• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Peppin' Ain't Easy..."3/5King's 2012"

GLOG =Good Looking Older Gentlemen or maybe Got Lot's of Gas......Today I'm going to have to go with both.....TMI....I think not.

So this will be my first GLOG. Enjoy Everyone.

Grow List

Brain Strain 7
Jonah 7
Yellow 7
Chocolate Bhut
Peach Bhut
Yellow Bhut
Naga Morich
Chocolate Scorpion

White Habanero
CGN 21500
Fatalii Yellow
Fatalii White
Aji Lemon Drop
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet
Bonda Ma Jacques
Long Chocolate Habanero

Should have the grow area set up and seeds germing by February 15th
1) We saw the inside of your grow house-way to techno lookin, and now with the new digs....you will anger the true ghetto growers, if you continue to claim "ghetto" status. :shame: Beehunter knows this also... Use of CFL's is an automatic disqualifier as maintaining true ghettoability.....
2) ...And now ...Promix :!: ...to ghetto growers , this is similar to getting busted driving a blown vette with uncapped headers , wearing leather pants and eating a REAL MEAT cheeseburger at a vegetarian solar energy convention sponsored by PITA. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Great log man.....NEVER QUIT!
Thanks Jungle Rain!

Gnslnger, lol, it's moved up from being a ghetto, now it is section 8 housing. The pro-mix isn't the expensive pro-mix. 5.99 1cu ft. Thanks for the compliment hahaha. (If it were me I would be the guy working for PITA destroying it from the inside out. Planting a slab of rib bones in one person's desk, renting a Ford F-350 and drive it around the city under another's name and spread rumors like herpes on Jersey Shore. ;)

So here is the update since wednesday. WOW, THINGS ARE GREAT. Wait until you see the spike in growth. Everything is going as smooth as budda. (For now lol) you know how it goes. I'm on my pink cloud now, it won't last for long but I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of it while I can.

I've added a bigger fan, the other one was not cutting it. (This one oscillates) I've turned on the humidifier. Although I don't know what a good humidity level would be. (It was just really dry up there, so I have it set at 45% humidity. Guess I will adjust it and see what works. If anyone has any feedback or knowledge, feel free to fill me in)

The heat inside is sitting at a nice 80 degrees. Chile Paradise. I watered using Alaska Fish Ferts at 1/8th strength. Anyone know if I can go higher on the strength?? I'm planing on seeing how the plants like it and going from there. I don't know how often I will use it but less is more (because I'm still getting to used to fertilizing young plants) Can I foliar feed using this mix??(1tsp per gallon of Alaska) I was also wondering if it is beneficial to have a temperature rest during the 6 hours of dark vs having it a mean temperature all the time.

If anyone has any info for me, it is always appreciated. I'm learning as I go and hope that everyone who reads this glog can benefit and learn along side me. Enjoy the pics everyone.(yellow wire nut for size comparison)Thank you for looking! :)

Chocolate Bhut

Chocolate Scorpion

Naga Morich

White Habanero

Brain Strain

Yellow Bhut

CGN 21500

Yellow Fatalii

Aji Lemon



Oh and yes these are the seedlings that sat at 110 degrees for a week. Look at them go! I am still getting great germination. I think they will grow up just fine :)

Yo gnslnger your ghetto knowledge is blackbelt level!

3/5 looking good dude. Seedlings are are nice and short adding leaves ontop of leaves. As far as a heat rest my plants get one every night. I dont know if thats optimal but it doesnt seem to effect my plants and outdoors they will get it anyway.
Thanks BH. They are a lot better then they were. I need to thin them out soon.....that's gotta be a sad day lol. I've heard of ways to separate them, but I just don't know if I want to take the chance and also shock them and slow down growth. If I wanted to grow 144 plants I would have started 144 cells. Gotta cut out the fat!!

I'm thinking of turning off the heater I have up there during the dark period. We will see.

Here is something to fill in the empty days of my GLOG

Mango/Papaya Habanero Sauce

1 Papaya
2 Mangos
1/2 Medium sweet onion
1 lb Carrots
3 limes juiced
1 orange juiced
1 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
2 1/2 tbs minced fresh garlic
1 tsp fresh minced ginger
1tsp 7 pot powder
1 1/2 cup brown sugar
30 habanero's seeded

This sauce came out great. I used some for salad dressing. Will have to find more ways to test it out. Check it!

Sounds wonderful. There's just something about the sweetness of fruit with the heat that tastes wonderful.
I find it hard to thin out the plants. I've culled several, but I've also got several pots with some I just couldn't stand to kill - and now I'm out of room...
Sounds wonderful. There's just something about the sweetness of fruit with the heat that tastes wonderful.
I find it hard to thin out the plants. I've culled several, but I've also got several pots with some I just couldn't stand to kill - and now I'm out of room...

