• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2015

Okay, time to get the 2015 grow season underway!
Round One seeding 01/01/15, 3 seeds per plug x 2.  Dates are hook dates (as of 2/5/15).
In Jiffy Plugs:
Roatan Pumpkin……………………………...Honduran Market seed, 3rd generation………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 2, 1/11 x 1, 1/12 x 2….…100%
Congo Trinidad Yellow……………………...Sanarda, 3rd generation…………….……………………1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 3, 1/12 x 1……………..…84%
Fatali x Red Savina………………………….Spankycolts, 4th generation………..…….…..1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1,1/20 x 1….100%
Yellow Scorpion……………………………..Spankycolts, 4th generation……………………………..1/10 x 5, 1/11 x 1……………….……..…100%
Scotch Bonnet TFM………………………...Trippa, 3rd generation…………………...……………1/9 x 1, 1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/13 x 2…….…100%
Scotch Bonnet, chocolate………………...GaGrowhead, 2nd generation……..1/9 x 1, 1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 1, 1/12 x 1, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1..…100%
Bhut Jolokia, red…………………………….Spankycolts, 3rd generation………...……….1/8 x 1, 1/9 x 2, 1/11 x 1, 1/14 x 1, 1/15 x 1…..…100%
Bhut Jolokia, chocolate…………………….GaGrowhead, 2nd generation…………………………..1/15 x 1,1/18 x 1…………..……………….33%
Mystery Cross……………………………….Trippa, F3………………………………………..1/9 x 3, 1/10 x 2, 1/22 x 1………..……...…………100%
Jamaican Red Habanero………………….Devv, 2nd generation…………….………….....1/9 x 2, 1/10 x 1, 1/12 x 1, 1/13 x 1, 1/14 x 1..…100%
Primo………………………………………...MGold, 2nd génération………………………….1/10 x 1, 1/11 x 2, 1/14 x 1, 1/28 x 1, 2/5 x 1.…100%
Goronong……………………………………Trippa………………………………………………………..1/7 x 2, 1/8 x 3, 1/11 x 1……….……….100%
Bonda Ma Jacques x 7 Pot, yellow……..Windchicken, 2nd generation……………………………..1/7 x 1, 1/8 x 3, 1/9 x 2………………...100%
Naga Brain, yellow………………………..Windchicken, 2nd generation……………………………..1/8 x 2, 1/9 x 2, 1/10 x1, 1/11 x 1…….100%
Datil………………………………………….Romy6, 2nd generation…………………………………1/11 x 1, 1/17 x 1,1/18 x 1, 1/19 x 1………67%
In Aerogarden: 3 seeds per plug except Cabe Gendot, 2 seeds.
Cheiro Recife………………………………Stickman, 2nd generation………………………….……….1/17 x 1, 1/18 x 1, 1/19 x 1…………..100%
Lemon Drop………………………………..onefowl1………………………………………………………1/20 x 1……………………………………33%
Cabe Gendot……………………………….Trippa…………………………………………………………1/16 x 1, 1/28 x 1…………….…………100%
Inca Lost……………………………………Peppermania 2012, 2nd generation
Charapita………………………………..…Stc3248, 2nd generation
Plants already underway - top, Aji Amarillo, peruvian market, 3rd generation. Bottom, Orange Manzano, Stc3248, 3rd generation:

stc3248 said:
The height of that plant comes from its mama's side...which was a Tree Hab. In spite of the name it is actually an annum variety. The daddy was a Goats Weed, so it has some of those characteristics as well including some fuzz and darkening of the pods when exposed to sun. I am trying to isolate for the tallest, fuzziest and darkest pods...if I can get it stabilized with those three consistent...I will name it and pass out seeds...original seed (unintentional cross) came from Jamie (Romy6) so the name will probably reflect that.
That sounds good, I'd take some seeds :)
PaulG said:
I've only grown them in 3-gallon pots, and they get a over 2' in those.  
I'll put that one on a much bigger pot at plant-out, so perhaps much
taller.  As Shane said, this strain seems to be a bushier phenotype, so
we'll see what we'll see!
You should put one of your growdown plants next to it for inspiration!
Another great idea from a forum member!
Thanks, Paul, it can't hurt   ;)

