• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

Dang it Greg you're short changing us!!! That's only 8 pics!?!? Give us MORE! Really liking the "Purple Urn" its already killer! Its going to be amazing once filled in. Your purple bhut looks identical to the ones I have going, Gonna have to talk you out of some seeds for the Pimenta Da Neyde seeds before next year!

Lol.............dang , I have to wait til the plants get bigga. .......and start producing!
The "Purple Urn" is one of two. the other has a "Chenzo, CGN 21500 and a Orozco". ...hmm a Maui Purple would have worked also. Once that fountain grass starts to plume it will look cool.
Shane later in the season I'll shoot u out some seeds.........and pods!

Great update! Plants are lookin good my friend. I'm lovin that purple planter. We get stuff like that in from nurseries but never with peppers, that's a great idea! Nagabons are lookin good to. I'm drooling seeing that ripe one! I've been divin in to the powder lately quite a bit but it's just not the same :( lol. Hows that cajun belle? Is it kinda like a slightly spicy bell pepper? Good to see an update from you Greg. Hope all is well with you and the family buddy.


Thanks Brandon,
You hit it, the Cajun Belle is a mildly spicey bell, not has hot as Bonnet Bell , cajun ripens red, bonnet turns yellow. Either works well with stuffing any meat or rice concoction since there are 4 lobes on the bottom and the peppers will stand up on their own. Hmm.......maybe some ground lamb, rice, oregano, mint ...topped with Greek hot sauce......... :confused: .........if there is such a thing..........ha
Thanks for checking this out

Those look fantastic!!

Thanks man, I'm hoping this is the start to a long season

Looking awesome greg. My crystal ball is showing me many pods in your future . ;). Thanks for the update nice to see things going along nicely!!

Thanks Trip,...........the future does look promising!
Can't wait to start picking pods off the plants. We had rain last evening for the 1st time in about 3 wks and I swear the plants grew overnight.
I'll be picking some "Thai" chilli's off the plants today for a "Thai Basil Chicken" appetizer we're bringing to a get together I'm getting hungry right now. I think I'll have to put some snackables into the next "Bloody Mary" I make.
Thanks for checking this out..

Here's a weekend update..........Things are starting to pop!


The gardens getting greener and fuller every day


Here's a Red Scotch Bonnet clone that I grew indoors through the winter. Its not growing upwards but the Bonnets usually branch out laterally. This plant may only grow a foot and a half tall but 3 ft sideways...


An overhead view of an overwintered "Yellow 7/Pot Large or/st"... Its starting to put out flowers like crazy!


Speaking of flowers, here's a "Red Savina"


Some "Prik Chi Faa"........I hope I typed that one right!


"Large Twisted Chocolate Habs"...(cc)


"Jamaican Hot Reds"

a few more photos shortly...

More porn...


a couple of "FDA Bonnets"


"Trinidad Scorpion"...thats alittle "belly happy"


Some "Hawaiian Red Habs" ..I picked up the seeds from a dude on Oahu

a couple of more photos soon


Outstanding Greg! Those babies are getting HUGE!!! How do those Jamaican Hot Reds compare to the yellows? I took your advise and xplanted all the sickly ones and a few of their neighbors into containers and moved them all to the front yard. Hopefully I got my issues ironed out! Thanks again for the advise...first year growing on such a scale with containers. Used to having a large in ground plot and when they don't make it you toss them.

You short changed us again on the # of pics, no need to pace yourself brother! You've got about a billion beautiful plants you could share!
Greek hot sauce, lamb....oh may'un you got my attention now! What are you going to do with all Those peppers!? I wonder what most of us do with all of our peppers! It's my first year growing this many....so I can only speculate as to what I'm going to do lol.

Beautiful plants, I am 500% jealous of your what looks to be a rooftop growing area?? Or walk out master over the garage? Idk but it is awesome.

You have a shitload of huge containers, I Wish I had the cash for that! I'm sure it's years of accumulation. The one container with the purples thrown in it, is really cool. I really love how beautiful they are and then you get awesome pods too lol it's sweet!

