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photography Pet picture thread!

testing for bucdout's pic-

Hey!  It Worked!
go to the Get Links thing, click on the link that starts with IMG, copy that link and then paste into your post here on THP.  The picture will show up here in the post instead of showing as a link.

PS- cute puppy!
when it rains...
We just adopted a minx-ish kitty, got her all fixed up and Look Who Shows Up in our garden shed!
A 12-13 year old spayed calico who is definitely an indoor family cat!  We took her to the vet, she seems healthy, just old.  Trying to find if she's lost from a local home... 


Hoping her family will be located, but not really sure if that will be an option.  We've already decided she will stay with us if her family can't be located. 
The dog is like "whatever"...it's another cat......
the Princess kitty is all hissy-fit about the new cat in the house.  The rescued cat has only been in the house for about 10 hours right now.  She is totally fine with the humans, she has a safe place and is hanging there when not in our laps.  It's the little Pissy-cat that has her nose all out of joint.  but she did the same thing to the dog and now she is all over the dog~~~  we'll see how it goes...
I've heard you are supposed to introduce a cat by keeping it separate in a room for a day and they first get used to the scent and do a little dance under the gap under the door ...
That came from a crazy cat lady, lady at the rescue place ... so, YMMV ...
I've heard you are supposed to introduce a cat by keeping it separate in a room for a day and they first get used to the scent and do a little dance under the gap under the door ...
That came from a crazy cat lady, lady at the rescue place ... so, YMMV ...

That's how I've always introduced my cats when I have other pets, although I keep them separate for more like a week rather than just a day. First with a closed door then with a baby gate between. Otherwise they end up quite stressed and hissy.
jacqui276 said:
That's how I've always introduced my cats when I have other pets, although I keep them separate for more like a week rather than just a day. First with a closed door then with a baby gate between. Otherwise they end up quite stressed and hissy.
I think you have better captured the instructions I was given.
I think what I did in actuality was only do it for a day, and it didn't go off without a hitch to say the least. I basically had to keep my first kitten from killing the second one, in truth.
The OldGirl cat has a damaged ear and a bit of a droopy eye.  It's all healed, but we figure it's probably from previous fights.  She is not aggressive at all to the other animals.  She walked right by the dog who was lying in the hallway.  He didn't even blink~  :whatever:  "it's another cat"..... It's the kitty Prissy-face that is all out of sorts.  We figure the OldGirl would take out the kitty in the first round if it came to anything like that.  We are watching them and keeping Princess under close watch. 