I know what you mean. I hated culling the CGN-21500....the plants just looked so nice....but it had to be done....here is the massacre.....close your eyes if you have a weak stomach...lol. bhahaha just joshin' I loved every second of it :liar:

So do you want the good news or the bad news??? Ok good news it is. My indoor grow is going well (minus the fungal gnats) I thought I had to pot up because my plants stopped growing as much (at least it seemed that way) but when I took them out they were not near root bound. I potted up anyway. (Now I'm out of space, my grow box is going to be on the next episode of horders)

Also you might notice a non chile variety in there. My nephew came home with a cabbage plant starter and showed me his sheet that came along with it. His class is participating in a scholarship program that involves the 3rd Grade throughout Illinois. The contest is to see who can grow the biggest cabbage from their start and take a picture with it to submit no later than Sept. 10. HELL YEAH. I was more than stoked to hear this. Him and I are going to grow the most biggest baddest cabbage in the 3rd Grade. (Now I have to research cabbages likes and dislikes) The teacher from his class will look at all of the pics and pic one winner to be entered into a state lottery of all the combined class winners and one (I think just one) kid will win 1000 dollar scholarship.....(I personally don't care about the scholarship....just as long as we grow the biggest badass cabbage....hahaha...I kid I kid.....but seriously... :twisted: )

Back to the chiles, here's a pic of them potted up.

Now the bad news. The grow going on at my buddy's house hit a snag. A combination of the hot weather and the damn things growing so fast, the solo cups dried up quicker than my buddy expected and the temps in the Pepper Pent House were at like 95+ degrees 24/7 for a few days. So the plants were yellowing a lil' as well as crumpling to conserve water. Other's still had some water in the soil but I think were wilting due to high temps with no rest from it. So I got there monday and my jaw nearly ripped off my face when it hit the floor. Look at what size they were just last week and then to this week, it is INSANE. So last week they went a good 6 days without needing water and now with the heat and growth explosion, a lot were bone dry in two! So we took care of the watering (oh by the way, we also had a seed tray up there that dried up and fried a bunch more of the new seedlings that I started to replace the other seedlings that were fried last time............for Pete's sake....not all did though) Now I need to find some containers to pot the big bastigles up into. I can't wait to see the root growth. Any way enough blabbing. Here are the pics.








From last week to this one, you would think I planted weeds lol
Lookin awesome man. Nice growth in one week! But i would guess they can stay in those solo cups a while longer. i used and am using plastic cups as well and the plants so look crazy big in there before the roots start to have a problem. well thats how it was in my case anyway. and if those are the plants you said were yellowing then i think they will be just fine. Look awesome to me anyway. Keep it up dude!
well, the thing is I need them to stay moist for longer and not drink so dang fast. So that is why I am potting up. It gives me a little time cushion (at least that's what I'm hoping)

Thanks Bee, Tanks Mel!

I want to put both last weeks and this one together so everyone can see the difference. It is awesome. Every week it's like I'm looking at someone elses grow lol


Man I feel like it has been forever since I posted anything. This place is got tumble weeds blowin' through it. :think:

Aight, well I got some new 1/2 gallon containers for a really good price. .44c each. from the local hydro shop. I also bought some Xnutrients, Grow and Micro. The guy gave me some BioFoliar brand foliar spray samples that I have been using too. (I ordered a sample of Xnutrients that will be showing up at the hydro shop on Tuesday! Woot Woot, I love free chit!)

So, after potting up.....all of our containers do not fit into the tray we built......lol nor do they fit under the lights we had hung......so..we got more lights and more trays! Ha ha, we added two more fixtures, 4 bulbs. (Still don't have enough room for all of the youngin's we have on the perimeter.....ssshhhhhhhh :whistle:

We now had to find a way to water the plants, as they didn't fit in the black trays we had inside of our big tray. To fix this we bought 3ml painters plastic. I took out all of the plants and lined the tray. I only had silver tape (The stuff that you see around your heating and a/c ducts) so I used it to hold the sides on and then stapled the plastic around the outside of the tray. I put the tray back up top and put all of the plants back in......which is a PITA btw. Then proceeded to dump 5 gallons of water into the tray......which then of all things started to leak lmao....it dripped all down the walls and through my buddies cabinet....HA! My buddies like..."Didn't you test it first?" I was like "No, I put in plastic, plastic's supposed to hold water....I never thought about it leaking!" :doh: :crazy: Wow, this was funny and sucked at the same time. I think it was God's doing and I should have paid attention. Because the next day, I went back and swapped out the plastic held on by silver tape (which is what cut it and made it leak in the first place) and relined it with duct tape and new plastic. I tested it this time :party: No leaks! So I again put all the plants back in and dumped another three gallons of water in to it. Which we found out later, was too much water. The other watering, when it leaked, had been enough. (When I felt the pots, I thought they felt pretty good but proceeded to dump the rest of the water in anyway) (this is where I say it was God's work, bc it didn't need all that water the other day lol but being me I didn't listen and did it my way hahahahahaha...sorry God :pray: )

Any way, things are better now and we have everything under control now. Next is to figure out how we are going to make and set up the garden in back. This adventure has been quite the learning experience. Hope everyone is paying attention on how NOT to do things lol. We have also taken a culled seedling and replanted it to see if we can get a clone....which as I'm writing this I realize wouldn't be a clone at all. (Jebus...I am batting a thousand huh) but it will still be a cool experiment to see how it does. I clipped off all of the bigger leaves and just left two small little guys that were starting to grow in at the top. After a few days it's still standing tall and looks good. (No rooting solution either but the soil does have some light fertz in it, which rooting solution is made up of P anywho) So I think it should live :dance:

We are going to put an overhead crane system in to get our big ol' tray up and down from the Pepper Pent House, when it comes time to harden off. This will be awesome. We have a 2000lb rated block and tackle and some other material to get'ter done. Those pics will come later. Until then here are some pics of our chile plants at this point (53 days from seed)








Trials and tribulations King. Hell, by next year you will have this so dialed in it will be second nature. I ran into the same space crisis with my pot ups. Now they live outside on the porch and come inside if it gets too cold at night. Problem solved. My other start trays have lots of room to get there grow on now. Keep fighting the good fight!
Your plants are looking great! Even with all the craziness of managing a grow from someone else's house, you're going to have some great plants to put in the ground, and hopefully a full harvest of pods. Nicely done.
@Seth- lol, I wish I would have it down like a pro by next year, but that's a pipe dream :high: lol. I will definitely have a better handle on watering and when to pot up and how much light I will need. Things like that. As for soil mixes, ferts, knowing each plant varieties likes and dislikes. It will be a work in process. But I'll love every second of it. If anything, I would like to get better, so I can help others grow with me. It's fun as hell though and hair pulling at the same time HA! This year will be like having a new born....every year to follow, it will be like raising a child and realizing they are not as fragile as I might think and If I would just pay attention to them, they might tell me what they need. It's an awesome experience though; my first year of growing indoors of this caliber. Just wait until plant out, haha, it's gonna get out of control. I know it. :mouthonfire:

@Pulpiteer-Thanks man, I appreciate the nice words. They are lookin' decent. Just every wrinkled leaf and little bit of yellowing or slight wilting raises the hairs on the back of my neck :onfire: I'll definitely be planting out some beauties though. I thought it was crazy now, I really think it's going to get out of control once all of the flowers and pods start showing up. I'm sure they will get flowers I will have to pinch and that is going to be a pain to deal with and when the pods start ripening. It's going to be more than I've ever had in my life! haha, but it will be killer! I'm lookin' forward to it.
Hey everyone. I updated the Pepper Pent House grow, so I figured Plant Hollywood needed an update too. I didn't realize how much they have grown since 3/21/2012 until I scrolled up tonight and looked at the pic I posted. Dang, things are going better than I thought! lol, not so many problems with the grow at my house (I get to take care of it on a daily basis) I was thinking of adding another light though. I'm only around 2000 lumens a sqft right now. I swear I added it up last time and it came out different......oh well. Still good growth. Here's a looksy. I'm scared that cabbage is going to take off and run a muck before plant out lol.....that's what I get for taking in the riff raff :snooty:

Plant Hollywood

Red Habanero

Peach Bhut

TS Moruga

By the way, I ordered some Beef Jerky from PexPeppers and he sent me some Revenge BBQ Sauce and some Habanero/Superhot powder mix.......It was delicious....pay attention to was..lol. The day I got, I finished the jerky. A half pounds worth. I dipped it in the Revenge and sprinkled some powder on it. OMG I was in heaven. So good. If you haven't tried any, I highly recommend getting some. They say pic or it didn't happen......


Hey, King, your log is developing very nicely - great update!
Plants lookin' good despite the ups and downs; I'd say a
successful grow season is well underway! Keep up the
good work!
Wow, a 1/2 pound of Jerky probably started off as 3+ pounds of meat! I do the same thing, if somethings good I can eat until its gone. What was the original flavor on the Jerky? Looks freakin delicious!

Plants are looking right on track! Their growth is really gonna take off now that they have several nice sets of true leaves.

Keep the pics coming!
nice work King, and impressive grow list. It looks like you'll be having a good season.

You sent me some seeds for my grow this year, and i thought I'd let you know i have 1 of each of your varieties growing. Cheers
@PaulG-Thanks you Pauly boy. I think so too. Next is figuring out how to fit all of them into the garden.....yikes.

@Stc3248-Yeah...I've been on a meatless diet for a month...when I got the jerk it was over. He dehydrates Top round Angus and coats it with his revenge BBQ Sauce. It's good by it'self but once I started dipping it in the actual BBQ sauce lol. It was like pringles.

@[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]bushwhackxj-Dang, what did I send ya?? lol. I've been doing a ton of gifting and trading. Glad they are working out for you. It's 90% Grower, 10% Seeds. My grow is going well, even with the bumps and hiccups because it's all an adventurous experience! Thanks for stoppin' by, keep on truckin', I hope your grow goes well too.[/background]
This is our overhead crane we built and hung last night. My buddy is the welder. I just helped with the installation.

The track is curtain track, like you would find in a school or body shop. Then we took 12 of the curtain hooks and welded them together. We acquired a 2000lb block and tackle that is attached to that. We mounted 4 3ft long angle iron brackets at 2ft intervals. then we mounted the track to those braces and hung the block and tackle from the makeshift slide.

More to come tonight! (and a pic of the jungle that we will be lifting and lowering with it lol)








