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Pepper People are the Best

Fk'in aye !
Thanks John !............Pr0digal_son.......strikes again.. 
Beautiful package of pods sitting in my mail box this evening. Although J knows that after I taste test these pods the seeds will be stored away for next seasons grow.............awesome.....care package for you....soon
Chili growers are the best .
PIC 1 said:

Fk'in aye !
Thanks John !............Pr0digal_son.......strikes again.. 
Beautiful package of pods sitting in my mail box this evening. Although J knows that after I taste test these pods the seeds will be stored away for next seasons grow.............awesome.....care package for you....soon
Chili growers are the best .
Disappointed they weren't there for Thursday,I will have to get something else out soon. I have some other pubes for you to try. Just don't get them stuck in your teef :lol:

That is great lighting in that shot,no strong shadow under the pods.
I keep forgetting to post. A few weeks ago I got a random PM from randyp simply saying good morning and asking my address as he was sending me a random act of kindness box O pods!
He had trouble getting USPS to accept my address even after several tries. I assured him there is definitely a mailbox right next to my front door and we laughed. He didn't give up and shipped to my job.
A nice box of awesome pods. A bag of dried ones (not pictured somehow) and wonderful fresh ones I shared with the guys at work.
Thanks again Randy!!
Pr0digal_son said:
Disappointed they weren't there for Thursday,I will have to get something else out soon. I have some other pubes for you to try. Just don't get them stuck in your teef :lol:

That is great lighting in that shot,no strong shadow under the pods.
Thanks John,
When I didn't see it in the mail Thursday I figured it would make it Fryday....
It worked out well, grabbed the package afterwork 3:30ish....snapped a quick shot, posted, and we were on the way to Iowa City at 5 o'clock.
I used the two yellow jalapenos in a Guacamole and cut up the 3 manzanos for a cream cheese spread (saving the seeds...of course)
Apps are always great at the tailgate !
Thanks for the photo critique...
Very simple lighting.....the shot was taking down at the cutting board (on sink) perpendicular to the top of the board is the kitchen window ( facing East...4pm soft light)...( key light) ....the overhead ( fill light) was from a skylight. Lighting was 2:1 ratio. Any more light through the skylight would have evened it to a 1:1 ratio.....and would be very flat and unappealing. You can see the "catch" lights in the red manzano from the two windows.
Point and shoot camera.....hand held, sound of the shutter was around 15 sec.......no camera jar......... :lol: 
Hey dude thanks again for the pain !
pep peep rules ! 
My lucky ass came home to not one but two amazing packages . 
!st Buddy aka Terry strikes again . Huge pods . Gonna keep me lit up for a while . Thank you sir ! :onfire:

Then my man RandyP aka Randy threw me a curve ball with some of the biggest nastiest pods you can stuff in a SFRB . Thank you sir !  :party:

Pepper people make normal people look like shat  :dance:
As a few knOW my plants and plot are contaminated again.... thanks for those that refuse my money and share the heat so I can share.with my friends and coworkers

All care packages recieved all through summer
Alex N from Facebook hooked it up when I visited him....

Thanks to seacowboy. ..Jason for keeping me warm for the summer. ...

Justin white.... than you for growing  out the seeds I shared with you. Always great to see folks grow them

Glad to see Matt golden have such beautiful pods ...large at that too

Sent OCD.chili ..chuck some seeds off orange habanero thst were bonnet shaped a d was kind to share his grow

IGNITE aka stephan another great person just loves to share

and finally last not least.. one of the most giving pepper on this forum.. James aka Romy... some awesome pods and great smelling powder!!
AZ-Mason said:
Want to thank Joyner for all the giveaways he did last week, and I was lucky enough to win one! Great powder, man.

Also want to thank Growtheheat for the giveaway he did, and SuperHot too! This forum rocks!
Glad it finally arrived, all my shipments this past week took MUCH longer! Guessing the holiday was to blame. 
Mad props go out to 96Strat. I won one of his contest for seeds. Well he decided screw the seeds and sent me a box of fresh pods rather. And badass pods at that. The highlights were some of Judy's giant Bhutlahs, and Madballz 7  that he grew. The Madballz is the most aggressive and painful pepper I've had. It was not the hottest, but it hurt so bad so fast in so many ways. It must have a really unique capsicum make up. It really was different than anything I've had this year. There was a couple of perfect pheno Reapers in there to.
All in all, it was a superstoke.
:onfire:   :cheers:  Thank you 96Strat, for your Awesome Generosity :clap:
Buddy, if you read this, I hear you have some coming your way. Watchout! for that Madballz, It will put your tongue in a vise and give you heartattack cramps so fast it will make your head spin.
Pepper People Are The Best!
Well, there is this guy named Christopher and his peppers are epic.  He doesn't know me and I don't know him but, I became interested in his Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend.  He has been very generous in sharing seeds with me so that I can grow these nice peppers.  I called him the Johnny Appleseed of Chili Peppers.  Pepper people are the best.  Thanks Christopher!