
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
KingChile said:
yes and not only do u get the AWESOME deals she throws u but most of the time she throws in ALOT extra!! 
Agree! I've jumped on her buy 3 get 6 free deals twice this year, and it's ended up being buy 3 get 7 free with the extra pods thrown in on top. Had a whole sfrb of bishops crowns the 1st time, and a sfrb of black congo's the last time. It's got me wondering why I'm even growing peppers next year when I can get deals like that!
I got a nice pkg of fresh peppers from Judy . Peppers I was wanting to taste before I added them to next year's grow list. She also tossed in nuff freebies. All labeled so you knew what was what . Respect Judy 
I'm just posting a few pictures ( I hate having to use photo bucket ) . Red Devil's top left . Jonah 7 pods top left . 7 pod Chaguana's center. Then a shot of some Yellow Moruga Scorpions .
Didn't add freebie pictures ... but they are nice too 
Thanks Judy ....

Thanks Judy, all praises be to Judy! Cracked Peach Bhutdha Sauce fermented from Judy's Peach Bhuts last night to go on fried livermush, 7 cheese, scrambled egg sammich and it rocked! Without Judy I'd have starved. :mope: See? Yes, there are others. Jungle Rain/Grant carry great hybrids, Peter at de.semillas, has unusual, but if ya want rock-steady USA, go Judy. (Not to disparage Beth at peppermania or peppergal.) But this post is about Judy.
I'm still a newbie, so to ensure seeds were getting enough warmth on mats last January, I surrounded flats with 6 packs 6 flats on 2 x 4 and 2 smaller mats, with Styrofoam surrounding, towels surrounding, under foil, under car shades, cranked wood stove for days and didn't THINK about a thermostat. Fritoed those seeds. Meat thermo was reading "beer can chicken" setting. Sent Judy email. She knew I'd never done this, grown supers from seed. She sent me an email along with reduced price invoice for reorder, reduced for stupidity; I know she had a good laugh and said, "they make thermostats."  Love me some Judy, now!
Judy, Judy, Judy
How awesome is thee
For I received these two boxes of peppers
I am happy as can be
Your kindness is amazing
Your peppers are hot
What's in the second box
I know not
Seriously Judy, thank you so much.  I opened the boxes and could not believe my eyes. I expected a few, but got so much more.  Have so many Aji Amarillo I don't know what to do with them haha.  I don't really know what's in the second box so I am hoping you can help me.  I tried to guess a couple of them but I feel the only ones I am even right about are the 7 pot white and bishop's crown lol.  Please help and thanks again.  I really appreciate it. 
Aji Amarillo  :party:

Bonus box :onfire:
