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Pepper People are the Best

Was lookin for some Aji Omnicolor for next season grow.  Not much luck.  So I put up a classified here on forum.  
ENTER Guatemalan Insanity Pepper.  He said he had what I needed and I was really glad to get em.
But imagine my suprise when a little envelope arrived with the following !

Not only did I get my Omnicolors...BUT 6 other exotic pepper seeds AND a sample packet of Smoked Red Serrano Pepper !!
Man, talk about above and beyond!!     
WTG  Guatemalan Insanity Pepper !!!      
THANKS ! !! !                        That's one FIERY SERRANO powder I guarantee... :fireball:
I wanted to say Thank You !!!
to Shorerider 
we recently met in chat before it was removed from THP and had seen each others products discussed in other threads. Well, we agreed to do a trade 
(not cheap shipping for either of us, as i am in US and he is in AU  )
anyway I received his package today with the following inside;

I have only tried the Rocoto-Loco so far, and I love it :D
Shorerider  I am fortunate to have met you before Boss closed down Chat, and we had an opportunity to become friends, and even to trade products.
I only hope that you are as pleased with mine :)
thanks again mate,
Listen up Pepper People!
I made friends with a person all the way across the country who shares our interest in peppers and other garden varieties!  Sandy (aka Wiri Wiri) sent me some live plants that arrived today!  Among them, Bolivian Rainbow (mine died in a sneak attack by aphids), Wiri Wiri, Pequin, Tabasco, Peri Peri, Aji Cito, wild ginger, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Cumari, and others!  She did such a nice job of packing these by hand with the care of a true enthusiast.  She even sent me some Vitamin "P's" in a small zip baggie.  Potted up immediately in red solo cups and a drink of diluted B-1.  Thank  you, Sandy!  She is your friend, too!
Vitamin "P"


I want to say a big THANK YOU to my good mate GIP, for sending me his end of our recent trade.

An assortment of his award winning jams, and an awesome selection of powders. He also included some candied peppers.  :woohoo: 
I'm glad to have finally received some of your delicious creations, which are so talked about on THP. I'm also glad to have become friends with you in chat before it was closed, I hope you enjoy my products as much as I'm sure I'll enjoy yours.
I'm sure this is the first of many trades I hope we'll share.
Thanks again my friend.
First of all shout outs to juanitos peppers.... a Facebook friend this year got diagnosed with cancer...because of it SHE was unable to deal with it at that time and didn't sow any thing at all (she usually grows a ton and shares them all..) I asked juanitos to send her some plants and I'd pay for it..I messaged him how much as he has yet to reply...I'm sure my FB friend thanks you and he will get it in return 10x...

Also thanks.to another FB buddy Dave in Miami gardens FL for sending these awesome peppers.

     So my wife and I were just sitting down for a quick lunch before we head out to the river to go canoeing. Right as I was about to take my first bite, I saw the mailman walk up to the front door with a SFRB in his hand. I knew right away what was inside so I put my hotdog down and went to get the mail.
     The other day, sicman posted a contest on THP offering a free box of Florida's finest to the first member to respond. I won and here are the peppers!  :dance:​ 

     Oh boy, are these some beauties! First I grabbed what I'm assuming was a Red Savina and sliced it onto one of the dogs. Picture perfect, blemish free pod, inside and out. Loads of delicious, aromatic red hab flavor that I've been missing all winter, too!
     Next up was one of those elongated, warty yellow pods seen above. I have no idea what it is, but it's got awesome flavor and it's pretty darn hot. I can tell you now, both of these will be in my 2017 grow! 

     Thanks for burning my face off, sic! Your pods are excellent. Flavor, quality, variety - the whole package. They're also very welcome since it'll be a little while before I get any chinense pods of my own.  :cheers:
sicman said:
Now thats hot dogs.
     Hell yeah! Those pods had me burping up chinense flavor all afternoon. I loved each and every one of them!  :drooling:
     But if you think those look good, you should see the bowl of red beans and rice I'm having for dinner. I sliced up two more of those yellow pods to put in mine. I'm in heaven!  :onfire:
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Hell yeah! Those pods had me burping up chinense flavor all afternoon. I loved each and every one of them!  :drooling:
     But if you think those look good, you should see the bowl of red beans and rice I'm having for dinner. I sliced up two more of those yellow pods to put in mine. I'm in heaven:onfire:
With that kind of heat you could just as easily choose another location and still be offering up a fine compliment to sicman's produce!
cone9 said:
With that kind of heat you could just as easily choose another location and still be offering up a fine compliment to sicman's produce!
     After eating three superhots and a Red Savina today, I will be in for that tomorrow morning!   :eek:  :flamethrower:  :hot:  :twisted: