• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2014

Grow List 2014 - Many new varieties and a few repeaters.  
This is the third year of my original three year plan to grow a slew of different
types to see what grows well here before settling on some consistent performers.  
I'd love to grow some of the new varieties from this season again, and some more
of my favorites from 2012, but not enough space.  But I have seed for my favorites for
season 2015, so I have something to look forward to already!  
Major goal for season 2014 - lay in a good supply of super hot powder!
OW Plants:
Chocolate Habanero OW, Refining Fire 2012, 3gal. x 2 2nd year 2014
Mountain Pepper OW, Honduran Market, 3gal. x 1 2nd year 2014
Orange Manzano OW, Shane F1, 3ga. x 12nd year 2014
Goat's Weed OW, Shane F1, 3gal. x 1 2nd year 2014
'Black Pearl' OW, THSC, 3gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
NuMex Twilight OW, CPI via Siliman, 2gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
Fatali OW, Peppermania, 4gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014 
Orange Manzano OW 7gal. x 1 - 3rd year 2014
Plants germinated 8/15/2013:
Goat's Weed, Shane F1, 1gal. x2
Goat's Weed, Shane 2012, 1gal. x1
Aji Amarillo, Peruvian Market 2012, 1gal. x 2
Aji Amarillo, PepperGal 2012, 1gal. x 1
Orange Manzano, Shane F1, 1gal. x 3
Wild Texas Tepin, THSC 2012, 1gal. x 3
Starting From SeedBold font indicates mid-December sowing for long-season varieties.
Ghost (SP* F1)
Reaper (Sawyer 2013
Funky Reaper (Sawyer 2013)
7 Pot Burgundy (Sawyer 2013)
Bhut Jolokia Yellow (Sawyer 2013
NagaBrain (Windchicken F3 2013)
Jigsaw (Baker's Peppers 2013)
Primo (MGold 2012 pod)
Brain (Romy6 2012 pod)
Douglah (Alphanerdz via Trippa, Stickman)
Indian Carbon (MGold 2012 pod)
Trin. Scorp. (USHotStuff 2012)
Infinity (SP F1)
Butch T (SP F1)
'Scotch Bonnet TFM' (Trippa F1)
Giant White Habanero (RP F2)
Congo Trinidad Yellow (Sanarda F1)
Fatali x Red Savina (Justaguy via Spankycolts F2)
Mountain Pepper (Honduran Market F1)
*SP = seed harvested from plants from Spankycolts 2012
Wilds and Milds:
Cheiro Recife (Sean W via Stickman 2013)
Wild Brazil F1 (Shane 2012)
Hungarian Sweet Paprika (Stickman 2013)
Marconi Rosso (Hume F1)
Costeño åmarillo F1 (SoCalChilihead 2012)
Giant Jalapeño (SoCalChilihead 2012)
The items in bold font went into distilled water today, 12/15,
and will go into Jiffy pellets tomorrow.  The incubator has the
cell pack with the three Giant white Habanero seeds that
germinated planted in it:

Water added after pic taken:

Just a quick update on the wild Texas Tepins.  This one has the most ripe pods; all will have to go to the greenhouse when and if I need space for starts in party cups:
Thanks for the nudge, Rick!
¡Right on, mi amigo!  The upcoming month of decent weather ought to get things really going for us!
The ripe pods have been early minis, but the flavor and heat is already there.  Two of my neighbors
who are chiliheads both got serious sweats and mouth burn   :rofl:       :twisted:   but they loved every
minute of it!
I need to go see your glog   :oops:
PaulG said:
Thanks for the nudge, Rick!
¡Right on, mi amigo!  The upcoming month of decent weather ought to get things really going for us!
The ripe pods have been early minis, but the flavor and heat is already there.  Two of my neighbors
who are chiliheads both got serious sweats and mouth burn   :rofl:       :twisted:   but they loved every
minute of it!
I need to go see your glog   :oops:
You're definitely ahead of me in the Chinense department Paul, but the MoAs are growing fast.
If you stop by the glog, bring a chair and a drink... ;)
stickman said:
You're definitely ahead of me in the Chinense department Paul, but the MoAs are growing fast.
If you stop by the glog, bring a chair and a drink...  ;)
I know, You have added a ton of pages since my last visit!  I'll post a pic of the MoA mini pods.

