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Pepper People are the Best

I've been a lurker way before I became a member. I can say that signing up and interacting has definitely brought me in much deeper "to the dark side", and will help me be more successful. I've been working my way backwards in the growing hot peppers forum (659 pages at the moment), and it is truly incredible how the knowledge of growing has progressed since inception.

I've been working on a few micro experiments in the last few months, and it has been amazing how some members have offered to assist. I especially want to thank Acprkit and CraftyFox for supplying some seeds for the effort. The CraftyFox box also had some assorted pods that I just today turned into a rockin' nacho salt seasoning - including those piri piri.

Also, Canedog jumped in with some info and a good assortment of seed varieties to get me running down the pube route (something that is totally new to me). Yea, I'll fail at some, and succeed at others, but such is life.

The positivity of this community is unlike any that I have ever joined or lurked in before. Thanks members and thanks moderators.
Ah, the notorious Cane Dog strikes again! Using slicker'n snot sublingual addressing tactics, the "package" did indeed arrive, in fact was hand delivered due to a lack of postal recepticle on the roadside. I also received a curious smile from the mail lady...

But I think you generated some undue curiosity--it appears someone in the line of transfer and delivery tried to peek...

But everything appears intact on the inside, a lot of evil little black pills that I have no doubt WILL have the desired evil effect on those who imbibe when they achieve maturity...

Dog, there is NO more colorful presentation of gift seeds! Makes me want to put 'em straight to dirt! The Big Jims are getting a traditional portion of the 8th acre, and I intend to plant ALL of them!

Thank you so much,!!!PPATB¡¡¡
I never new about this part of the forum until Bhuter put me on... That said...

1st PaulG 11/2018...I was interested in Trippaul threat to taste and was blown away with dozens of white pods I made in into powder... she's a hottie! That was F6 and F8 has continued Thank you PaulG for continuous support and comments...this notice was over do...

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POLLENNUT sent me some seeds with his documented VSRP and a few other varieties! Awesome sir thank you! I have sunk 4 seeds and am anxious to continue your experiment. I will start a seperate post with progress and forward fresh fruit from the seed plant... fingers crossed cheers!!!

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PaulG said:
Awesome hit from Pepper Guru. A couple of really
nice c. praetermissum varieties. Check out the pro
labeling. Thanks again, Rich. Always a pleasure to
trade with you!
Those are some beautiful flowers indeed. Being new to this group, I don't know if you hybridize or not, but I would toss some of that pollen on some of your C. baccatum and keep my fingers crossed... mainly because I think the flowers are just as impressive as the fruit on some of these plants and that kind of thing excites me. Rich is one cool cat and I'm happy to have been able to interact with him just a bit.
Bookers said:
POLLENNUT sent me some seeds with his documented VSRP and a few other varieties! Awesome sir thank you! I have sunk 4 seeds and am anxious to continue your experiment. I will start a seperate post with progress and forward fresh fruit from the seed plant... fingers crossed cheers!!!

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For those of you that don't know me, I love flowers as much as the fruit and the foliage as well.... so many of my crosses have variegated genes, purple flower, pink flower, green throat, etc. type genetics. It is a lottery as to what you will get with these seeds, but I can tell you Pepper Guru has already hit a few winning lottery tickets with some seedlings showing variegation already from his own line of F1 plants I sent him last season.
It is an honor to be a part of a group sharing seeds, plants, etc. Thanks for the warm mention Bookers.
Just got a package from Harry and wow, way more than I was expecting. I may have to open another quarter acre just for the varities he sent.

Also got some more from a trade on reddit. This guy is from Canada and sent me seeds last year when I had none, and didn't want anything back in return. I had made some homemade hot sauce, and sent him a few bottles back anyway.

Also made an order from Justin at WhiteHotPeppers because of a customer request and he included extras as usual.