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Pepper People are the Best

From BDASPNY. Thanks a million, Scott!

And these all the way from Italy! Mille Grazie, Leo72!

Thanks, Leonardo!
Love sending and receiving seeds from all
over the world. International PPATB!
PaulG said:
Is anyone else seeing the incredibly ugly ads
in many of the individual posts? Just started
seeing these today...
Other than the banners at the top of homepage, no. I use multiple platforms to, from Chrome on the PC to Ad Block Plus on the Android and now Silk on the good ol' Kindle 8.

Ad Block Plus ain't what it used to be though...Some do get through now...But my Bloomberg Blocker isn't working very good on my tv either...might as well go cook somethin'!
stettoman said:
Other than the banners at the top of homepage, no. I use multiple platforms to, from Chrome on the PC to Ad Block Plus on the Android and now Silk on the good ol' Kindle 8.

Ad Block Plus ain't what it used to be though...Some do get through now...But my Bloomberg Blocker isn't working very good on my tv either...might as well go cook somethin'!
THP fixed the issue - Google glitch.
Back to normal thanks to Pookie!
Some new seeds for the annuum part of the grow,
courtesy of Don’t Panic:

Thanks, Mitch - the Orange Thai will find a 
place in Round Two, for sure! Being a c. chinense,
the Santa Lucia Seasoning will have to wait until 2021
:woohoo: PPATB!
I would like to thank multiple members who generously sent me seeds in recent times.


Thanks a ton. I have been not well recently and just came out of a surgery.

Sorry for the delay in acknowledging your generosity. PPATB.

Sent from my SM-G973U1 using Tapatalk
I didn’t like the posts for the mail/trade problems. Just acknowledging there is a useless / senseless problem where there shouldn’t be a problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dear roper2008,
DAYAMN, girl!

I accepted Linda's kind offer of Aji Oro seed she got from TGCM, and she commenced going right over the top!


I had to look a couple of these up, all are intriguing, thank you so much!

I'm not sure why the postmaster's sorting machines ALWAYS target the Rocoto seeds for abuse, but these look to have survived the ride!

PPAT effin' B!!!