Pex Peppers

I've got nothing but good things to say about Pex and his products. I'd highly recommend him to everyone. All the talk lately on this site has been about bad customer service. Total opposite dealing with Pex. He was punctual and caring. And extremely generous. I ordered some of his jelly and he threw in extra goodies for me! Been eating on the brain strain jelly today and it's AWESOME.

He sent scotch bonnet pepper and 7 pot pepper jelly that i have yet to try.
He sent me his Killer swarm sauce and while I haven't gotten to eat it on anything yet (I will at dinner later), I did get some on my finger to taste it and MAN it's hot. Not just really hot but also a bit of sweet from the honey and a good mix of tastes from different peppers. Awesome just like the jelly.

I got everything reasonably quick considering it's this close to christmas. It was packaged very well to protect everything. Pex asked me if it had arrived almost every day so there is no denying he cared. Some other vendors could take note from him regarding customer service. He is truly THE MAN! You have a friend and repeat customer in me Pex.
He has more products than what his website says so PM him and see what he's got!
Link to his page here:
Link to his website:
Thanks a lot Pex! 
Received my order from Pex yesterday. Immediately tried the Killer Swarm. Absolutely outstanding flavour, and had me burning good for a while. Tried the Taco Fuego once the fire was out, and loved the flavour of that one too. Heat levels low so definitely a good sauce for my wife. Will definitely be ordering more in the future.
Received my order from Garrett yesterday. 2 weeks to get to me in the middle of the sticks in southern New South Wales, Australia.
Good effort if you ask me.
And then he goes and throws in some smoked brown moruga powder and some seeds, the sneaky fella!
As soon as I opened the box, my face was smacked with a nice smokey smell which was nice. This powder is very very tasty and bloody hot too. What a bonus!


Only had the Killer Swarm so far, and bloody hell - I was warned by Pex that they would be hot, but I wasn't prepared for any of this.
I dunno why the honey is in there, I couldn't tell any flavor in there apart from the red scorp flavor and intense burning hahaha.
It's time I take some concrete, and harden the f**k up! :rofl:
Looking forward to trying Atom Splitter and Red Rage.
These sauces are going to last me quite some time at the rate I can tolerate them.
Thanks again Garrett. Fantastic service and your sauces are bloody brilliant!
Much recommend

Very service
Such hot
I was finally able to place an order, or 3, with Pex Peppers. Ever since I joined THP this past summer I'd heard his sauces raved about on the forums as well as in video reviews. Placed an order Monday for a Killer Swarm, a 7 Pot Panic and an Atom Splitter. He had a 15% off holiday sale at the time which was really great. Well, Tuesday I saw he was having a 1 day 50% off sale on everything.......sweeet. So I ordered 4 more sauces. Couldn't pass up an amazing deal like this.  My first order arrived super fast on Thursday. Everything was in perfect condition and packaged very well. Couldn't have been more satisfied. Tried the Atom Splitter and damn is that stuff good but holy shit is it hot. Amazing sauce bottom line.
My second order arrived super fast as well on Friday, Really didn't expect the shipping to be so fast especially with a smaller company so was really impressed. All bottles again were packed great and in perfect shape. There was one slight little problem with the order which was very minor and not really an issue at all. I wasn't even going to contact Garrett about it but ended up deciding to shoot him a PM just so he was aware. I Pm'd him and told him the issue and that it wasn't a problem at all and that everything had arrived great. 
Now this is what floored me the most and really kinda left me speechless for a bit. I got a PM back from Garrett almost immediately and what he did to correct this tiny little mistake was really just above and beyond. The specifics don't matter here. Customer service nowadays is hit and miss. This has been my first dealings with Pex but with the way he handled the situation has really just impressed me and I'll definitely be ordering from him for as long as he's making spicy goodies. Not only amazing product but an above and beyond approach to customer service. I was so grateful for what he'd done I went ahead and placed a 3rd order. I can't wait to try each and every one of these and really can't wait for this summer when some of his other sauces return like Reaper Swarm, Red Rage and especially Singularity. Thank you Pex for everything. Sorry if this is a bit long everyone but I was just really happy with my experience with Pex Peppers.
I availed myself to Pex Peppers' special last week, and 4 bottles arrived today. Unfortunately, some of his super hot sauces were "out of stock" but I did manage to get a few Killer Swarms. I immediately opened one and poured a decent amount directly on tortilla chips. Hot and tasty! This is the real deal, and not some watered down scorpion sauce. I have been making (amateur style) sauces for a while now, and can tell this is stuff is high quality and the kind I strive to make. I look forward to trying the others, and ordering more down the line. Bravo!
Everything you've heard about Pex being congenial and generous and his products being awesome must be true, because that has certainly been my experience. I've been stalled at the habanero level for a couple of years, Scoville-wise. So the Killer Swarm was an eye opener for me. The exquisite blend of subtle sweet and tangy tartness is something I have enjoyed and will relish adding to future dishes which lack the requisite kick. The last thing I put it on a was bland-ish chicken tortilla soup - with GREAT success! Thanks, Pex.
Saw that Pex had new t-shirts for sale and definitely had to have one. He had also PM'd me that he had tweaked 7 pot panic to add a smokey layer to it. I like sauces that have a smoke flavor to them so had to try that as well. I've got 3 bottles of the original lol, so if I'm in the mood for smokey 7 pot got that covered and if I want the regular got that covered as well.
Well, he has down to his last couple of shirts according to his site and I couldn't place an order until Wednesday morning due to funds. So I PM'd him to ask if he had any extra shirts and to find out how much smokey 7 pot panic he had left. Told him my situation and that I was worried he'd run out before Wednesday. Told me just to pick the t-shirt w/ no sauce option (you can get just the t-shirt or a t-shirt and sauce combo) and he'd send me the 7 pot panic no charge. How awesome is this guy man. Told him how great a deal that was but that funds just wouldn't allow it and that I'd keep my fingers crossed that they didn't sell out before I could order.
Wake up the next day and have a PM from him with a tracking number saying he went ahead and shipped the shirt and the sauce and to just pay him whenever. WTF? I was stoked and told him he'd be paid first thing Wednesday morning. Today's Wednesday and he's been paid and my package arrived today as well. Got my shirt and my sauce which I can't wait to try.
Pex makes some really righteous sauces and has had excellent customer service since my first order. And that he trusted I would pay him at a later date, I've got no words except thank you. If you've never ordered from Garrett, do yourself a favor and place an order.
Hi Pex -
Can I make a request? =)
Any way you can considering using an eye dropper and matching your ad background to the sites CSS for the rest of the horizontal rule it's displaying in?
Maybe a gradient from tan to yellow ...
I have a bigger problem w/ how ugly the ad looks against the site colors than I have w/ the ad ...
Considering I just reordered, it's all a bit loud, but I understand having a big sale right after changing locations, certainly ...
Placed a few orders in the past month, shipping has been very fast.  Everything has been excellent.

