• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2015

Okay, time to get the 2015 grow season underway!
Round One seeding 01/01/15, 3 seeds per plug x 2.  Dates are hook dates (as of 2/5/15).
In Jiffy Plugs:
Roatan Pumpkin……………………………...Honduran Market seed, 3rd generation………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 2, 1/11 x 1, 1/12 x 2….…100%
Congo Trinidad Yellow……………………...Sanarda, 3rd generation…………….……………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 3, 1/12 x 1……………..…84%
Fatali x Red Savina………………………….Spankycolts, 4th generation………..…….…..1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1,1/20 x 1….100%
Yellow Scorpion……………………………..Spankycolts, 4th generation……………………………..1/10 x 5, 1/11 x 1……………….……..…100%
Scotch Bonnet TFM………………………...Trippa, 3rd generation…………………...……………1/9 x 1, 1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 2…….…100%
Scotch Bonnet, chocolate………………...GaGrowhead, 2nd generation……..1/9 x 1, 1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 1, 1/12 x 1, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1..…100%
Bhut Jolokia, red…………………………….Spankycolts, 3rd generation………...……….1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 2, 1/11 x 1, 1/14 x 1, 1/15 x 1…..…100%
Bhut Jolokia, chocolate…………………….GaGrowhead, 2nd generation…………………………..1/15 x 1,1/18 x 1…………..……………….33%
Mystery Cross……………………………….Trippa, F3………………………………………..1/9 x 3, 1/10 x 2, 1/22 x 1………..……...…………100%
Jamaican Red Habanero………………….Devv, 2nd generation…………….………….....1/9 x 2, 1/10 x 1, 1/12 x 1, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1..…100%
Primo………………………………………...MGold, 2nd génération………………………….1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/14 x 1, 1/28 x 1, 2/5 x 1.…100%
Goronong……………………………………Trippa………………………………………………………..1/7 x 2, 1/8 x 3, 1/11 x 1……….……….100%
Bonda Ma Jacques x 7 Pot, yellow……..Windchicken, 2nd generation……………………………..1/7 x 1, 1/8 x 3, 1/9 x 2………………...100%
Naga Brain, yellow………………………..Windchicken, 2nd generation……………………………..1/8 x 2, 1/9 x 2, 1/10 x1, 1/11 x 1…….100%
Datil………………………………………….Romy6, 2nd generation…………………………………1/11 x 1, 1/17 x 1,1/18 x 1, 1/19 x 1………67%
In Aerogarden: 3 seeds per plug except Cabe Gendot, 2 seeds.
Cheiro Recife………………………………Stickman, 2nd generation………………………….……….1/17 x 1, 1/18 x 1, 1/19 x 1…………..100%
Lemon Drop………………………………..onefowl1………………………………………………………1/20 x 1……………………………………33%
Cabe Gendot……………………………….Trippa…………………………………………………………1/16 x 1, 1/28 x 1…………….…………100%
Inca Lost……………………………………Peppermania 2012, 2nd generation
Charapita………………………………..…Stc3248, 2nd generation
Plants already underway - top, Aji Amarillo, peruvian market, 3rd generation. Bottom, Orange Manzano, Stc3248, 3rd generation:

Ozzy2001 said:
Can I see a closeup of that bonsai. Looks pretty cool.
I'll grab some pix in the next day or two...
jcw10tc said:
Wish I wasn't 2000 miles away.   
Your plants look incredible.  Wish I had a greenhouse.
Thanks, JCW.  
Maybe you will find yourself in the neighborhood one day!
PaulS said:
That's a nice line up of plants on display in your garden :)
Thanks, Paul, they look okay on sunny days!
Jeff H said:
Plants are looking great Paul. Only a few more weeks now until they are permanently outside.
Thanks Jeff.  I'm hoping to get the Manzanos and Ajis out this weekend since
they can tolerate cooler weather.  They are getting so big, it's risky moving
them around.  They will just have to survive   :pray:   any cool nights we come up with!
The annuums and  chinenses are still about a month away give or take.   Plant
out always seems to really drag its feet  this time of year   :eh:
I was able to get plants out for a little sun and fresh air yesterday.  
Tomatoes and the Black Pearl, fourth season OW.  It will be outside from now on:

NuMex Twilight, 4th season OW.  Also outside for good.  both it and the black Pearl are setting pods:

This group of plants barely fits on the outside fence shelf:

Plants under the deck canopy for the day.  The Aji Amarillos are way tall.  Goliath is up in the rafters of the canopy:

Lots of pods on  goliath:

View up through the canopy:

C. chinenses also getting some filtered sun:

The volunteer that came up in the c. chacoense pot last year.  It's setting purple pods:

The Cabe Gendot from Tristen.  Beautiful c. pubescens variety:
PaulG said:
Here you go, Scott.  Took awhile for a decent day for taking their pics.
Sangu Kaku maples:

