• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's...Pepper Graphic...2014

Time to get this Grow off the ground...

Well sort of...at least the indoor part of it.  Here's the current look at some of my outdoor containers. We've had higher than normal snow amounts since December. A couple of hard frosts to boot. That may kill alot of the spring White Fly that have been dominant the last 2 seasons.
A Couple Shots from the Most Recent Seasons

I've started out my seeds for many years in Dec/Jan, and no doubt will provide nice plants with rewarding harvests.
But when you have to start indoors under lights it comes with a cost of time, material and utilities. With some thought I've finally come to (my senses)  a conclusion. As of Febuary 1st I have roughly 14 weeks to plant out. I'm confident that I can raise healthy plants indoors in that span. So this year will be the test...who knows maybe next season will be a March startup.......a march to the finish !

This was my largest harvest last season, late August, 40+ lbs......a few hrs and many beers worth of picking.  
The harvests after this were a few bushels here and there down to the 5 bucket pulls once a week come late September.
Enough of the Old and in With the New...
Lights...Action......Camera !

Speaking of lights...my current and permanent grow area has been moved down to the sub basement. I gave up a spare bedroom which has been converted into a guest room........ :rolleyes:
I currently have alittle over half the room and lighting setups that I had last year.  I'm planning to use every bit of it.
When running over 4k of power you need to have enough "juice"  to supply the lights safely. Inaddition to the circuits I had in the past for the basement grow I've added 2 additional 20a dedicated runs. Also for those who don't, having a smoke detector within perimeter and a fire extinguisher nearby would be a good idea, especially when running HPS units.
I'm still in the process of mounting some lights, and unless they're being hard wired its a good idea to keep the power cables off the floor

Here's a photo of the plant framing before the shelving is put into place. The deminsions are 54" wide and 12' long.
There's 3 tiers....top has 7 six bulb high bay T8 fixtures, middle tier (shown) has 10 four bulb close spaced T8's with a 6 bulb T8 at each end. The bottom has currently 4 six bulb T8's with a few more being added. The sides have 70% Aluminet shade cloth with can be rolled up unto a pvc pipe and secured to the ceiling. The cloth can let air circulation through by the means of a fan(s). The ends of the framing have foiled faced styro insulated panels.
Here we have cups ready to go, each cup may have anywhere between 2 and 20 seeds depending on the variety.
I'm starting out alittle different with the seed soak this season. In the past I've used Potassium Nitrate (Salt Petre) for part of the soak. I'm out of it and its too late to order....what I'm doing instead is a 2 hr soak with 10% Hydrogen Peroxide/ water mix.......drain out then a 24hr soak with a brew of Chamomile Tea (4 tea bags to a gallon of distilled) plus one drop of Superthrive to the gallon. I haven't used the tea before but have heard excellent results in regards to damping off prevention or seed fungal issues.
The mediums for the indoor grow.....Hoffmans for the seed starter. For the potting up I'm using a mix of Happy Frog, Ocean Forest and Pro-Mix. These will get equally mixed into thirds. My usual Fafards MetroMix is not in stock. These will give great results as I've used them in the past.
a few more shots later after dinner...........did some body say Octopus in Red Sauce.....yum
Thanks for the push...

The Jigsaws are very uniform. Broad shoulders with a tapered bottom.

The tonsil shot....the scent of c.chinense filled the air...........Trinidad all the way.

Here's a better photo for those who have eyes like me and need the closeup.........lots of oil, no surprise.....the scent was the clue.
I didn't taste test these until the next day at a bbq. I was pretty destroyed by the time we cut into one of these. But I do remember it was hotter than the Indian Carbon that we sampled prior and the pod didn't have the floral perfume note to it. I'll have to try another slice onits own to get the full effect. Jeff H and Annie57 gave great detailed reviews on this pepper !

Speaking of the bbq........one of the members here Chicago Mo, through a get together for the usuals from the "Pepperology" gatherings at "An Seanachi" and other local chiliheads. I brought a few things to spice it up and for starters a fast Scotch Bonnet Sauce. 
Ingredients: Coriander, Black Cumin, Amchur (Dryed Ginger), Fenugeek, Jamican Allspice, Salt, Garlic, Scallions, Scotch Bonnets, Thyme, Grape Seed Oil, 2 yr old Pepper Infused Cane Vinegar, Caribbean Curry, and Powdered Mustard.