Well another nice update Greg, can't wait to see the sea of green shimmering with purples, yellows, reds, oranges, whites and all the other colors of the chile rainbow!
Outstanding Greg! Those babies are getting HUGE!!! How do those Jamaican Hot Reds compare to the yellows? I took your advise and xplanted all the sickly ones and a few of their neighbors into containers and moved them all to the front yard. Hopefully I got my issues ironed out! Thanks again for the advise...first year growing on such a scale with containers. Used to having a large in ground plot and when they don't make it you toss them.

You short changed us again on the # of pics, no need to pace yourself brother! You've got about a billion beautiful plants you could share!

Thanks Shane..............(West World) gardener........let's just say west coast specialist!

The Hot Reds are actually milder than the Yellows......go figure.......both have thin skin.......I ate a Hot Yellow last week that turned orange and it had a nice brisk bite to it.
I'm glad you separated the infected plants from the others.....You have so many plants , that wouldn't put a dent into your harvest.
Short changed...............lol I cut into my party time trying to post another 7 photos......
thanks for your comments and advice


Greek hot sauce, lamb....oh may'un you got my attention now! What are you going to do with all Those peppers!? I wonder what most of us do with all of our peppers! It's my first year growing this many....so I can only speculate as to what I'm going to do lol.

Beautiful plants, I am 500% jealous of your what looks to be a rooftop growing area?? Or walk out master over the garage? Idk but it is awesome.

You have a shitload of huge containers, I Wish I had the cash for that! I'm sure it's years of accumulation. The one container with the purples thrown in it, is really cool. I really love how beautiful they are and then you get awesome pods too lol it's sweet!

Well another nice update Greg, can't wait to see the sea of green shimmering with purples, yellows, reds, oranges, whites and all the other colors of the chile rainbow!

Thanks 3/5 King,
Yea.......theres always a Hot Sauce brewing..........mellowing like a fine wine. You just need the right peppers, some of the Super-Hots just don't have the right flav when sauced.

The containers have been an adventure. Since I don't have the space or soil to ground plant, I started aclumulating nursery containers and buying utility containers, cheap

Thanks for the response here, I 'm looking forward to showing the many varieties in harvest photos later in the sea...


Just beautiful! Your Supers look both happy and angry. When those ripen, I hope the folks that did the magazine article come back to sample the goods and report that! Gonna make Chicago proud.

Could you give a rundown of your growing medium and your fert schedule as you get into this phase? As they pod up, do you cut back or change your formula? I'm going with some containers in the 5-gal league for the first time and they're looking good with some blossoms, but now I'm wondering about longer term. Also, with that much foliage, do you need to water quite often?

Kudos again for the great photos. Also, for those that happened to buy plants at your garage sale, I hope they realize the prize they received... :cool:
You are "Mr. Bonnet" Greg. All that scissor work is paying off. Node on top of node on top of node. I am growing that same choco twisted hab,mine isn't growing like a brussel sprout plant though..wow! Some of the pods on that plant are "hollow" pale green like yours,and some are darker green and thick walled. My 7 pot Congo is doing something similar. Thanks again for your inspiration and knowledge.
I can't beleive I found this forum, I can't beleive there is other people out there that find those photos sexy. Great pics!!!!! Apparently I'm not an oddball afterall, ......unless were all oddballs.
ok..............A couple more shots............last call!


Here's a "Jamaican Scotch Bonnet" flower..........not only the flowers open up not more than this, but the new growth unravels like a carpet ...


Here's a "Peach KitchenPepper"........this should ripen lite red


a group of "Rashid"


"Ugandan Red Habanero"............similar taste to the "West Indian Red"


"7/Pot's starting to ripen up


An "AJ"...Scorpion plant. It's lost some flowers lately due to my overwatering, but it looks good to future pod lift-off...

see ya all,...... next week!


Just beautiful! Your Supers look both happy and angry. When those ripen, I hope the folks that did the magazine article come back to sample the goods and report that! Gonna make Chicago proud.

Could you give a rundown of your growing medium and your fert schedule as you get into this phase? As they pod up, do you cut back or change your formula? I'm going with some containers in the 5-gal league for the first time and they're looking good with some blossoms, but now I'm wondering about longer term. Also, with that much foliage, do you need to water quite often?

Kudos again for the great photos. Also, for those that happened to buy plants at your garage sale, I hope they realize the prize they received... :cool:

Thanks Sil,...That article in the garden mag has its perks to bigger things......more articles, talks/lectures

What I normally do is screen the previos container soil and add some garden lime , compost and turn that into the raised beds. Whats left I use to pot up the 2 gal early outdoor containers. The current containers and over 300+ plants get a Garden Mix which consists of thirds of Top Soil, Mushroom Compost and Torpedo Sand. To that mix I had Worm Castings, Bone and Blood Meal and additional Perlite. I also add a 2" layer of compost on top of the medium and scatter a hanful of 10-10-10 per container. Once the plants are in their final home I soil water with a light mix of Fish Emulsion, Kelp, Cal/Mag,and SuperThrive. Every two weeks I continue the year-round spray of Epsom Salts and I'll scatter some more 10-10-10 at the time of fruit production.

Sil thanks for the comps and the (?'s) I bet your garden is thriving!


You are "Mr. Bonnet" Greg. All that scissor work is paying off. Node on top of node on top of node. I am growing that same choco twisted hab,mine isn't growing like a brussel sprout plant though..wow! Some of the pods on that plant are "hollow" pale green like yours,and some are darker green and thick walled. My 7 pot Congo is doing something similar. Thanks again for your inspiration and knowledge.

Thanks JB,
Scissor Hands................or Carpal Tunnel.................lol....Whatever it takes to prune a plant or shave a clove of garlic...
Bonnets you say?.....This is the year and I have at least a dozen varities. As a matter of fact my brother-in -law popped into our backyard last night. He was on a cruise and one of the stops was in Montego Bay. Needless to say, He scooped up some peppers, stripped the seeds at the beach and brought me a nice suprise. The seeds are drying out for next season.....but I had to plant a few to check on the germ times.....
The twisted had looks like a long season producer. The main thing is that it taste like a chocolate hab...........which is one of my fav's


I can't beleive I found this forum, I can't beleive there is other people out there that find those photos sexy. Great pics!!!!! Apparently I'm not an oddball afterall, ......unless were all oddballs.

A picture tells a story.............At times it may be quicker readind a novel compared to downloading and posting photos.............ha !
That's why I check out these glogs, to view the photos........and read the updates
Thanks for checking this out

unfreaking believable... those plants look lush and green and huge... PODS... OMG... left for words.... just when i thought ive heard of all the HABS... now theres Hawaiian hab.. and ugandan??? like 3/5 says you guys are an inspiration to us all.. and if you guys can make at least one hobby grower into an inspirational.. then.. that would be great.... i thrive to be as dedicated as you ELiTE pepper growers.. all about the peppers.. not about the $$$,.. keep up the grow..and would really like to know how to make them hot sauces...

im going to definately follow you on those jamaican varieties..i have jamaican hot yellow and jamaican hot chocolate... still looking for a True Jamaican scotch bonnet...

unfreaking believable... those plants look lush and green and huge... PODS... OMG... left for words.... just when i thought ive heard of all the HABS... now theres Hawaiian hab.. and ugandan??? like 3/5 says you guys are an inspiration to us all.. and if you guys can make at least one hobby grower into an inspirational.. then.. that would be great.... i thrive to be as dedicated as you ELiTE pepper growers.. all about the peppers.. not about the $$$,.. keep up the grow..and would really like to know how to make them hot sauces...

im going to definately follow you on those jamaican varieties..i have jamaican hot yellow and jamaican hot chocolate... still looking for a True Jamaican scotch bonnet...

Thanks for your inspiring words!

Gardening is one of my hobbies, along with cooking......the two go hand in hand like the 1st year of a marriage.........ha

But seriously, hot sauce making is alot of fun. Part of it is expiermenting, fine tuning and finalizing a recipe that might just taste better than the... store shelf sauce.
Some folks aren't awhere of the taste of the "True Bonnet"...traveling to Jamaica and tasting the local food is a real treat. For me the combo of the Bonnies, Allspice and other Caribbean ingredients make up a hot yet flavorable sauce that calls you back for more.

Keep growing the peppers that you enjoy to eat. Each season I'll try a few new ones and drop some varieties that I didn't care for. As the pods come in and ripen I'll post photos, and hopefully I can give my opinion on the flavor of the new varieties before the end of the season.
Thanks for your inspiring words!

Gardening is one of my hobbies, along with cooking......the two go hand in hand like the 1st year of a marriage.........ha

But seriously, hot sauce making is alot of fun. Part of it is expiermenting, fine tuning and finalizing a recipe that might just taste better than the... store shelf sauce.
Some folks aren't awhere of the taste of the "True Bonnet"...traveling to Jamaica and tasting the local food is a real treat. For me the combo of the Bonnies, Allspice and other Caribbean ingredients make up a hot yet flavorable sauce that calls you back for more.

Keep growing the peppers that you enjoy to eat. Each season I'll try a few new ones and drop some varieties that I didn't care for. As the pods come in and ripen I'll post photos, and hopefully I can give my opinion on the flavor of the new varieties before the end of the season.

story is.. i have a jamaican co-worker who hasnt be home since the 90's and dearly misses her home cookings...one day i planted some seeds JAMAICAN SBs. (from tradewindfruits--yay) and i felt bad but i let her know that the plants may not grow true due to its seed source.. at that point i saw her heart shatter and so i went to a nursery but was only able to find "jamaican hot chocolate" so i got one for her...the JSB from TWF are growing to be annuums... the JHC is chinense.. now i have one from an aboretum labeled jamaican hot yellow ... so all in all i hope to make her happy...

here are the photos i have


jamaican hot chocolate


Jamaican hot yellow


Jamaican scotch bonnet from TWF
story is.. i have a jamaican co-worker who hasnt be home since the 90's and dearly misses her home cookings...one day i planted some seeds JAMAICAN SBs. (from tradewindfruits--yay) and i felt bad but i let her know that the plants may not grow true due to its seed source.. at that point i saw her heart shatter and so i went to a nursery but was only able to find "jamaican hot chocolate" so i got one for her...the JSB from TWF are growing to be annuums... the JHC is chinense.. now i have one from an aboretum labeled jamaican hot yellow ... so all in all i hope to make her happy...
Hey King,Your co-worker should be happy with the peppers that you'll provide ...especially the Jamaican Chocolate, the taste of the pepper is special in many ways, fresh thru powdered.That was one of my 25 overwintered plants from last year.The jamaican Hot is not a Bonnet. The pedicel is to thick and the pod itself has more of a shroom/squash shape. It's a good tasting pepper with less heat and a different flavor. The last plant looks like an annuum...Remind me at the end of the season and I'll shoot you out some Bonnet seeds for next season.Good luck with your garden...Greg

wooowe what nice plant u got man what u feading them bad boys .
Hey Sali,Welcome to thehotpepper...The current outdoor grow consists of a granular mix of 10-10-10 on top of the soil with and occasional watering with fish emulsion/kelp and a spray of epsom salts every two weeks.The indoor treatment was slightly different...page back to the start of my glog if your interested in reading about itGreg
Those FDA Bonnets look awesome - what is the "fda"? I'm growing what I hope to be several kinds of Scotch Bonnets this year to see what ones I like. I just love the shape of them, and have heard the taste is wonderful. I got a bonnet sauce and I really like that. So, I guess I wondering about the FDA Bonnet - what it is and so on. Pics look great!
Those FDA Bonnets look awesome - what is the "fda"? I'm growing what I hope to be several kinds of Scotch Bonnets this year to see what ones I like. I just love the shape of them, and have heard the taste is wonderful. I got a bonnet sauce and I really like that. So, I guess I wondering about the FDA Bonnet - what it is and so on. Pics look great!
Hey Andy,Those seeds were originally from Beth at Peppermania...I've been growing those for a few yrs. The claim is that the peppers were found at a Foodarama in Texas . That's where the "FDA" comes from. The peppers ripen yellow, but someone had also sent me some seeds of a red variant that I have growing now. I like the taste, the heat really seems to come in later in the season. The 1st wave of pods are hot, but later towards the end of the grow the level changes. I usually isolate a branch or two. If you like the flav of the Bonnets, I can send you some seeds for next yr. The Bonnets do make for a great sauce with the additional right ingredients.
Your plants look amazing man. Where did you get the fda bonnet seeds from if you don't mind me asking? Would really love to get my hands on some true bonnets!
Your plants are really nice and healthy. Here is my FDA Scotch Bonnet & Congo Trinidad. My TFM is somewhere,
but to hot to look for it today.

Congo Trinidad

FDA Scotch Bonnet

FDA Scotch Bonnet. Hornworm almost ate the whole plant before I noticed it.