Pines, unknown varieties:

Japanese Black Pines:

This maples and black pines are awesome. I had a bonsai tree in college for awhile. The college lifestyle caught up with it. I have a feeling all the smoke wasn't good for it lol.
I remember seeing a Redwood bonsai. That was cool as hell looking.
Ozzy2001 said:
This maples and black pines are awesome. I had a bonsai tree in college for awhile. The college lifestyle caught up with it. I have a feeling all the smoke wasn't good for it lol.
I remember seeing a Redwood bonsai. That was cool as hell looking.
I'll bet the redwood was a real beauty, all right.
tsurrie said:
Beautiful maple and pine bonsai trees Paul...
what's the age on them?
They are around 5-8 years old.   All the maples were volunteers
except the group of maples - I sowed the seed for those in the
tray and left  it outside all winter, and a whole bunch came up.
The unknown pines are around 5 years.
The small Black Pines are around 8-10 years, and the big Black Pine
is pushing 15.  Not very old by bonsai standards.
Oops   :eh:   I forgot to include this Himalyan Pine in the 'photo shoot'.  
It is a couple of years older than the big Black Pine:
Just as a matter of record-keeping, I checked the plants that
were setting pods already while I had them out yesterday:
Yellow Aji x 3
Manzano x 2
Volunteer purple
Fatali x Savina
JA Red Habanero x 2
Lemon Drop
Mystery Cross F3, Tristen
Yellow Scorpion
Bonda x Yellow 7
Chili Goronong - setting pods without dropping the floral skirt
Congo Trinidad Yellow
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet x 2
Black Pearl OW
NuMex Twilight OW
PaulG said:
Just as a matter of record-keeping, I checked the plants that
were setting pods already while I had them out yesterday:

Yellow Aji x 3
Manzano x 2
Volunteer purple
Fatali x Savina
JA Red Habanero x 2
Lemon Drop
Mystery Cross F3, Tristen
Yellow Scorpion
Bonda x Yellow 7
Chili Goronong - setting pods without dropping the floral skirt
Congo Trinidad Yellow
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet x 2
Black Pearl OW
NuMex Twilight OW
Wow Paul if this continues you are going to end up with a record breaking season ... I hope ma nature co-operates throughout!!
In my years growing the Cili Goronong I have noticed that trait of not dropping the flowers after it has set pods ... However i have found interestingly they usually shed them later without distorting the pod shape (not that they need much extra distorting) unlike other varieties which distort quite significantly. Probably to do with the fact the Cili Goronong are quite fleshy/thicker walled comparative with many other Chinense varieties
You and me, both, Tristen!  Interesting habit of the goronong - not
dropping the flower when setting pods.  I defininitly see the misshapen 
pods even at this early stage.  If everything I have read about them holds
true, they should be awesome pods!   Thanks for those seeds, my friend -
and the Cabe Gendot.  It is a really awesome plant, as well.
I hope you are getting geared up for a super grow this season.
Paul, how cold are your nights up there? Any frost warnings, historically, forApril?

How's the zoodoo coming along?

The plants I've been putting out during the day, and bringing in the kitchen at night, are yellowing at their crowns. I'm thinking it might be caused by temp swings. They are typically exposed, briefly, to mid-40s night temps. Days have been from 50Fs-70F...drizzly yesterday, although the plants were under cover. Any thoughts on this yellowing? Indoor plants are fine, so I doubt it's a nute issue since all plants get the same.
PaulS said:
You have soooo many nice plants Paul.
Your garden must look amazing in full bloom!
Thanks, Paul.  That time seems a long way away,
but summer does have its moments here!
Roguejim said:
Paul, how cold are your nights up there? Any frost warnings, historically, forApril?

How's the zoodoo coming along?

The plants I've been putting out during the day, and bringing in the kitchen at night, are yellowing at their crowns. I'm thinking it might be caused by temp swings. They are typically exposed, briefly, to mid-40s night temps. Days have been from 50Fs-70F...drizzly yesterday, although the plants were under cover. Any thoughts on this yellowing? Indoor plants are fine, so I doubt it's a nute issue since all plants get the same.
By end of April, freeze probabilities drop to 20%.
The 10% date is May 5, so there's always a chance.  
This year looks to be on the warmer side, but AccuWeather
has us forecast for 36, 37, 38 for the next three nights, and
a 39, 37 for the 23rd and 24th, so no hurry to plant out just yet.
They don't have any 30's forecast for May, but lots (16) of
40-43 nights in May.  Brrr.
I've never had plants yellow with lower temps, they usually
just get pretty limp and need shade to recover, so I'm afraid
I'm not much help there.  Hope you get it figured out, bro.
Devv said:
Catching up here Paul.
Good stuff as always.  thanks, brothah!
Plants are ready for outside!
Plants are ready for outside, but outside isn't ready for the plants!
Hope you are feeling better and better, my friend.