• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Peppin' Ain't Easy..."3/5King's 2012"

GLOG =Good Looking Older Gentlemen or maybe Got Lot's of Gas......Today I'm going to have to go with both.....TMI....I think not.

So this will be my first GLOG. Enjoy Everyone.

Grow List

Brain Strain 7
Jonah 7
Yellow 7
Chocolate Bhut
Peach Bhut
Yellow Bhut
Naga Morich
Chocolate Scorpion

White Habanero
CGN 21500
Fatalii Yellow
Fatalii White
Aji Lemon Drop
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet
Bonda Ma Jacques
Long Chocolate Habanero

Should have the grow area set up and seeds germing by February 15th
I would but it's not mites

I've checked enough leaves under the scope to rule that out. If I had a mite problem that was affecting the entire garden, I would find some. But after looking at leaves from multiple plants on multiple days, I haven't seen but one singular bug.
That jalapeno reminds me of a scene from "my big fat greek wedding" where the aunt drinks a bit and tells the guy that they found some teeth in her a while back that had been her twin. If you haven't seen it that probably makes no sense, but it's like another jalapeno was supposed to grow on there...
Anyway, hope your leaf problem gets straightened out. At least your home grow is rockin'
Thanks Pulpiteer. I've got good things happening and I'm working on my PMA (positive mental attitude) in life. It's funny how when you are going to try and change your mind fights back the most.

Mezo, I was giving that a thought as well but I haven't found any facts to support it. Although if you over fert. The excess of some nutrients can inhibit the uptake of others. So it isn't out of the question.

After researching tonight, I've come to the realization that the best way at prevention and understanding your plants, is to be informed with every step you take and understand wha the plant actually needs befor giving it to them. If I would have done this in the first place, I believe I would have a fine looking garden but I jumped the gun, bit the bullet and jumped right in. I've learned from it, so it is still a positive outcome!
King that awesome you atleast figured out the issue and your taking the steps now for for next year. Nice harvest I am cranking out baby pods right which is still cool but not mind blowing like some of the other members here with those gnarly looking pods. Hopefully everything works out and I think you jalapeno is flexing for you. Good luck through the season
Socal, I'm not sure I figured it out but it's a start! Lol that Jap was flexing hardcore. I know what you mean. I'm getting pods too but nothing serious. (well my home garden is rocking them out but not the big garden) Thanks for the well wishes. Good luck with your plants too. I'm sure we will both be picking more pods than we know what to do with soon enough.

I'll have to say, after seeing with what other people are having to deal with; bugs, mold, weather and other problems, I will have to say I don't feel as down about my garden. It happens and we all learn from it, so yep I just turned a negative into a positive. Always looking forward and next years garden is going to be epic!

UPDATE: Things have been quiet. I haven't done much of anything with the gardens. Just letting them do their thing for now. I'm still in the process of making some AACT. Which will start a bubbling tomorrow. Today things picked up a little though. We potted up one of our Brain Strains from a 6 gallon bottling bucket to an 18 gallon bucket. It's starting to set pods too! I don't think they will get that big but they are setting none the less! I've been waiting for this.....am very excited to see these grow. A lot of the pods that we have in the garden are starting to ripen. I tried a few of them today. Pics below.

We also took 4 of the plants that we had in the greenhouse still, that were in 1/2 gallon pots and planted them in an 18 gallon bucket too. We've only got a few left in the greenhouse now. Going to have to find a place for them. They need some room to stretch their feet too!

So we had three bass that we put aside to plant in our 18 gallon buckets before pot up. Hoping this will help them grow nice and big. Circle of life baby! Things are starting to look up. I'm just going to keep plugging away and pushing forward the best I can.

Here's something I wrote the other day. I've been trying to motivate myself to do all the things I THINK about doing. If anything I hope it might inspire you to do the same.

"To not act at all...is just as damaging as to act in haste.​
Courage is not given at birth but earned through facing challenges and fears with steadfast determination and faith.​
To be afraid is to be enlightened....Embrace your hardships and insecurities.​
with fierce action being your blade, cut the ties that bind your frozen feet.​
March forward with an ignorance to all that stands in your way. Do not yield but only to your last dying breath.​
Even then, shall your victories forever be scarred upon the earth and your history will sing sweet music across the heavens eternal."​








So above, (I had to post the pictures real quick) I have a yellow Bhut ripening. Then the next two pictures were supposed to be Yellow Fatalii's but these are what I got. Red fatalii? Cross? or something else altogether? IDK.

The next pic is my first little BrainStrain! I have a feeling these plants are going to put out a lot of pods before it's all said and done. Then we have a Peach Bhut (the one with the little tail) stalled out pod but it had some kick! Then next to it is a stalled out Datil. That one had a little fire too!

Then is our "Yellow Scotch Bonnet" Another one that didn't ripen to the color I was expecting. It tasted real good but didn't really have that much heat. I'd put it at a little hotter than a Jalapeno.

The next pic is my nephew with his War tattered Cabbage. (for his school contest) man that thing got beat up bad lol. But it's a cool pic.