The c. chacoense var. Exile - Stc3248, is gaining momentum,  It was a severe helmet head seedling and required surgery after
5 or so days, so I count this one as a survivor!  It still has a sparse growth habit - don't know if that's typical or not:

The Inca Lost - Hippy Seed Co, has the coolest sausage shaped pods about 4-5 cm in length.  
I think they are supposed to turn red:

The Chili Costa Rica - also THSC, is flowering profusely, but no pods yet.  
The purple colors are awesome:"

Finally getting some Manzano pods to see it through!  This is on the plant I started last Aug. and wintered over:

There are several like this as well:

This is for Trippa!  One of the Mystery cross F1's pods has ripened:

And so have several of the F2 pods!  The newer pods are pointy like the F1's, so it looks like only these early pods are blunt.  
But check out the color   :shocked:     Now are there any guesses as to what Tristen's mystery cross is?

The Not White Yellow Bhut - Sawyer, is definitely 'not'.  the pods are just starting to get a bit larger.  Maybe it needs more sun:

A bunch of ripe baby Trinidad Scotch Bonnet, chocolate - GaGrowhead, very tasty, Jason!   :drooling: :

The Honduran Market Mountain Pepper is awesome.  Should be a good year.  All of the baby pods I'm showing found their
way into various 4th of July weekend barbecues   :onfire:  some of the new pods are already larger than any of last year's pods:

It's a super day here today -  89˚ in the 'back 40'   :cool:
Alright mr G! Very cool that you're poised on the edge of a great season. :)  How are the Douglah and Cheiro Recife looking after a couple of weeks? If they haven't started flowering and setting pods yet, it should be right around the corner.
Thanks, again, buddy!
We hit 96˚ in the back yard today, on a forecast of 87!  So a cigar on the deck in the shade
with a gin and tonic and four jumbo jjalapeño garlic stuffed spanish queen olives is in order  :cheers:
I hope next week's forecasts of mid-90's don't turn into 100's   :hot:
The Dougie is starting to set some pods.  The Cheiro Recife has a thousand flowers, but no pods, yet.  
Maybe the next few weeks warm weather will be more to its liking.  I'll try to grab a few images as they
begin to show something interesting.  They do look very healthy.
The Fatali - Peppermania 2012, 3rd year OW, produced a couple of mutant pods during it's long Winter and Spring sojourn in the greenhouse.  
It is only now really beginning to stretch out a little.  Will be interesting to see if the third season produces the awesome pods of the second:

The other mutant Fatali pod:

The flavor and heat were there, all right, and the scent of the opened pods was definitely Fatali   :flamethrower:
Neither pod had a single seed, however   :mope: .
The MoA Bonnet has ripened up a handful of baby pods.  Can't wait to see how this one develops:

Okay, off to download some more pics from today.  Hope everyone had a good weekend.
Great variety of pods Paul!! Loving the look of the THSC chilli Costa Rica!! Awesome to see both the F1 and F2's setting pods ... hope they taste great and have some good bite! .... interesting how compared with my f1s and f2s there seems to be no purpling on the leaves or flowers and very little on the stems either? Love that a yellow pod phenotype showed up in that F2 though ... cheers for sharing !!
Looking good, Paul.  That NWYB is a double not, not white (expected) and not bhut.  Maybe new pods will stretch out, but it doesn't look promising.  Will be interesting to hear how it tastes.
Trippa said:
Great variety of pods Paul!!   Thanks to you and other THP friends, brother!  Loving the look of the THSC chilli Costa Rica!! Awesome to see both the F1 and F2's setting pods … yeah, I'm stoked ... hope they taste great and have some good bite! .... interesting how compared with my f1s and f2s there seems to be no purpling on the leaves or flowers and very little on the stems either? Love that a yellow pod phenotype showed up in that F2 though ... cheers for sharing !!
Hey, Tristen!  The Costa Rica is a cool plant, indeed - I'll post a pic of the flowers.
The Mystery crosses are definitely purple-y with dark green leaves sand purple veins.
The stems are also striated with purple streaks that blend together after a while.  I'm letting
the ripe pods stay for now to make sure they get all the way ripe.  I hope what you see is
what you were looking for.
GA Growhead said:
Looking good Paul! Love all the color!
Have you tried a baby PI-441598 pod yet?
Glad you like the trin choc bonnets. I agree with you. Nice flavor for sure!
Thanks, Jason!   The color can never get here fast enough for me, brother!  
Then it's a race against time to ripen up pods before Fall gets too cold!
Haven't tried the baby PI-44's yet.  Sort of waiting for all the purple to disappear.
I gave the little ones I picked to a neighbor.  Can't wait of the chocolate Bonnets
to set some 'adult' pods!
Sawyer said:
Looking good, Paul.  That NWYB is a double not, not white (expected) and not bhut.  Maybe new pods will stretch out, but it doesn't look promising.  Will be interesting to hear how it tastes.
Howdy, John.  It's still early.  In my experience bhuts like a little shade in our
neighborhood, and really pick up in the cooler fall weather, so I have hope.  
I could move it into more sun - what do you think?
More in the ladybird beetle metamorphosis diaries:
Here is the cast off shell from the ladybird beetle in the pics posted earlier:

Meanwhile, one of the NagaBrains has some aphid issues, but the plant is crawling with ladybugs and their larva.  I have
also found three batches of yellow ladybug eggs on the plant, so am hopeful for victory!


These particular larvae were getting ready to pupate; here's one with it's abdomen attached to the leaf
and exhibiting that peculiar 'standing at attention' behavior:

And another already forming it's shell:

The pupae also stand up for the camera.  You can see what look like little leg bumps on the front (facing the camera)::

These girls can't hatch out fast enough to suit me!
Had to use a ladder to tie up the top branches of the
Mystery x Goat's Weed :rofl:  The top nodes were at 6'6"  a couple of days
ago.  I figure the tip of the green extension to be 7' tall :

Here are a couple of looks at the growth tips:


I'll leave this set with a back yard pic.. Weather is warm and sunny!
stickman said:
Very cool Paul! I've seen a few Ladybugs on my plants, but mostly it's been Green Lacewings here. Hey, I don't care which if they groom the plants well. :)
¡Thanks for the bumpito, amigo!
Hey, Rick, I'm with you.  We see a few green lacewings here;   
I always welcome them, and damsel flies as well!  
Carnivorous predators always welcome here    ;)

These photos are from the south end of the back yard.
The Wild Brazil - Stc3248, has a zillion flowers, and has set a few pods.  Some ripe ones here:

Two of the Aji Amarillo have put out some stout new branches from down low, and the tops are filling out and extending like
crazy.  Same for the Manzanos. The third year Manzano on the left, a mystery Palastinian pepper in the small pot, the first year
Manzano in the five gallon brown root pouch, and two Aji Amarillos on the right, one behind the other.  the longest branches on
the first year plant are 52 and 54 inches, and the Ajis have 48 inch longest branches:

The third year Manzano - Stc3248, 2012, in a 7 gallon root Pouch.  Lots of flowers
but no pods yet:

These two Ajis have started adding some wood.  Peruvian Market seed, 2012, 2nd generation:

PepperGal seed, 2012, second generation:

Starting to get some poblanos on this store=bought plant:

These mystery pods are one of the plants from the Palestine Market seed.  Any ideas?
jedisushi06 said:
Looks great Paul!
Thanks, Mike!
Just a few more odds and ends and baby pods.  Brown Eggs - GaGrowhead, starting to set some pods, as well:

This Red Bhut Jolokia - Spankycolts 2012, 2nd generation.  This plant was one of the pinch tops in the first round into
the greenhouses last Spring.  I don't know how, but several plants had their growing tips pinched, eaten or frost bit so
I have some very bushy plants!  This one took forever to recover but is now doing much better:

Primo - MGold, pod 2012.  First mini pod to ripen:

Funky Reaper - Sawyer.  Baby pods ripening up:

Reaper - Sawyer:

Brainstrain - Romy6, getting some serious color:

Chili Costa Rica - THSC 2012.   I had to pull the one in the Aerogarden - it just got to big and dense w/o setting any pods:

