1
Aji Amarillo, Peruvian Market 2012, 1gal. x 2
Aji Amarillo, PepperGal 2012, 1gal. x 1
Orange Manzano, Shane F1, 1gal. x 3
Wild Texas Tepin, THSC 2012, 1gal. x 3
Starting From SeedBold font indicates mid-December sowing for long-season varieties.
Ghost (SP* F1)
Reaper (Sawyer 2013
Funky Reaper (Sawyer 2013)
7 Pot Burgundy (Sawyer 2013)
Bhut Jolokia Yellow (Sawyer 2013
NagaBrain (Windchicken F3 2013)
Jigsaw (Baker's Peppers 2013)
Primo (MGold 2012 pod)
Brain (Romy6 2012 pod)
Douglah (Alphanerdz via Trippa, Stickman)
Indian Carbon (MGold 2012 pod)
Trin. Scorp. (USHotStuff 2012)
Infinity (SP F1)
Butch T (SP F1)
'Scotch Bonnet TFM' (Trippa F1)
Giant White Habanero (RP F2)
Congo Trinidad Yellow (Sanarda F1)
Fatali x Red Savina (Justaguy via Spankycolts F2)
Mountain Pepper (Honduran Market F1)
*SP = seed harvested from plants from Spankycolts 2012
Wilds and Milds:
Cheiro Recife (Sean W via Stickman 2013)
Wild Brazil F1 (Shane 2012)
Hungarian Sweet Paprika (Stickman 2013)
Marconi Rosso (Hume F1)
Costeño åmarillo F1 (SoCalChilihead 2012)
Giant Jalapeño (SoCalChilihead 2012)
The items in bold font went into distilled water today, 12/15,
and will go into Jiffy pellets tomorrow.  The incubator has the
cell pack with the three Giant white Habanero seeds that
germinated planted in it:

Water added after pic taken:

Just a quick update on the wild Texas Tepins.  This one has the most ripe pods; all will have to go to the greenhouse when and if I need space for starts in party cups:
Devv said:
Most excellent Paul!
Those ladies are huge! And pretty!
Thanks, my friend!  the sun makes them look better!
My grow shelf has pretty much been turned over to veggies.  The T5HO lights work great for germinating seeds in cell flats.
Lettuce, kale, mache and some peppers:

Marigold plants:


Penny's tomatoes:

Some other tomatoes:

Here's a closer look at the pepper starts.  The seeds were brought to me by the same friend that brought me the Peruvian Market Yellow Aji seeds.  She recently
took a tour of the Holy Land and Middle East and brought back some pepper seeds.  There are three different ones, but she doesn't remember anything about
them other than they were hot.  So here's a mystery!  I planted all three.  One was 0/2 germination, the second 3/4, and the last 6/6.  I'm just calling them
MidEast II and MidEast III until we can i.d. them at some point.  They appear to be healthy little starts.  I transplanted three of each the day after this pic:

That's it for this update.  Will try to get a few individual plants with some interesting aspects the next week or two, and then update again after plant out, hopefully
beginning in two weeks.  Right now I'm all dressed up and nowhere to go     ;)    Happy hump day; weekend on the horizon!
Alright! Mystery peppers from the Holy Land - I can dig it!
Your marigolds made me think that I need to plant some of those too.  Pest deterrents...
Your garden shots on the previous page are beautiful, almost to the point of causing me to suffer the sin of jealousy. 
Plants outside are looking real nice Paul. With pots that big, they really have room to get massive.
Indoor veggies and marigolds look good too.
Pulpiteer said:
Alright! Mystery peppers from the Holy Land - I can dig it!
Your marigolds made me think that I need to plant some of those too.  Pest deterrents...
Your garden shots on the previous page are beautiful, almost to the point of causing me to suffer the sin of jealousy. 
I thought you might like that!  Yeah, she brought the seeds back in a tea bag and a sugar
bag with hebrew writing on them, but I'm not certain they came from Israel.  Will have to
find out some more stuff about them; she gave my wife the seeds and I haven't talked to
her yet.
The Marigolds are great - easy to grow, bloom all summer if you keep the spent blossoms
cut off, and are very colorful.  Pest deterrent is a bonus!  Sorry to lay temptation in your path, Andy   :twisted:
When you are an old retired f*rt like me, you can landscape your garden, too.  My yard didn't look like
that when we had children and full time jobs   ;)
HillBilly Jeff said:
Mystery peppers in a big way.  Not like you dropped a seed and it grew.  It could happen.    :rofl:Right?.   Will be interesting to see what they kick out.
Good looking plants.  Thanks, buddy!
It will be interesting indeed, my friend.  I will have a hard time being patient.  
I have no idea what kind of peppers they grow there.
Jeff H said:
Plants outside are looking real nice Paul. With pots that big, they really have room to get massive.
Indoor veggies and marigolds look good too. Got the kale in the ground today  :party:
Thanks, Jeff.  The biggest pots in the pic on the previous page are 18 gallons.
The peppers can get pretty big in them.  Even the 7-10 gallon pots produce
some large plants.   I have a few in 3 and 5 gallon root pouches.
Looking great Paul!
The mystery plants will be fun! It seems I have a bunch this season ;)
Sad thing is I can't figure out how it happened, good thing is I have eyes here to help me figure out whats what...
Glad the weather is coming around, I'm hoping all of North America can't finish planting soon.
Keep it green!
Devv said:
Looking great Paul!
The mystery plants will be fun! It seems I have a bunch this season ;)
Sad thing is I can't figure out how it happened, good thing is I have eyes here to help me figure out whats what...
Glad the weather is coming around, I'm hoping all of North America can't finish planting soon.
Keep it green!
Nothing like a good mystery.  Especially a long, drawn out one!
Plant out can't come soon enough for me!
Plants have most all been in the greenhouse the past couple of nights of mid-30's temps.  
We have a couple of days of cold weather left in this cycle, and then a few days of highs
in the 70's and 80, then back down to highs in the mid 60's.  Night lows will drift into the
mid 40's after a high 30's tonight, with a couple of lows in the 50's on the hot days.   How's
that for crazy weather.  At least it's driving me crazy   :banghead:  :crazy:
Not much to take pics of at this point, it's so crowded in the greenhouse.  Here are a couple
of Penny's tomatoes taking over half of my grow shelf!  The seeds were sown on 4/1, and
most sprouted by the 4th or 5th.


