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Pepper People are the Best

Jamie (romy6) hooked me up for my birthday!  He is indeed a class act and one of the most generous people I've had the pleasure of knowing.  Thank you Jamie!
Came home to the best ever !!! care package today!!!   :dance:
It is a privilege to have peppers from the brightest grower I know!
From my favorite cracker,,,Prodigal !!
Thanks brother!! everytime I glance at these peppers,,I just say "WOW!"

A few items ,,for scale.
These pods are monsters!!

I cant quit smiling brother!!

Oh no!!
Hell No!!
It dont stop there!!  :P
My brother from another,,,
Sent this my way today!!  :dance:

Barbeque,,,,roll a few , ,,and throw up a duece!  :cool:
Thank you Jamie!!!  
Pepper people definitely are the best. Only been here a couple of weeks and already have plenty of varieties to grow next season thanks to Seacowboy. Got a package in the mail with seeds for 18 different varieties, as well as 2 packs of powders. I honestly can't believe the generosity shown by everyone on here and can't wait to be able to contribute myself.
wayright said:
Came home to the best ever !!! care package today!!!   :dance:
It is a privilege to have peppers from the brightest grower I know!
From my favorite cracker,,,Prodigal !!
Thanks brother!! everytime I glance at these peppers,,I just say "WOW!"

A few items ,,for scale.
These pods are monsters!!

I cant quit smiling brother!!
Oh no!!
Hell No!!
It dont stop there!!  :P
My brother from another,,,
Sent this my way today!!  :dance:

Barbeque,,,,roll a few , ,,and throw up a duece!  :cool:
Thank you Jamie!!!  
damn - you are lucky that the NSA didnt get their hands on this package .... those are truely WMD :D
cheers Al
I wanted to sample silver surfers sbj7 as mine now they from dormant to spider mite infested and now wilt. Just when it was gonn flower up. Oh well. Came home to this yesterday. Completely forgot about it.

And I believe these are the sepia serpent

Thanks so much.

Also met a person on FB who makes jerky!! Wow. Never again will I eat plain or store bought jerky!!

Thanks Paula !!! Pepper people rock!!

Can't forget about garys nagabrains.

Giant yellow 7s. Seeds from THSC

So blessed by great folks on here
 Three boxes of love in 2 days. Chili Friends are much better than you usual friends you see every day. 
1st Walkgood hooked me up.

Then came home yesterday . Two boxes from my PA brethrens
Brain ( justaguy) totally hooked me up

And just down the road from Brian JOhn ( Prodigal_son) came thru with some equally amazing pods

Life is good !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hell yea Ryan!! :dance: 
 I got a box of PA luv from brother John yesterday also!!!
His peppers are the shit fo sho!!!

Thanks again cracker! It is sweet to set my grocery list according to what goes good with each type of pepper!  :cool:

Pepper people are badass!
I have to give a shout out to a couple of my friends here on THP.

Pex, thanks for the sauces man! Absolutely loving the Hornet Bomb! I have only tasted the Revenge BBQ on a spoon so far but I love the flavor.
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DarthPepper! Wow man! out of the blue, this box shows up with a nice variety of huge peppers!
Oh my... a lot of heat in that box! Thanks bruddah!

And hey, if you or anyone else can ID these, that would be great. a couple here I have never had before and would love to know what they are!
View attachment 7084
Crappy iPad pics, sorry.
Yup,,,thats wassup!  ;)
I see this package on the front porch today,,and as soon as I see it is from Terry,,I RUN inside,,drop everything and start tasting!  :P
Dayumm!!!   I have never seen the colors pop like they do on this puree! 

The smell is intoxicating

I jumped into the Naga puree first!!  :hot:  :fireball:  :hot:
A sweetness to start,,then pure fire!!  

I planned on tryin them all at once,,but my mouth says wait a minute! :rofl: 
Thank you again Buddy,,This stuff is gold man!!