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photography Photo Album

Rawkstah said:
its an HDR filter. lots of cameras and phones have the filter these days, but before the filters you had to take multiple images at different exposures to create an HDR image. 
hahahah gearfaggotry is my favorite. I went through that stage briefly, but decided using $ to travel was more fulfilling.  I learned sort of in reverse... I started with a film cam, and I was an art department hermit in HS.  I even learned about airbrushing with, get this, an actual airbrush. 
SumOfMyBits said:
Got into them more than usual about a year ago.
Transformed my front patio with wire grow tables and have even nerded out at orchids shows. 
Have you tried growing from seed or tissue cultures? I am just getting started and the action is alittle slow with these,so I figured I would try propagating them. Obviously I am not in Soflo,and wind chills have been -15 here,so I have to limit myself to ones that grow well indoors. :violin:


Have you tried any hoya yet? Really great plants!
I have not nerded out enough to set up a lab to grow from culture, Prod. That is ridiculously hard, but it sounds like fun. 
Hoya... Houlletia? [Edit: No, NOT Houlletia.]
There are a LOT of orchids that do well indoors. Just keep the right micro-climate (pan of water).
Tolumnia... from Puerto Rico. They are tiny, do well indoors, and are more colorful than Dancing Ladies. That's my new hotness in orchids right now. 
Love the pics, Prod. If you have more... please posty up.

A good half of what I find fascinating about orchids is their roots. Sort of an "ugly but beautiful" thing to me.
Give this site a thorough look. I would give my left nut to spend an afternoon there with the macro lens.
SumOfMyBits said:
I have not nerded out enough to set up a lab to grow from culture, Prod. That is ridiculously hard, but it sounds like fun. 
Hoya... Houlletia? [Edit: No, NOT Houlletia.]
There are a LOT of orchids that do well indoors. Just keep the right micro-climate (pan of water).
Tolumnia... from Puerto Rico. They are tiny, do well indoors, and are more colorful than Dancing Ladies. That's my new hotness in orchids right now. 
Love the pics, Prod. If you have more... please posty up.

A good half of what I find fascinating about orchids is their roots. Sort of an "ugly but beautiful" thing to me.
I used to spend every Sunday morning strolling Selby Gardens, and probably should return to doing so since it was very calming ...
The bees alone are worth the price of admission (admission is free for 1+1 w/ membership, though).


Anyways ... little aliens ...



Not sure this is an orchid, but it's off the grounds ...

Love that place ...
The names are too hard to remember, but I found that a bunch of types lived here very nicely on the shade side of palm trees - in the boots left behind when the branches break off ...
They spread like crazy in my mom's backyard a while back (there's decent shade) ... then some kung ho yard dude had the idea to shave the boots off the palms, and that set things back considerably ...
Those pics I pulled off Photobucket, but I'll pull some pics of ours once I next access my photo storage ...
Also at Selby, epic banyan:

GM. You're located in an area that is PERFECT for most orchids. The yellow and the white flower pics are Phals. [Edit:Phalaenopsis... i've got a white and a purple spiking right now on those guys.]
I wanna see more!

Nice banyan roots. I drive under tunnels of those. Banyan and strangler fig. I wanna break out a good B+W  photo of that on a SoFlo rock wall. [coral]
Could be the B+W gradient, but it looks like you captured rain to the East, there ...
I guess it might not be East, I'm assuming that's pointed North only because I'm used to seeing that view all along the Alley's North side, LOL ...
I'm about to sell off my real camera gear (5D, 17+90 T/S's, 580 II's etc) because I mostly only use my phone in actuality. Makes me a little sad, but I just don't use it. $200 Moment lenses will have to suffice for the next couple of years.
I think I'll add a Toyo 4x5 when I swing back around, though ...
I almost want to go out and shoot, it's beautiful ... if only I wasn't working.