• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Penny's Glog....sort of :)

Hey everyone,
I've been posting away in other people's Glogs, and I thought it was time to show off my gardens, so its not really so much of a Glog as it is pics....if this is in the wrong spot, please feel free to move it to the appropriate spot Mods...



Ok folks....here is my list so far, all started yesterday....its a mix of both peppers and tomatoes.....

Its a mixture of tomatoes and peppers....

calabresse marzetto pepper x2

mrs maxwells pink beefsteak tomato

7 pot yellow pepper

green Serrano pepper

Coeur de beouf tomato

indigo rose blue tomato....trial

kardia karpos red f5 tomato.....trial

sweet paprika pepper

big orange from amuz tomato

black seaman tomato

Hungarian tomato pepper

hot paper lantern habanero pepper

aji omnicolor pepper

petite Marseille pepper

esplette pepper

amish paste tomato

pink tiger pepper x2

aji pineapple pepper x2

black pearl pepper

bugarian tomato

Croatian bullheart tomato

jimmy nardello pepper

Egyptian tomato

Oregon spring tomato

McClintocks big pink tomato

That's it so far...when you start your seeds.......post away!!

Started today,,,, :dance: January 7th 2014 :dance: ....I couldn't work today and I didn't go to Toronto, so here are some more seeds I started. 

Macedonian tomato

thai dragon pepper

black pearl pepper

Anaheim pepper

catarina pepper

pink ping pong tomato

pepperoni pepper

manx marvel tomato

antonovka tomato

japenese black triefle tomato

pailette aranconi pepper

pasilla poblano pepper

purple tiger pepper

big jim pepper

santa fe grande pepper

peach habanero pepper

ancho pepper

jelly bean tomato

black zebra tomato

bhut jolokia pepper

that's it for today....
Very nice list Penny. :)
I see a lot of people mention the Aji Pineapple.. Someday I'll have to get my hands on those seeds and try them (if I ever have the room lol).
Nice List Penny....

Coeur de beouf tomato...thats one wierd lookin mater, you grown this before?
JJJessee said:
Nice selection of peppers and tomatoes, Penny.
You'll need some onions, and cilantro too, for the salsa :)
Agreed... nice list! Another reason you might want to companion plant onions/garlic and cilantro is to repel pests (alliums) and attract friendly insects like ladybugs and Lacewings (cilantro). Basil and borage also repel tomato hornworms and french marigolds repel root-knot nematodes... especially if you till them under at the end of the growing season.
Awesome set up Penny and love da list, pics & updates = )
Just came back from a northern stay and I noticed a second Everglades popped up, only one inch but the other one is now over a foot and flowering so I should have some seed in the next few months for ya, as long as I don’t kill them, lol.
Wow your winter shots are killer and a foot stopped da planes from flying in NY, lol. While I love to visit and see da snow once in a blue moon, I’m not sure how you northern pepper loving peeps do it, hats off \o_
Hab a great weekend = )