making-powder Pepper Grinders??

I was wondering what most people used to grind up dry peppers to make a powder or shaker version of their harvests? Do you simply use a pepper mill, like what you would use on your table for black pepper, or am I off base.

I have heard so many people on here talk about gold habs flakes on food, or bhut flakes on food. What is the common method of grinding?
Thanks for the replies, is a food processer out of the question? Thats what I was considering using.
I really love my Magic Bullet because it works soooo well, plus unlike the coffee grinder that I had before, it keeps all of the pepper dust contained. My coffee grinder seemed to allow some of this dust to escape and I would end up with a snout full of pepper dust.
I use a coffee grinder now but as has been said, the "powder" from the peppers ger into the air qnd make it hard to breathe without coughing...I am getting ready to get a Silver Bullet at Kohls...thanks Paul...
I use a cuisinart to start then a coffee grinder for fine powder. I never notice it in the air until opening the grinder, then beware:mouthonfire:
I also have a peugeot pepper grinder with a pre-grinder that works well for small peppers like tepins, pequins, malaguetas etc.
I use an extra old coffee grinder too, works pretty well. If they are too big I'll chop up first or stick 'em in my Cusinart for a bit first.

Ya can usually find them at thift stores for next to nothing. Heck, I recently saw a nice Krups for $3 at Value Villiage. :)

Just let it settle a bit before opening...ya don't wanan breath that.

Also, forego the impulse to smell it...made that mistake once..owwww!

I use a Magic Bullet too. However, don't do what I seem to do every time I grind up peppers. Namely, rub an eye without washing my hands.
I have a small 2 cup food processor and it is ok but does not grind the seeds...
I am thinking a coffee grinder would work better .

I also collect non refillable salt and pepper mills from my local red lobster and pry off the top and fill with a mixture of sea salt pepper corns and this years runt nagas.

good for soup.
The other nice thing about the Magic Bullet is that it can be washed in the dishwasher and that makes clean up a breeze.

I want to thank HPFF for the suggestion on getting one several months back. It has been in constant use since :)
Okay...You got me there. I'm sure that I would have because the coffee grinder always left me with burning sinuses. :lol: But your raving review of it helped nudge me along...:lol:
I'd planned to buy a magic bullet but Sunbeam had similar item for less...magic bullet $62 and Sunbeam for $29 so I went with the cheaper one..could see no difference except in the number of containers in the box. I haven't used it yet but will soon be trying it out. Also have a little coffee grinder.

Thanks for the advice, I will probably start out with a coffee grinder first and then maybe graduate to the magic bullet. I cant wait to string some habs up for drying. :)