Roguejim said:
Well, it's looking like the early seed germination (Nov.) is paying off for the Aji Amarillo.  Didn't you do the same for some manzanos?  I don't remember.
Yes, I did, Jim.  I'm hoping the weather is moderate enough
that they get a good roll on before the summer heat kicks in.
The Ajis and Manzanos are very persnickety about their climate;
If they weren't so awesome, I might not bother!
PaulG said:
Thanks, Michael.  I just started keeping better track myself.
I have two chocolate Scotch Bonnets.  I'll try to get the other
one up here tomorrow so you can compare them.  I think
they are my favorite bonnet, with the TFM right on their heels.
Woah, what happened to Psycho Clown?
Chocolate Scotch Bonnets? ... they even sound delicious ;) ... They must be good if they beat out the TFM ... All looking superb Paul ... Carry on!
PaulS said:
or maybe it would work too well! we'll all have to catch up!
Okay, just to be fair, I won't    ;)
Noah Yates said:
Wow.... no wonder your LOT is so nice.... your growing skills seem to be impeccable.
Many thanks for the high praise, Noah.  A little light, food and
warmth goes a long way with the chills!  Plus I encourage 
guardian angels to hang out around them    :pray:   and pray a lot.
Trippa said:
Chocolate Scotch Bonnets? ... they even sound delicious ;) ... They must be good if they beat out the TFM ... All looking superb Paul ... Carry on!
PM me your new addy, Tristen; I just happen to have some
seeds I can send!  Any others in my grow you'd like?
They don't beat out the TFM by more than a whisker.  
I just happen to have a thing for chocolate pods   :drooling:
Peter S said:
Paul, plants are looking great! Do you know of any pepper plant types that would be fine staying in 3 gallon pots? The local nursery gave these to me for free yesterday. :)
Nice score on the pots, Peter.  I think just about any pepper can grow in
a three gallon pot; they need to be fed and pampered a bit more.  They
just don't get as big or have as many pods.  I'd say any pepper whose
description lists a 24-30" height is a good candidate.  Some of the Thai
varieties, Cheiro Recife are two that come to mind.  I've grown some
nice plants in 3-gals, including Goat's Weed and a habanero or two.
Nice rock wall.
PaulG said:
Some of the Round One plants.  The measurements and hook dates are written on the blue tape.  
This JA Red Habanero is the plant that forked at the cotys:
That's cool that it forked that low. I wonder if it will produce double or if the weight of basically two pepper plants will put stress on that spot or what will happen.
Your plants are looking great!
Well, this glog has been busy the last couple of days.  The plants are looking great, Paul.
Regarding the 3 gallons pots, I've grown Scorpions and 7 Pots in them before.  They'll do well if you keep them fed and watered; they just won't be the behemoths they can become in ground or a much bigger pot.
Sawyer said:
Well, this glog has been busy the last couple of days.  The plants are looking great, Paul.
Regarding the 3 gallons pots, I've grown Scorpions and 7 Pots in them before.  They'll do well if you keep them fed and watered; they just won't be the behemoths they can become in ground or a much bigger pot.
Right on, John.  The smaller pots need to be fed well and kept
watered for the plants to perform.  If someone wanted to grow
a few pods for personal use, they would be just fine.
Ozzy2001 said:
Wow yeah that JA looks awesome. I hope my mango turns out like that.
Sending good vibes your way for a great Mango plant!
Pulpiteer said:
That's cool that it forked that low. I wonder if it will produce double or if the weight of basically two pepper plants will put stress on that spot or what will happen.
Your plants are looking great!
Good question, Andy.  I would have said no, but this plant is so
robust, now I'm not sure.  It's going into a big container, though!
Managed to get the majority of the plants photographed

today despite breezy, sprinkly weather.  If you can read
the blue tags, the heights are listed there.  These are all
2-liter pots, except for last Fall's volunteer from the
c. chacoense var. Exile container.



