• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Penny's Glog....sort of :)

Hey everyone,
I've been posting away in other people's Glogs, and I thought it was time to show off my gardens, so its not really so much of a Glog as it is pics....if this is in the wrong spot, please feel free to move it to the appropriate spot Mods...



stickman said:
Nice tomatoes Miz Penny... have you got them living in a heated garage?
That last picture, is at our shop, Brad has a CNC machining and welding shop, and that is on the weld shop side up on a mezzanine, where its gets heat, there are ceiling fans for circulation and lights installed for me, plus its up out of the way.
Going up there now, so ill get some pics of my pepper sprouts.
Nice start Penny! :)
I see so many people post pictures of sprouts that are cluttered like that and the one thing that instantly crosses my mind is always - how do you safely transplant them when they're scattered like that?
When I first started learning back in the spring/early summer I sorted did it that way, but it drove me crazy & the bit of perfectionist in me took over. Ever since, when I plant I only put around 2-3 seeds, carefully, in the center and thin out to whatever one comes up that I feel is the strongest (or just that I like the look of best lol).
More seeds planted lastnight (January 13,2014)...
Carolina reaper x3
spicy bell pepper x2
Tobago treasure pepper
piñata jalapeno
aunt lou's underground tomato
pink ping pong tomato x4
green zebra tomato
cracked jalapeno`
calapeno thunder x3
champagne habanero
golden pineapple tomato
speckled roman tomato
black zebra tomato
chilli whisperer said:
I bet your garden will be so full of different colors,its gonna look like you've gt a rainbow in there :P
I'm hoping so, that's the plan anyway....we'll see what the weather is like here this year.
How are things coming along in yours? Still no seeds yet? I told Lourens I would resend again in a few days, if nothing shows up.
Yes,I'm sure the weather is quite nice there right?
Things are great,gave the peppers and my tomatoes enough water today
Things will get pretty hectic now since its back to school tomorrow :(.at least flowers are starting to develop :D
Unfortunately not yet,I'll be checking the post office this weekend again :)
Sprouts look great Penny.
Penny said:
That last picture, is at our shop, Brad has a CNC machining and welding shop, and that is on the weld shop side up on a mezzanine, where its gets heat, there are ceiling fans for circulation and lights installed for me, plus its up out of the way.
Going up there now, so ill get some pics of my pepper sprouts.
Hey, the nice thing about having the lights at the welding shop is that you'll never notice the electric bill going up. A single 250 amp welder does more damage to a utility bill than a whole room of grow lights.
With the grow list getting so big, you're going to need more raised beds. Have hubby weld you up some. :lol:
Penny said:
More seeds planted lastnight (January 13,2014)...
Carolina reaper x3
spicy bell pepper x2
Tobago treasure pepper
piñata jalapeno
aunt lou's underground tomato
pink ping pong tomato x4
green zebra tomato
cracked jalapeno`
calapeno thunder x3
champagne habanero
golden pineapple tomato
speckled roman tomato
black zebra tomato
Your on a roll Penny..Do you like Green Zebra tomato?  I grew one back in 2009.  The plant did not seem to happy where it was, and the few little fruits I got where firm and sour.
Someone said I did not eat it in the ripe stage.   Maybe I'll give it a second chance.  I'm the one strike and your out type of grower.  I know your suppose to at least try a variety
twice before saying it's no good.