Pepper Vendor

It's 21 over there, right? here it's 18.
Also here it's labeled as "serving age", so I guess you could drink even sooner (legally) if someone else buys it for you. :lol:
cap lover said:
what in the heck is a capsaicin id?

*sound of siren wailing*

"Excuse me, Mr. Pepper Police, but is there a problem?"

"Sir, I just clocked you at over a million Scovilles, I'm afraid I'm going to have to see your Capsaicin ID and Ring of Fire permit."
Omri said:
It's 21 over there, right? here it's 18.
Also here it's labeled as "serving age", so I guess you could drink even sooner (legally) if someone else buys it for you. :lol:

that dont work in the USA anymore, back in my day I was served beer at a small time bar with my uncle when I was about 14 on couple occasions or even county fairs - aww these are for my uncle ;) & walk away with 2 beers :lol:, like I said that dont fly no more.
wordwiz - really ? is ripley ohio trapped in the twilight zone ?
I hear enough about it on the news & in the papers that are F'ed up judicial system (theres more reason why I say its messed up besides this example) is going after anyone that supplies alcohol to minors & slap you with a fine or jail time & if that minor does something bad while under the influence from the alcohol you supplied, well you better have a good lawyer!

any place that serves or sells alcohol does not take this lightly & will do their best to prevent it. parents on the other hand walk that fineline when allowing your kid to drink or allow your kids & their friends to drink on your property.

shit you as a parent could get sued for your kid throwing a party while you were out of town & alcohol was at your house & a minor did something after leaving your house drunk. even though your out of town & didnt take part in or ok having a party there, they'll still go after you.
I wonder if someone were to fly there from the US....would we have any problems getting the peppers back home??
Eat all the peppers you want Cap lover, just don't say we didn't try to warn you first. Just no pranks on your unwilling friends.:mouthonfire: I'm sort of proud of the fact we have a thirteen year old among us.
cap lover said:
aww comeon i cant eat peppers because im a kid? thats sad :( but i cant drink because its the law ;)
I started eating chilli sauce at the age of seven and ate chillis as a teenager. I think if you weren't serious about chillis you wouldn't have joined here. I was certainly mature enough at thirteen not to mess about with hot peppers as I'm sure you are- please just don't let me see you on youtube anytime trying to show off to your mates with 'How hot you can eat' and tears running down your face. Some girls prefer the blokes that can put their hands up and say 'That's too hot for me', I certainly do. Anyway, you like chillis, you eat them, thirteen or not :)
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Eat all the peppers you want Cap lover, just don't say we didn't try to warn you first. Just no pranks on your unwilling friends.:mouthonfire: I'm sort of proud of the fact we have a thirteen year old among us.

I agree with PRF eat all you can handle but no PRANKS on friend's or family.I started at 7or8 years of age. My grandmother grew her own that she brought from Italy. I too think it is great to have a young man with us.
