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photography Photo Album

Windy much???
These pics are for you Scovie. I was fooling around with my old smoke pics by turning them around and upside down to see what would come up. Monsters must have been in my subconscious because this is what happened.



I saw the Eagle sail into port one day and decided to pay her a visit today. Sorry the pics are quick and dirty and only a few of all I shots but wanted to share some. I found the ship in excellent condition considering it was built in 1936 ... now you know where you're tax dollar goes ;) only joking. Personally I love sailing among other ocean sports and preserving a ship like this is cool ... While the largest vessal I've ever sailed on was Fazisi and her sister ship Odessa which was built in Tampa. Both are Russian Whitbread sailing yacht entries back in da day before I owned a digital camera. That said when I was in school I navagated 40's and 45's in off shore races but have never owned any bigger than a Hobie 16 and a small fishing boat, no cash, lol. Hope you enjoy the shots :)

The Eagle is a three-masted sailing Barque with 21,350 square feet of sail. It’s home port at the Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut and is the only operational commissioned sailing vessel in the U.S. maritime services. It was built in 1936 by the Blohm & Voss Shipyard, Hamburg, Germany, as a training vessel for German Naval Cadets. Originally commissioned Horst Wessel and following World War II was taken as a war prize by the United States and on May 15, 1946, the barque was commissioned into U.S. Coast Guard service as the Eagle and sailed from Bremerhaven, Germany to New London, Connecticut.

Length: 295 feet
Maximum Speed: 11-16 knots (under full sail)
Maximum Range: 5450 miles
Training Complement: 12 Officers, 38 crew, 150 cadets (average)
Major Missions: Training vessel for CG Academy Cadets









I had a very nice cam that I got when I was in Hong Kong (1972) a TL ELECTRO X Yoshika and I could stop a F15 in mid flight with it, I took about 600 photos with it and had just bought a telephoto lens for it and a new tripod. Best damn camera I ever had, I got transfered to the Navy base in Illinois and someone stole it, all my photos along with a hand embroidered silk smoking jacket with a gold dragon on the back with all the places I had been.They took everything and was never caught that I know of. I was just sick over it. That was My Fist real cam and my last, Lately I have been thinking about getting a Nikon with a zoom on it, but will have to think about it a little longer as a good Cam cost quite a bit and I want to update myself some on all the new goodies they have.
Wildseed. Sorry to hear you were ripped off. Nothing much worse than a lowlife thief!
If you are thinking about a new camera, I thought I might share with you what I use.
I have a Kodak Z990 It by far is not the best camera out there, but it cost $180 and is well worth it.
I am no photographer, but it has one heck of a zoom, macro, video, and all kinds of photo trickery options.
I am very happy with it.
I also have a Nikkon P&S which is also one heck of a camera, and cost as much as my Kodak.

Just my 2ยข

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Some nice pics Chris! Wow! I love the color saturation from your lense. Incredible!
Wished I had a better quality camera. I still have all my dad's Minolta XE-7 film cameras that took great pictures but who uses film anymore? ;)
My cheap FujiFilm Finepix 5.1 mega pixel takes some pretty good pictures and I am very pleased although it doesn't have near the quality your camera does.
Canon and Nikon can't be beat unless you fork out the big bucks for a Leica. Those Karl Zeiss lenses are incredible although most people probably couldn't really tell the difference under most conditions. Which Canon do you have? One of the EOS models?