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Pepper People are the Best

Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
Had no clue what this pepper was but PtMD989 reached out to see if I wanted any. This arrived and added a pepper I’m now stoked to grow. PPATB
Awesome stuff!!! I'm so glad that variety has gotten around (Thanks to Bryan!) and people are excited about it!
Here are a few pics of the one I grew.

Very nice!!!!
Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
Very cool and hopefully mine look as good as yours brotha. It makes me excited cuz my Aleppo died before I got fruit so this should make up for it  :party:
did these start with you?
I believe so. They were at my local nursery a couple years ago. I saw SYRIAN and thought, 'SCORE!!!!!' Lol. But the distribution is all credited to Bryan (PtMD989).

Thank you for the accolades!!!!
Ya’ll got Bhuter to “blame “[emoji1787]. He threw it in as an extra add on, on some free seeds he sent me. I was blown away by how good it was dried. Then I thought ,”this is too good to keep to myself “ [emoji16]. Thanks be to Bhuter[emoji16][emoji106].

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I am most proud again to be able to post on this thread! I came home to a box at my door stoop quite worn looking and labeled - sent from Australia. I knew immediately from "whom" but has no idea it was coming nor a clue as to the contents. Holy smoke! I was floored as well as a bit choked up. "Clown car/kitchen sink" package no doubt. Packed to the hilt. 
The spread...

Nice letter and behind it notice the Coke can. Apparently they run the same campaigns in other places with regional phrases...  A beer mug from Carlton and United Breweries (one of the oldest running Australian brewing outfits with a long colorful history) and a coozie from yet another brewery.

A wooden Victoria Police carved plaque. So awesome! Will be in a place of honor in my collection. So cool!!!

A book on early Australian criminal phrases and slang. How unique, I've been reading this since I got it. This will find the rounds with those I share my library no doubt. Well researched, I may try to bring back a few of those words...(social experiment)  :shocked:

An Australian flag to add also to my vexillological collection... I will fly it.  

Some great looking Culley's hot sauces from New Zealand

two Gold medal winning Melbourne hot sauces

An Australian penny fashioned into a "Slouch hat" brooch... totally cool...


And the coup de grâce - 


That's right, I'm the proud owner of a corkscrew made from genuine, certified, homegrown Australian Kangaroo balls!!  How cool is that!!! 
How generous, well thought and so unexpected. I really don't have words decent enough to express my appreciation.
Cheers Shorerider!  :cheers:
I'm glad it finally made it safe and sound Reggie, I sent that package over a month ago, the suspense was killing me.
The Kangaroo balls..........well you see, Reggie had called me "numbnuts" on a number of occasions. It's a term we use here also, so once they presented themselves, I had no other choice but to include them in this package :lol: . They also come in a bottle opener for those interested, however there is no gearshift knob option.  :rofl:
You are most welcome, "Old mate". I hope you enjoy everything, I tried to tailor it to your interests as best as I could. You are one of the nicest, and most generous people I have ever come across, if ever I get arrested, I hope it is by you........ :rofl:
Truly I am a blessed member of this very unique club of wonderful people! Today found me with yet another box at my stoop - as large as the porch itself...

what does the box contain?

hold on...

oh man!! Killer!!!

Inscription, made my eyes water and lump in my throat...

From the bottom of my heart I say THANK YOU!  PPATB!!!!!!!!!!
I have been very lucky in my life, lucky in fact to still be alive, but more importantly I am lucky to have met some really nice people here on THP! Thanks Iron Mike!
Edit: I initially thought that Mike had done the detail work via laser apparatus, only to discover that it was done "all" by hand. So well done, I cannot as though I try, exact my feelings and express my gratitude. The weight of such a gift is hard to put to words. I will leave it there, but know it will play a role of prominence in my world.  :cheers:
WarrantMan said:
Truly I am a blessed member of this very unique club of wonderful people!
We all are, brother! *Strangers*, yet *Family*, all in the same breath, right? :)
And that*s EXACTLY what this thread is all about! Pepper People looking out for Pepper People! There isn*t a better community of people on the internet, and that*s a fact, Jack

WarrantMan said:
So well done, I cannot as though I try, exact my feelings and express my gratitude. The weight of such a gift is hard to put to words. I will leave it there, but know it will play a role of prominence in my world.  :cheers:
Reggie, there*s nothing I could post here that could possibly express MY gratitude for your kindness and generosity since you found us all here, at THP. Nothing at all. Even our private conversations couldn*t even possibly begin to cover it. Anyway, I just want to say that this project was a lot of fun to make, especially knowing who the recipient was. It is, sincerely, MY pleasure. I*m truly grateful for your reaction(s) to this gift and, like I told you before, NOTHING could possibly wipe this grin off of MY face, hahaha. No way in Hell that you*re happier than I am right now, dude. No possible way

To borrow a few words from you, Warrant Man:

*To you, Sir, I tip my hat!*

And I also hoist this drink to you, Reggie. *Mutual Respeck*, lol. Must*ve been an omen at the liquor store today



Thank you for all that you*ve done, and continue to do, for all of us, here at THP and out in the *real world*, Reggie.

Im honored to be able to call you a friend, and we*re all forever indebted to you, brother!
Sláinte ☘
shorerider and MikeUSMC, what awesome gestures to a guy so well deserved. i have been a recipient of Reggies generosity "out of the blue" more than once. you are all "top shelf" folks. PPATB!
PS...... i thought i had heard it all here until i heard  "kangaroo scrotum corkscrew". that is over the top!  :lol:  :dance: 