• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

OK..............Now I'm getting Spring fever.........and I can wait to get the plants out of the house...
Here's some shots from last year...


Here was the first phase of hardening off the pepper plants......this photo was taken around April 15th last yr


these are pepper plants that are all in 2 gal containers......waiting to be planted into containers from 7 gal to 18 gal


another angle.....over 150 plants.....


a closer shot.......Fish pepper, Yellow Burkina and some Hab varieties


Finally, this is what hard prep work will result in....one of many harvests......I hope this year will be just as tasty!

Yikes.....that's personal..........hahaha
Well what ever she brings back, probably whats on sale.....You can isolate part of a branch, the end of one. A habanero variety has numerous buds at a node whereas some of the c.chinense (trinny's or Indians) have usually one or two buds at the node. Nylons stretch and don't inhibit the leaf or branch growth. I'd recommend doing it while the new branch growth is young. It's all about how many pods or seeds your interested in saving. Both Patrick and Chris C. amongst others surround the whole plant with fabric, thats full proof. If doing so I'd remove the enclosure in the early evening to pick pods or check the plants health. By doing so the flowers will be closed and no chance of airborne pollen from a stray plant entering and cross pollenating.
Good luck with your experimentation Paul, whatever you touch seems to turn to "Gold"


You are too kind, sir. Thanks for the added info, Greg. Hope I get a chance to try it out ; )
You are too kind, sir. Thanks for the added info, Greg. Hope I get a chance to try it out ; )

Sure you will....I'll have to send out a box of mixed variety mid summer

:shock: HOLY CRAP! REALLY?! Very nice Greg! And the plants look great!

Thanks, I'm looking forward to getting this years crop in the dirt........then they'll be an autopilot and I can sit back and relax................... :cool:

I want to see a pic of those hatch. Awesome pics.

That will be happening down the rode........the annuums were started last and they are playing catch-up to the c.chinense. I can't wait to roast them, strip them and put'em on a grilled 1/2 lb burger?

Wow if your year is half that good this year i think you will have done alright. Keep the pics coming!

Thanks "weather" permitting, that is...

I think Greg does everything well- probably a secret star on the forum.

Haha....................thanks but not true, ........ :oops:
Hey Boot's................"What's cooking"..man?................Glad to see you over to the growers side of things!
Well it comes down to......drink the wine that you cook with...........................eat the food that you harvest
That's awesome Greg! By August is your entire patio a massive pepper forest? I'm enjoying all your pics now, but I really can't wait to see what they're looking like at harvest.
Wow, love your backyard and garden and all those plants! My yard is a mess. Need to cut my grass soon lol.

That's one advantage to not having a lawn in the backyard, but I still have the front and the sides to cut. I end up spending more time in the yard and the easement I share with my neighbor taking care of the plants

That's awesome Greg! By August is your entire patio a massive pepper forest? I'm enjoying all your pics now, but I really can't wait to see what they're looking like at harvest.

Thanks mj,
about 1/3 of the patio gets filled up with 18gal containers....about 50 of them and I share an area with my neighbor where my raised beds and more containers are


LOL! Those are some amazing shots. I can't wait to see this year's outside shots!

Thanks Matt............... :cool: ...........if you say so................hehe
I was going to enter the "Ramen" TD............but I might as well just let you win it! This one should be yours.......worthy one......... :halo:
Updates are fun, its a challenge to be creatively different each week..........I try, but I can see there's some really good detailed effort out there.
I can't wait for some pepper shots. I've got a scout coming from a big garden mag to take some photos when the plants are pushing, pretty exciting!
Weather permitting, this will be one hell of a hot pepper picking season!
thanks for the "really kind" compliment...

Greg, I just read through this whole thread and your season looks amazing. Unfortunately I looked at JungleRain's thread first so I ran out of "like's" :P

Do you mind if I use that harvest picture from last season as my desktop background? It is so friggin ill!
That picture of last years pods is ridiculous Greg! You ever fill your bathtub up and jump in? Goal of mine, to be neck deep in peppers.

I think you had the best luck with the SB7J's, how they doing now?
Here's the weekend update!......probably the last of the regular updates due to weekend projects at the"Ole Homestead"


Starting out with the meek.....these Jamaican Scotch Bonnets are moving right along since last week. They're 1" away from my T8's and are receiving 24/7 lighting.
I;ll probably divide them into individual pots next week


Here's some basement flats with tomato starts in the background


More flats, a mixture of c.chinense and annuums


A "Black Olive"......an ornamental


It's difficult to see here but these are Red FDA's (seeds from AJ) The plants on the right are younger with green stems. The two on the left are a few weeks older and are starting to get red streaks in the stems....not purple. I haven't seen that in a pepper plant before. Kinda reminds me of the 70's..............ha


Here's some 5 1/4" container plants


I call this plant "Exit, Stage Left!".....It lost its adjecent branch due to a clumsy mistake of mine. Sure I could have tossed it but its a "Brain Strain". As the lateral growth sends up new side shoots I'll stake the branch until the shoots are of size to clone. I'll slice them on grow them in rock wool. I should end up with half dozen or so clones


On the weekend I generally pull the 2 gallon containers out of the grow room and clean it up. The plants get inspected and watered. Here are 80+ containers. Its just too bright in the room to get a decent group shot...
thanks for checking this glog out, I'll be around to answer any questions, but the next updates won't be for awhile

Top notch as always Greg. I was already bummed tomorrow was Monday, now I am doubly bummed you won't be updating for a while. I really like the Brain you got going...could make an s turn in the stem with some bonsai wire!

Looking forward to the next one!
Triple threat... grower,cook,and an artist. Always detailed and well thought out when updating. My updates are usually whatever I have time to jumble together. I have some questions for you about your lighting. You have mentioned that your plants get light 24/7 because of overlapping cycles. Does it benefit capsicum to run 24/7 lighting on them always? Is there a point where it doesn't benefit them? You are forcing the bonnets because of the late start? I notice when people do it to young plants they seem to thrive. I also notice with my older plants they seem to show signs of stress after about 12 hours even when properly wateted. I am running 400w hid on them currently and with my limited knowledge am guessing the intensity has a lot to do with it. This topic has come up in a couple glogs I am following.
I see you have been putting minimal effort in again greg ;)
Wow some great photos and update there bro. Approximately how many tomato plants are you growing this year? Will you sell some of those as well? ?