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photography Photo Album

grantmichaels said:
Could be the B+W gradient, but it looks like you captured rain to the East, there ...
I guess it might not be East, I'm assuming that's pointed North only because I'm used to seeing that view all along the Alley's North side, LOL ...
I'm about to sell off my real camera gear (5D, 17+90 T/S's, 580 II's etc) because I mostly only use my phone in actuality. Makes me a little sad, but I just don't use it. $200 Moment lenses will have to suffice for the next couple of years.
I think I'll add a Toyo 4x5 when I swing back around, though ...
I almost want to go out and shoot, it's beautiful ... if only I wasn't working.
There was nothing funny there. No gradient filters. And YES, I caught rain. You are right on all the views pointing north.
Why are you dropping your gear? It doesn't compare to your phone crizzleapplepunchsomeoneintoAMFcoma. 
I'd rather have an empty CC than keep dusting off the gear, LOL ...
Tripods make me unhappy.
The best time I ever had was when I was shooting the 40D, and I think I was shooting a 35L, 85/1.8, 135L, and 300L IS ...
I moved heaven and earth to get onto full-frame, and I can't say it really panned out ...
Who knows, it's easy to imagine picking up a used 40D and grabbing a tokina 12-24, 100 IS Macro, and 70-200 v2 IS again over at fredmiranda ... but not right away ...
I abhor shooting off a tripod, but I think I mentioned that already =) ...
I've been tinkering w/ the Lytro lately ...
grantmichaels said:
I'd rather have an empty CC than keep dusting off the gear, LOL ...
Tripods make me unhappy.
The best time I ever had was when I was shooting the 40D, and I think I was shooting a 35L, 85/1.8, 135L, and 300L IS ...
I moved heaven and earth to get onto full-frame, and I can't say it really panned out ...
Who knows, it's easy to imagine picking up a used 40D and grabbing a tokina 12-24, 100 IS Macro, and 70-200 v2 IS again over at fredmiranda ... but not right away ...
I abhor shooting off a tripod, but I think I mentioned that already =) ...
I've been tinkering w/ the Lytro lately ...
I shoot a 40D. 10.1 MP can make some peeps look ridiculous if you use it right. [not saying that I do].  ;)

The phals are the only plants I am dealing with right now.
SumOfMyBits said:
I shoot a 40D. 10.1 MP can make some peeps look ridiculous if you use it right. [not saying that I do].  ;)
Amen to that!
The local camera groups are chock full of hardcore gear dweebs, the sort that spend all their time and effort comparing DXOMark scores and fiercely arguing (literally!) over which photoshop plugin or next-generation wonderwizbang body to buy next...  One local fellow invariably introduces himself as, "I'm Steve and I shoot a Canon 5D Mk III."   :doh: 
The few pictures these people take are invariably awful, showing little sense of beauty or compositional aesthetic.  "Not to fear, I can fix it in post!"  They make up for this basic defect by cranking the saturation and sharpness to eleven.  These dry images invariably draw 'Ooohs' and 'Awwwws' from the assembled crowd.  "It's so sharp!" the herd bellows in praise, even as their retinas begin to melt from the extreme color overload.
You go kick ass with that 'obsolete' camera!  :)
Awesome orchids! Always had a fascination with orchids but only still new to growing them. Here's my phals...




All were already in flower when I obtained them so no credit to me. Sadly, too, the salmon/pinky coloured one has since kicked the bucket. No stuff up really on my part, though! The roots were already very badly rotted when I got the plant. Was keen to see if I had what it took to save it by trimming the roots/repotting. Apparently I didn't. But yeah, the condition they were in, I don't reckon even a pro grower could have done anything. Like, there was pretty much nothing down there that wasn't rotting! It's a shame 'cause I thought it looked really beautiful, but I'm sure I'll find another very similar one somewhere down the track...
Nice, Gas. It is a shame that salmon one die on you. Very beautiful color.
Phals are fun. I've had great success with them in wooden baskets stuffed with sphagnum moss. The roots on them are going nuts. I keep them outside in the shade of the house and don't really do much to them, but water if it hasn't rained in two weeks or so. Miami's humidity is perfect for Phals.
Just had to dig through old photos but found this one too. Dendrobium kingianum. A native orchid from around here. My first attempt at growing orchids years ago. This one did flower under my care but it died not long after. This time, most probs, totally my own fault... :lol:


I remember it having such a strong, delightful scent for such a small flower too! Like, you could be a couple metres away and still smell these two tiny flowers. Another one I am keen to get my hands on again.
SumOfMyBits said:
Nice, Gas. It is a shame that salmon one die on you. Very beautiful color.
Phals are fun. I've had great success with them in wooden baskets stuffed with sphagnum moss. The roots on them are going nuts. I keep them outside in the shade of the house and don't really do much to them, but water if it hasn't rained in two weeks or so. Miami's humidity is perfect for Phals.
Cheers for the tip, Sum! I repotted mine in sphag/charcoal but in clear pots so I can keep a good eye on the roots until I can properly suss out what the hell I'm doing. Putting them outdoors is an idea I should take on board too. Currently have them indoors but I don't think they're getting adequate airflow because it looks like the purple one may be starting to run into a little bit of trouble too (very careful with watering so put it down to that anyway). I'll be so pissed if it's already too late and I've already stuffed it good.... :mad:

(Oh yeah, no shortage of humidity here either! Lately the air's been so thick I'm pretty much suffocating in the shit!)
Gas, I've got two Dendrobiums.
Dendrobium Aphyllum. Still a very small split I got from a neighbor.
And a hybrid of (I think) Victoriae-reginae called Pink Panther.[Edit: Nope. it looks like it's Kingianum.] lol. Name is silly, but it's a brilliant, solid pink. Sadly, the flowers dropped after a couple days after purchase in October and I never took pictures. Plant is healthy, though. Two new shoots coming up, and none of the leaves dropped.

D3monic, those frog pics are pretty sweet.