Now we come to my buddy and his daughter Stella Joe. She is a riot. I thought I'd put them in the glog :)

Now for a few more (Thanks for helping me with that post Sean!)

Here is the bucket we potted up into and the glazed over bass. You will serve a great purpose in life fishy!

Here is Brainy all tucked away in his new home. I just hope he beasts.

These are the four we took from the greenhouse to give a home in the garden. It is a Xena....a sweet Cayenne....ummm. The Yellow Scotch Bonnet and a Hana Carebea? I don't know how to say or spell the name at this exact moment......lmao. Oh well, I will correct it later.

Last but not least, an over view of the garden. I got most of it in the picture.

Thanks for hangin' with me through this season guys. I'm havin' a lot of fun doing this and am getting through this learning curve if it kills me. Thanks for all of the tips and advice. They are worth there weight in gold my friends.
Got them shifting colors!!! Awesome! You nephew's Cabbage came out great! Is that the one he turned in for his contest? Or did he turn them all in? Hope he did well, but above all that I hope he learned a respect and love for the garden! He's got a great teacher! Keep 'em green buddy...

Shane, his head is in the clouds. He can't focus on one thing....unless it's his Nintendo DS. He gets into the peppers with me though. He's a little wuss though. One second he wants to try something, the next second he wants nothing to do with it lol. Yeah, he is turning in that picture. Contest was grow the cabbage and take a picture of it. Haha, theirs only one more cabbage in the garden and I can't get it out fast enough! Thank you for the kind words. Hope you can get your debacle figured out too.

Mezo, it is a huge motha F..... Isn't it! If I didn't plant it root bound, I prob. Could of gotten the sucker twice as big! Maybe next year.......not!
It's good to see the pods ripen. Don't forget we have 3 good months left......maybe more if today's 98 deg temp is an indicator.
Those tubs work out well, I've been drilling 16-1" holes in each. Some folks use burlap in the bottom or "peanut" shipping insulation, woodchips...etc. Any kind of added bottom drainage helps. Additional perlite in the medium is a plus.
What are the two yellow peppers on the plank of wood?

Awesome cabbage! Did you tell your plant that you caught it a delicious bass?

Keep on growin' King, you're getting some harvest, which is always encouraging. Let us know how the tea goes, I'm thinking of doing some myself today.
Dude things are lookin good. This summer has been hard on everyone around us and especially for the peppers mon! Hot and dry as a bone brotha but i'm preachin to the choir right now. Pods look good, plants look good, life is good!
Pic- The one on the right is a Stunted Peach Bhut and the one on the left is a stunted datil....lol. They were both delicious and even for being stunted packed some good heat. Yup, I am actually thinking of starting some Early Jalapenos.....hahaha. My buddy is pissed that for whatever reason he didn't want to plant Japs. So I figure three months might be enough time to get a few huh? We might even start a few now and then overwinter them as to get a major head start on next season. We will have less variety but bigger, better plants.

Pulp! Thanks for dropping by. Did you hear we finally signed Matt Forte....can't wait for football season. I'm going to spice up the half time apps. with all the goodies I get from the garden. I did tell the plants I got them a nice little bass. I'm hoping they show their gratitude with some nice, big, healthy harvests. I'll post pics of the AACT in it's various stages. Can't wait to see how it works on the plants.

Jamie Son.....dude....this heat and drought. I don't care about the drought because I can water....but this heat makes the flowers drop and stops more from coming back until it gets cooler. Otherwise I say bring on the heat! Things are definitely looking up in the garden. Not what it could be but better than it could be too. I'm not going to make any assumptions and just wait and see what the season gives me. I'll keep fighting the good fight!

I received a nice package of Chile Tepin X Jalapeno pods and seeds from Sawdust. He's a great guy. Thanks Saw!

I also received my seeds that I purchased from Aji Joe, 24 more varieties......lol. I don't know what I'm thinking. I'll never be able to grow all of my varities! If I do, I will have to stop growing other varieties....it's a wicked, torturous decision to have to make. It's all good, I just look to the future when I have more space to grow everything that I want and thank god for the now, in that I can grow anything at all.

Good luck on all of your grows! I'll have more updates soon.
Love this picture haha...
Put some Stank under them roots!

I just counted...I have 90 varieties of seed....I'm determined to grow them all. :high: :crazy:
I feel you man, I got 40+ plants in less than 300sf of back yard including the walkways and dog are. I think my dog is going to revolt and start knocking over plants.
Poor guy, I already caught him lapping up Tea out of my AACT bucket :sick:
Hey C-Mist! Yup, I tossed that bad boy in and gave it a proper burial! I hope the plants love it. Yeah bro, you are cramming it in there lol. Whatever works. Dogs love poop! It's sick hahahahahaha. My sister's little Shepard/Boxer mix loves to eat the poop. He drug a piece up to the back door step earlier today....lmao. It's so sick.....and then he wants to come and lick your face! (Oh the little bastard peed in my room today too!.....Payback is a bitch)

I just need to find another person that I can get to plant peppers in their backyard and I'm set......muhahahahaha. The wheels they are a spinning now!