I think the Flyin Lion might be my favorite.  Sweet and fruity.  I think it had more heat than advertised which I liked.  Atom Splitter and Red Rage definitely some of the hotter sauces I have tried.  Really like Atom Splitter once I get over the heat, can really taste the brown morugas in there.  
Well this is long overdue...
I just want to thank Garett again for sending me a bottle of his Atom Splitter to try
I met him in Chat shortly after I joined THP and he said he wanted me to try his Atom Splitter, after hearing me talk about Cappy's Brainstrain sauce I had just bought.
 Anyway... Pexpeppers is another example of how pepper people are the best... He insisted on sending me a bottle free just to try it !
I was shocked by this and insisted on paying him for his shipping costs @ least.
Thank you Garrett for your kindness, generosity, and your  :hot:  :hotsauce:

I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of Brown Moruga flavor in this... based on it's consistency I though it would be more vinegary, but instead it is strong like a brown moruga puree 
This taste test really burned me up good :mouthonfire: , but it tasted so good too  :D
I have since learned that a little goes a long way with this Sauce, which just means I will be able to flavor and heat up more things with it
Thanks again Pexpeppers,
 I want to buy your Red Rage next... let me know when it's back in stock.
FGpepperguy said:
I received these from Pex yesterday.  All are super tasty!  When I ordered on the website I only saw 4 sauces show up.  Today there 13 that showed up.  Just means I'll get a chance to order more!  Thanks Pex!
:) im glad you got them, the thirteen that are there are just place holders atm. i should have 6? types in stock atm.
I ordered 4 bottles of sauce from Pex on the 19th and yesterday (27th) they came. Now that's what I call fast! 3 of the bottles were packed in a Hot Sauce Box and the fourth was securely wrapped next to the box. Now I'm just looking forward to tasting them and ordering some more when the time comes :P Thanks a lot.
When taking a bottle out of the Hot Sauce Box I just discovered that I also got a gift from Pex. CAP 1530 seeds are totally new to me. I'm pretty exited because I've never seen these peppers before. Thank you so much again.
Made a trade with Pex for some of his sauce. Not only did he send the sauce he'd agreed to, but two extra bottles besides. I absolutely loved two, and really like the third.

First up is Taco Fuego. It has an excellent Taco flavor, and I am planning to make some enchiladas so I can have a chance to use this stuff on one. The serano peppers give it a gentle heat that is great for the beginner or someone whose not sure about hot sauces in general. I cant imagine anyone not liking it from a flavor perspective, and this superhot lover enjoyed it as well. Clearly it has something to offer every level of sauce lover.

Second up was the flyin lion. This is probably my favorite of the three saucea. I've had the sauce since sunady night, and have consumed over half the bottle. It has a good kick from the habanaro peppers which are complemented by just a hint of mango. It enhances the taste of the pepper without hiding it.

Finally was singularity. I like this one a lot as well. It has a significant amount of heat. My nephew described it is being punched in the face. I think thats probably an exageration... However it IS HOT. The honey isn't lost, and does accentuate the flavors of the peppers.

All in all I rate all three of them 5 stars out of 5.