That's it for tonight, folks!
Yeah, I'm finding the Bhuts seem to have a bushy habit anyway once they get rolling. So far, lots of flowers but not too many pods. As hot as they are, that's OK I guess.They also seem to like really hot, humid weather, so you should be well-placed for the next week or so...  ;)  Cheers!
PaulG said:
Howdy, John.  It's still early.  In my experience bhuts like a little shade in our
neighborhood, and really pick up in the cooler fall weather, so I have hope.  
I could move it into more sun - what do you think?
Hey, Paul.  I have no idea.  Both my potted and in-ground plants got some shade last year.  These NWYBs are an experiment and there's no reason to expect everyone growing them to get true to type pods.  Hopefully someone will so we can move to the next generation next year.
Those Funky Reapers don't look anything like the parent pods, either.  Like the NWYB, they are a "not", so I suppose that isn't surprising.  Scott has some that I think are true to type that he's growing for comparison to his own FRs.  The ones you have look interesting, though, sort of like a Congo/SB/Reaper.  Have you tasted one, yet?
At least the true Reaper looks right.  :)
stickman said:
Yeah, I'm finding the Bhuts seem to have a bushy habit anyway once they get rolling. So far, lots of flowers but not too many pods. As hot as they are, that's OK I guess.They also seem to like really hot, humid weather, so you should be well-placed for the next week or so...  ;)  Cheers!
I think you're right,  my friend, all the bhuts are really growing out!
Sawyer said:
Hey, Paul.  I have no idea.  Both my potted and in-ground plants got some shade last year.  These NWYBs are an experiment and there's no reason to expect everyone growing them to get true to type pods.  Hopefully someone will so we can move to the next generation next year.  I'm going to leave them where they are.; the newer pods look promising.
Those Funky Reapers don't look anything like the parent pods, either.  Like the NWYB, they are a "not", so I suppose that isn't surprising.  Scott has some that I think are true to type that he's growing for comparison to his own FRs.  The ones you have look interesting, though, sort of like a Congo/SB/Reaper.  Have you tasted one, yet?  I picked a small one tonight that has that contorted appearance.
At least the true Reaper looks right.  :)
The newer pods are all looking different than the baby pods, and I suspect more true to form.  
We have lots of nice warm weather with warm nights for the foreseeable future , so we should
see an uptick in the numbers of 'real' pods!   Will post relevant photos when something develops!
On the insect front,  one of the ladybug pupas hatched out overnight:

This lady spent the entire day under this leaf.  I suspect this is the newly hatched beetle: 
You can see stages of the ladybug life cycle in this pic:

A clutch of eggs hatched overnight as well:

Along with these, which I assumed were undesirable shield bugs of some type and therefore transplanted:

The Mystery x Goat's Weed hit 86" (7' 2") today!  
It will be above the pole tip tomorrow:

It towers over the other plants:

NuMex Twilight starting to color up:

Black Pearl has a few red pods:

A little bit of a harvest; mostly baby odds and ends.  Balázs' Sweet Hungarian on top, and a handful of Douglah minis in the bag:
Looking great! Peppers are really loving this heat, and yours are REALLY loving the heat!
We've got a heat advisory coming up this weekend in the NW. Any plans to put up some shade cloth?
I was go to ask how this heat spell was treating you. But looks like all is great. I have learned lots from the seeds I started.
stickman said:
Have you tasted the mini-Douglahs yet Paul? I'm curious to hear your take on them. Cheers!
I cut the end off the biggest one and ate it with some steak.  Pretty darn good heat for a baby pod,
but not as hot as the Funky Reaper baby pod I had on a Chicken Wrap tonight.  Wow.  The mature
pods will be scorchers!  Taste wise, I'm not the best person to ask, they both tasted hot   :fireball:
blorvak said:
Looking great! Peppers are really loving this heat, and yours are REALLY loving the heat!
We've got a heat advisory coming up this weekend in the NW. Any plans to put up some shade cloth?
We are surviving the hot days with a bit of extra water for the plants!  They do like the heat up to a point.  How are your plants
The 7 Pot Jonah shows the most heat stress, but is producing the biggest pods!  It's the big one looming over the PI4412598
peach cross in front:  The shade cloth basically keeps the lower parts of the plants shaded from the relentless late afternoon
sun which hits these plants full on.  This is in the morning:

So far, it has worked pretty well.  This is just a mock-up with string and burlap to test the design and
work out wrinkles before investing in shade cloth.  I can already see a couple of alterations that need to be made    :banghead: :


KevinH said:
I was go to ask how this heat spell was treating you. But looks like all is great. I have learned lots from the seeds I started.
We've managed to dodge the bullet so far.  My biggest worry os thunderstorms with hail.  So far so good.  
We had a few thunder rolls yesterday but no precip to speak of.
I'm glad to hear that your season has been educational, and I hope, productive, Kevin.  

The hot weather has spurred pod production in some varieties and flower drop in others.  One that is benefitting from the
summer weather is the Goat's Weed - Stc3248, second generation:

The 7 Pot Burgundy - Sawyer, starting to set some real pods:

Some more pods on the Orange Manzano - Stc3248, 2nd generation:

The Manzano is growing up entwined in the Red Osier Dogwood that shades it:

Some of the earlier pods are starting to grow in size:

The Not White Yellow Bhut - Sawyer, and the Aji Amarillo, Peruvian Market, bushy phenotype:

Just for fun, here are the plants early last spring:  The Manzano and Goat's Weed are in the Brown Root Pouches:

And just to make ten, a Not Capsicum from the front yard.  This one is a Marinka fuschia:

​Hope everyone had a a good weekend!