The little varmint sleeps 20+ hours a day...then "brown noses" for attention and eats the other 4.I believe I would sleep with one eye open if that were my cat.
Here is my pup. He was rescued from the Tioga County S.P.C.A. back in 2004. Both him and his brother were abuse cases and were in pretty bad shape. Both were anemic from flea bites, severe mange and very malnourished. If we had the room, we would have taken both of them.
Beautiful fish Alphaeon, is that a Flowerhorn?A fish...
Beautiful fish Alphaeon, is that a Flowerhorn?
Novacastrian I had a black english staffy when I was a kid. Your picture early on in the thread brought it all back. Was such a good dog.
These are the five pug sisters and one manly pug stud Gizmo who is also my avatar.
Sadly they all moved on to other homes. Had the sisters from puppies but got gizmo as is. But they were a blast. Six pugs can really do some damage to garden plants.
This pic makes me think of the Sopranos for some reason.
Hope Guido is ok. That's a good name for a pugand Sasha seems to be common!
I have to say I don't like the black pugs but the apricot fawn and silver fawn look cool. I think when I get a dog again I want something like a french bulldog or boston terrier maybe crossed with a pug. I live in a hot climate and pugs can't take the heat as you probably know.
If you were thinking of breeding them I would seriously advise against it. Been there. They have some of the worst difficulties breeding of all dogs I know. Lots of puppies die, and you are lucky if they don't need a ceasarian.
They are so much fun though.