This is the yellow phenotype:


The volunteer mentioned above:






Any bumpity-bumps out there?
Runescape said:
If you still need it...bump
Those are some monster plants, though...
Thanks!  They are larger than I expected for the 2-l pots.
Plant-out, please get here soon   :pray:   I have 10, 15, and 20 gallon
containers all amended/filled with ZooDoo just waiting for the
pepper plants!
Totally off topic, but I sure wish this console didn't have a spell checker.  
It makes more mistakes than I do, and that's a lot   :banghead:  :censored:  :silenced:
Back on track.  Here are the rest of the plants.  I should have mentioned
most of these are around 10 to12 weeks along.
The other JA Red Hab:




c. pubescens:

c. baccatum:



Okay, that's it for now.  Thanks for being patient.  Will post update pics of
these at plant-out time.  Will post up the Round Two plants in the near future.
Happy Wednesday!  We are now closer to next weekend than the last!
PaulG said:
Thanks, buddy!  They are larger than I expected for the 2-l pots.
Plant-out, please get here soon   :pray:   I have 10, 15, and 20 gallon
containers all amended/filled with ZooDoo just waiting for the
pepper plants!
Totally off topic, but I sure wish this console didn't have a spell checker.  
It makes more mistakes than I do, and that's a lot   :banghead:  :censored:  :silenced:
Back on track.  Here are the rest of the plants.  I should have mentioned
most of these are around 10 to12 weeks along.
The other JA Red Hab:




c. pubescens:

c. baccatum:



Okay, that's it for now.  Thanks for being patient.  Will post update pics of
these at plant-out time.  Will post up the Round Two plants in the near future.
Happy Wednesday!  We are now closer to next weekend than the last!
Wow, you and Cappy really let your plants grow tall in small pots.  At least, they seem small to me for the size of the plant.  I must be doing things wrong, potting up so soon, the minute I see roots circling the bottom of the pots/Solo cups.
Roguejim said:
Wow, you and Cappy really let your plants grow tall in small pots.  At least, they seem small to me for the size of the plant.  I must be doing things wrong, potting up so soon, the minute I see roots circling the bottom of the pots/Solo cups.
Hey, Jim.  I'd like to pot them up, but there isn't enough room in my greenhouse for
larger pots   :confused:   When plants fill their pot with roots, they start putting their energy
into growth.  I transplant seedlings into cups as soon as the cotys are green, then
into 2-liters when the roots are poking out the bottom of the cups.  these are now
full of roots, so the top growth takes off.  Plants can get large in the Solo cups, even,
as you can see in Cappy's pix.
The trick is to keep them well fed in the smaller pots - I water with fish and
cal-mag every watering, and spray with kelp once in a while.  When in these
2-liter pots, they are sort of in a holding pattern, but they are flowering.
The Ajis and Manzanos on the last page are in 1.7 gallon pots, and you can see
how big they get, and are setting pods.
I can't wait to get these babies into some full-size shoes!
Jeff H said:
Plants are looking very nice Paul. I find it amazing how fast yours are growing. You feeding them something special?
Thanks, Jeff!  I think the plants get their micro nutrients from the Fox Farms combo,
and Cal-Mag.  The fish fert gives them the green vegetative growth, at least that's
my whacko conspiracy theory     :crazy:     :cool:   
I can hardly wait to see how they respond to the ZooDoo!
Sawyer said:
Man, you're plants are healthy.  Have you found the baccatum to need anything different in terms of culture than a chinense?
At least everyone got a couple extra "PaulG quoted a post you made"  Boy, if that isn't a red letter day  ;)
Hey, John; thanks, buddy!  They may need something different, but I just give them
the same treatment as the rest.  They can take cooler temps than the c. chinenses,
for sure,  at least that's my experience with the ajis and manzanos.  Not too sure
about the Lemon Drop, this is my first try with it.