WarrantMan said:
Truly I am a blessed member of this very unique club of wonderful people!
We all are, brother! *Strangers*, yet *Family*, all in the same breath, right?

And that*s EXACTLY what this thread is all about! Pepper People looking out for Pepper People! There isn*t a better community of people on the internet, and that*s a fact, Jack
WarrantMan said:
So well done, I cannot as though I try, exact my feelings and express my gratitude. The weight of such a gift is hard to put to words. I will leave it there, but know it will play a role of prominence in my world.
Reggie, there*s nothing I could post here that could possibly express MY gratitude for your kindness and generosity since you found us all here, at THP. Nothing at all. Even our private conversations couldn*t even possibly begin to cover it. Anyway, I just want to say that this project was a lot of fun to make, especially knowing who the recipient was. It is, sincerely, MY pleasure. I*m truly grateful for your reaction(s) to this gift and, like I told you before, NOTHING could possibly wipe this grin off of MY face, hahaha. No way in Hell that you*re happier than I am right now, dude. No possible way
To borrow a few words from you, Warrant Man:
*To you, Sir, I tip my hat!*
And I also hoist this drink to you, Reggie. *Mutual Respeck*, lol. Must*ve been an omen at the liquor store today
Thank you for all that you*ve done, and continue to do, for all of us, here at THP and out in the *real world*, Reggie.
Im honored to be able to call you a friend, and we*re all forever indebted to you, brother!
Sláinte ☘