I toasted the spices, ground to a powder and added the mix to 4 tbl of Oil. A dozen Garlic cloves were added and sweated down for 10 minutes. The Bonnets were halved and added to the mix. Tossed the peppers and Thyne around in the Oil mix for 5 minutes. 4 cups of water was added and the mix was brought to a boil then to a simmer uncovered for 20 minutes or until the liquid was reduced to 1 cup. The mix was pureed and returned to the pot with 1 cup of vinegar and 4 chopped Jamaican Red Habanero for color (not pictured)

A quick shot from the get together. Around 40 people showed up and plenty of great (spicy) food and drink. That small container on the table with peppers was mine. I tried to chose the hottest and some tasty milds for the meek at heart......ha There were alot of destroyed guts by the end of the evening......... :lol:

Last shot from the party, my sauce with some Boneless Jerk Chicken Thighs .......perfect little sandwich on a small burger size bun.

Back to my garden.......the side yard between the homes. This area only receives full sun from 10 am until 2 pm. The containers stay moist and are producing pods

Same area, if you strain your eyes you'll be able to see a few pods........ :D

I love these plants......Jamaican Red Habaneros...........like bats hanging from the tree.
Be back in a bit !

It's pretty easy to spot the yellow leaf amongst the waves of green............ :D

I'm pretty excited to see this plant kick it in to high gear. "The Bombay Morich". It started out only to have 2 pods and one of them ripened pretty quick.
The plant chugged along and now has the spurt it usually has. Out of either the Naga Morich, Spanish Naga , Dorset or this Bombay. This one produces the best back end season growth out of them all. I've had this variety over 6ft and it will gradually start to produce multi number of pods per node....usually around 5.....can't wait for the ripening heat !

3 galap plants with the center one taking the lead..........no rhyme nor reason to that.

Here's my Yellow Scotch Bonnet x Yellow Brain cross or as Stefan (meatfreak) labeled it....the " Scotch Brain"......... :party:

The BG7 is starting to "Let It Bleed"

Ha....am I the only one that doesn't have a ripe UBSC Brown yet......... :cry: ...I heard through the peppervine that they're are nasty/good
And I should remember from last season.....lol

Don't let the angle fool you. This miniture Habanero plant is only 8" tall, but loaded all over with pods........it might be a nice plant to over winter, that will stay short under indoor lighting.

Orange Scotch Bonnet (Bahama's) I was lucky to extract some seeds from frozen pods......it was a bad choice to leave dried seeds in solo cups on the kitchen counter

I really dig the progress of this plant.The "Nebru"...a THSC special.....Scotch Bonnet x 7/Pot Jonah. Small pods starting to form, on every branch.

Nebru pods taking on the Bonnet shape.
a couple more photos, shortly

Here's a small harvest from the back garden only. Tomorrow I'll hit the main patch and try to get an overall weight. Dehydrator is running 24/7

One of my favorite tomatoes to use fresh in the kitchen is the "Speckled Roman".Like any other pear or plum shaped this one only has two seed cavities....and very small they are. These tomatoes are all meat and make a fine addition to a simple dinner salad.

I'm out of plant shots....here's a foodie.
Ingredients: Rosemary, Dill, Thyme, Tomatoes, Boneless Chicken Breasts, Garlic, Feta Cheese, Red Onion, Lemon, Homemade Tzatziki sauce, Olive Oil, Pita Dough, Ghe and Iceberg Lettuce

I rolled the dough out and used an Indian Tawa to make the Pita's....Clarified Butter was spread on the Pitas' and placed in a heated ceramic warmer.

The Chicken Breast was sliced thinly and marinated in a Grecian style marinade over night.......then grilled  along with Peach Fatali peppers.

Greek style Chicken served in a Pita with the Red Onion, Tomato, Feta, Lettuce Tzatziki and Fatali peppers.......and a brew that Jamison" might recognize
PIC 1 said:
Thanks for the push...

The Jigsaws are very uniform. Broad shoulders with a tapered bottom.

The tonsil shot....the scent of c.chinense filled the air...........Trinidad all the way.

Here's a better photo for those who have eyes like me and need the closeup.........lots of oil, no surprise.....the scent was the clue.
I didn't taste test these until the next day at a bbq. I was pretty destroyed by the time we cut into one of these. But I do remember it was hotter than the Indian Carbon that we sampled prior and the pod didn't have the floral perfume note to it. I'll have to try another slice onits own to get the full effect. Jeff H and Annie57 gave great detailed reviews on this pepper !

Speaking of the bbq........one of the members here Chicago Mo, through a get together for the usuals from the "Pepperology" gatherings at "An Seanachi" and other local chiliheads. I brought a few things to spice it up and for starters a fast Scotch Bonnet Sauce. 
Ingredients: Coriander, Black Cumin, Amchur (Dryed Ginger), Fenugeek, Jamican Allspice, Salt, Garlic, Scallions, Scotch Bonnets, Thyme, Grape Seed Oil, 2 yr old Pepper Infused Cane Vinegar, Caribbean Curry, and Powdered Mustard.

I toasted the spices, ground to a powder and added the mix to 4 tbl of Oil. A dozen Garlic cloves were added and sweated down for 10 minutes. The Bonnets were halved and added to the mix. Tossed the peppers and Thyne around in the Oil mix for 5 minutes. 4 cups of water was added and the mix was brought to a boil then to a simmer uncovered for 20 minutes or until the liquid was reduced to 1 cup. The mix was pureed and returned to the pot with 1 cup of vinegar and 4 chopped Jamaican Red Habanero for color (not pictured)

A quick shot from the get together. Around 40 people showed up and plenty of great (spicy) food and drink. That small container on the table with peppers was mine. I tried to chose the hottest and some tasty milds for the meek at heart......ha There were alot of destroyed guts by the end of the evening......... :lol:

Last shot from the party, my sauce with some Boneless Jerk Chicken Thighs .......perfect little sandwich on a small burger size bun.

Back to my garden.......the side yard between the homes. This area only receives full sun from 10 am until 2 pm. The containers stay moist and are producing pods

Same area, if you strain your eyes you'll be able to see a few pods........ :D

I love these plants......Jamaican Red Habaneros...........like bats hanging from the tree.
Be back in a bit !
Loved your SB sauce!
Amazing...well...everything.  Love this glog.  I have a quick question; what potting medium do you use to pot your peppers for the outside?  I looked through the posts and didn't see any mention of what you used for the final potting.
Thanks for sharing so many pictures and so much info about your grow.
Awesome stuff Greg. Your Jigsaw makes the cut,those are great looking pods! The Nebru will be a good saucer for you,not as cool as your bonnet brain but same genes. How do you like the flavor of the BG7? Like the Stones reference by the way. :lol:

Everything is looking great. I hope we get that 2 months you mentioned,hell I hope we get another month. This has been the strangest year I have ever witnessed. I've never seen this much rain before and highs in the 60s?? Crazy! It literally has rained 4 days a week since mid June.

Hope all is well my friend!
A couple quick shots from today.....

I almost stepped on this Scotch Bonnet, this was one of two MoA's that I had left to plant. The plants were small and didn't have a chance, but I hated to discard them. I planted the two side by side in the front flower bed for some accent foliage. Little did I know the plants would produce fruit. Odd shaped but who cares.........right. I finished harvesting the main garden today only to find more peppers than I thought were there.

Here's a two day total harvest. I've been harvesting pods for over 30 yrs in my gardens...and I'll have to say, although this hasn't been the best season for weather, it's looking like the best for pod pick'in.
I weighed 3 lb bowls at a time..........the total harvest was alittle over 24 lbs............not bad considering the plants are booming and bigger harvests are just around the corner. I plan to pick a few times during the  week days .......it's football season...and I don't want to miss the parties..... :D

Last shot for today...........the bodacious 7/Pots...........best tasting pods that I've tried this year !
see ya all next week with another  pep-date !
I am up to page 3 of your glog and have never seen any thing like it - I have convinced myself you are the Bruce Wayne of growing hot peppers.
"Alfred, fetch my chopsticks"
"You chopsticks sir"
"Not the jade chopsticks Alfred; the ones carved by the Buddhist monks after fasting, my hot pepper planting chopsticks"
What to say? The most impressive thing is that incredible stuff seems normal for Greg!
PIC 1 said:
Here's my Yellow Scotch Bonnet x Yellow Brain cross or as Stefan (meatfreak) labeled it....the " Scotch Brain"......... :party:
Ha....am I the only one that doesn't have a ripe UBSC Brown yet.........  :cry: ...I heard through the peppervine that they're are nasty/good
And I should remember from last season.....lol
Wonderful pods!