A pic of the mid-east mystery pepper starts.  I gave two to a grower friend.
These were sown on 4/5:

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Very nice plants Paul!
They will serve you well this coming season. Can't wait to see your grow outside basking in the sun.
Devv said:
Very nice plants Paul!  Thanks, Scott.  Nature is pretty amazing, eh.
They will serve you well this coming season. Can't wait to see your grow outside basking in the sun.
Oh, man, those words are   :violin:  music to my ears, brother   :lol:
Portuge said:
Still sowing seeds Paul? Got me thinking about Pia's grow from last season where she was always sowing seeds... Grow on buddy No harm in sowing little bit more
:rofl:  Haha, just the middle eastern pepper seed since they fell into my lap.  
They look like annumns, so I'm thinking we will get to see some pods this season.
Hope things are good down your way, James.
Pulpiteer said:
Those tomatoes are looking good! 
Thanks, Andy.  The seeds Penny gave me are great -
the tomatoes are growing so fast.  They need to be potted up from the red cups, but I'm
trying to wait until they go in the big containers.  Hope I can hold out for a week or so.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Plants are looking good.
Thanks, Jeff!
Managed to sneak in a few mini-pod shots during one of the nice days last week.  
The plants are starting to set the early little pods, and almost all of them are flowering,
so there will be more of the little guys coming on soon.  Keeping the plants out of the
cold wind should help them continue to flower and set little pods.
Trinidad Seven Pot Jonah, yellow thimbles (GaGrowhead):

PI441598 cross, peach (GaGrowhead):

NagaBrain F3 (Windchicken):

Trinidad Scotch Bonnet, chocolate (GaGrowhead):

Mountain Pepper, Honduran Market, 2nd generation:

JA Red Habanero (Devv):

Fatali x Red Savina, 3rd generation (Justaguy via Spankycolts):

Bhut Jolokia, chocolate (GaGrowhead):

Giant Not White Habanero, 3rd generation.  Many of the pods from this line look like Yellow Cardi Scorpion (Spankycolts):

Congo Trinidad, yellow (Sanarda):

At least some progress is being made.  The continuation of cool, damp weather is a PITA, but guess there is nothing to do but cool my jets
and hang loose waiting for better weather.  Hope everyone had, or is having a good weekend!
Cool you got some poddage going on Paul, down here in Cali the weather is a hot one... You know what Paul, its not even summer yet... We will survive
HillBilly Jeff said:
The PI441598 cross, peach (GaGrowhead): is pretty sweet looking
Yeah, the purple coloration is interesting.  
Portuge said:
Cool you got some poddage going on Paul, down here in Cali the weather is a hot one... You know what Paul, its not even summer yet... We will survive
Too bad we can't just average the temperatures; we'd have a sweet deal!
Devv said:
Nice looking flowering and poddage there Paul!
They're going to hit the ground running!
I hope so, Scott.  Plant out is getting close.  I hope to start this week.  
Some of the plants are more than ready for potting up.
GA Growhead said:
Beautiful plants Paul!
Thanks, Jason.  Great seeds, brother!
For all the AeroGarden folk, here are a couple of pics of the Chili Costa Rica I'm
letting grow out in mine.  The reflectors came free with my aerogarden purchase.
They bounce back a great deal of light into the lower branches of the plant.  I just
put them on today.


A couple of closer views.
New growth exploding inside:

One of the branches has escaped the canopy of big leaves: