• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

He may have gotten snatched up by the Guv'ment for some experimental Pepper weapon design and testing. That is what I am thinking.
[quote name='Spicegeist' timestamp='1338260033' post='627765']

Trimming some old leaf-age from a Yellow Bhut Jolokia

Your Yellow Bhuts from 2011 were interesting, different from how mine turned out which I also really enjoyed. Are just growing the overwinter or did you start some from seed as well? I also have an overwinter plus one small plant from seed, wish I started a few more though.

Hey......Thanks for checking the 2011 season, to answer your question I overwintered one plant and also started a couple from seeds.....we'll have to see the difference this season...

Greg, I've been meaning to get over here to tell you thank you for the seeds you sent me. Really great germination rate, well over 90%. Can't wait till we can move into our new house and I can get them in the ground. Right now I'm searching around for some 1 gallon nursary pots that I can move some of them into to keep them going till then. There are also alot of friends and family that would say thanks. My germination rate was so high I had to give a bunch away. So, you have blessed alot of people here with your generosity.​


Thanks RM for the compliment.......I hope the plants thrive for you!...
Sorry for the late response and the lack of updates here. No excuses or reasons to mention but know that I have my plants in heres an update
Dang Greg you got me I expected all these great pics of the plants and its a response :mope: . How are the plants doing Greg hope everything is well man mothernature hasn't been miss treating you good to hear from you on the plus side.
Im back.....................Well now that things are slowing down here, I can , once again ....."Join the Fun"


These are some of my overwinters, I'm usng both 14 gal nursery and 18 gal ultility containers. Some of my favorites that I have are the Bhut Indian Carbon, Nagabon and Large Yellow Congo...


This is a group of various habaneros from the islands.....as you can see these are 18 gal containers with 3 plants in each.........do the math, there's about 5 gal of soil per plant.,Some of you will snarl with the amount of plants in a container, But... this has worked for me in the past, I am limited on space and this set-up enables me to grow a more significant variety of plants I also have 18 gal " tubs" with 1 or 2 plants in each


Here's some Jamaican Scotch Bonnets, a late addition to my garden but it was worth the wait for the seeds.....plants are starting to flower


There's about 60 plants in pots and one gal containers that didn't make the cut.............well at least not yet!


A side shot of about 60 containers, I'm about a month behind with my planting compared to the past few yrs.........it's still a long way to November with many harvests on the way...


OK............the 1st pod shot of the outdoor grow, Here's a nice start to a "Butch T"....or shall I say a bad-ass looking pepper


Some Jamaican Long peppers

once again, thanks for checking this out...


A couple more pod shots


Some Chenzo peppers


Here's a "Pegrano" plant............a cross between a "Pequin and Serrano" seeds were courtesy of "Alabama Jack"...........thanks Ronnie


A Coco / Red Hab plant.........seeds from Dale Baker

more photos to come this weekend...
Nice to see you back in action Greg. Your plants look amazing as usual. And nothing wrong with containers. Only so much room for some of us :fireball:
I was sure you weren't sitting around twittling your thumbs. I have quite a few left to pot up myself. Sales go alright,other beds planted? Deal me in! Good to see you are getting caught up. Now we need to get you back in the Coleus thread. Have a good week.
Nice pepper labyrinth ! :)
Congrats for the effort, it surely takes weeks to repot all these plants.
Soon you'll be overwhelmed by picking pods...
Well I still can't see why you can't have updated earlier ... its not like you have been potting up or anything ;) :D .... but seriously greg the back yard is looking meticulous and everything is looking healthy as per usual. Fantastic work. Nice update!!
I imagine having them close together has it's advantages, maybe quicker pollination and more stress to grow... looking good, a lot of work represented in those pics, well done.
Your patio looks great with all those big containers full of peppers.
Some of my tubs are like the light blue ones you have. All of my
big containers save a couple are utility tubs, they are so inexpensive.
I've had my tomatoes in them for four years, and they are still holding
up well. Be interesting to see how long they last in the sun!

What will you do with all your free time now that the peppers are out
in their new homes ;)
Nice to see you back in action Greg. Your plants look amazing as usual. And nothing wrong with containers. Only so much room for some of us :fireball:

Thanks Jamie,
All is well and I'm glad to be back, using containers helps me get away from the heavy soil we have here in Chicago. Plus, I'm able to use the mix that I want.

Nice pepper labyrinth ! :)
Congrats for the effort, it surely takes weeks to repot all these plants.
Soon you'll be overwhelmed by picking pods...

Thanks Ben,
Oddly enough I'm still planting........I lost some big plants in a hail storm, the few that I was able to salvage are coming back with a vengence
How's your pepper garden?

I was sure you weren't sitting around twittling your thumbs. I have quite a few left to pot up myself. Sales go alright,other beds planted? Deal me in! Good to see you are getting caught up. Now we need to get you back in the Coleus thread. Have a good week.

Itj's good to be back, the plant sales went fine and it's always entertaining talking to the folks that came by (buy). This was the first time I had a sale at my home. I usually travel to Joliet , a nearby suburb that has a conservatory plant sale., and I also travel to a few garden club's ...
My coleus are planted , this week I'll shoot and post some photos.

Well I still can't see why you can't have updated earlier ... its not like you have been potting up or anything ;) :D .... but seriously greg the back yard is looking meticulous and everything is looking healthy as per usual. Fantastic work. Nice update!!

And yes I feel like a stranger to the site, but once again I have time to hang around here....

I imagine having them close together has it's advantages, maybe quicker pollination and more stress to grow... looking good, a lot of work represented in those pics, well done.

Advantages.........for me more varieties, more peppers per capita........I do pinch ba ck certain plants when they are young. That keeps the plants in a shrub form with short nodes. That works for me , but may not for others with a shorter growing season.

Disadvantages....smaller plants as compared to planting only one into a 18 gal tub........don't get me wrong, I have Vipers, Bhuts and 7/Pots with only one plant in a container and they will grow 5/6 ft by October. But I'm not searching for the tallest plant but a decent variety of peppers that taste good.............in the hot sauce
Your patio looks great with all those big containers full of peppers.
Some of my tubs are like the light blue ones you have. All of my
big containers save a couple are utility tubs, they are so inexpensive.
I've had my tomatoes in them for four years, and they are still holding
up well. Be interesting to see how long they last in the sun!

What will you do with all your free time now that the peppers are out
in their new homes ;)

Hey Paul,
Thanks for the comments. I'm all in for a an inexpensive cost......I do have cedar beds and I wish I had a boat load of 14 gal sturdy nursery containers. But at 6 bucks each, the 18 gal tubs do the trick. I haven't had any go brittle in the sun or the winter.......yet. But they do serve the purpose and I re-cycle the soil every year.

Free time...............I guess I'll have to sit back and watch them grow...........that is, when I'm not here checking out the glogs............. :cool:

Greg it looks awesome I like the big bucket use and the pods look amazing.

I've been doing the same set-up for the past few seasons.It works out well, each season I add a few more buckets to the regimend.
I do miss being able to plant in the ground.........there's just a bit too many lawn chemicals and insecticides being used nowadays for me to plant any edibles in the ground. But, if I lived in a rural area with heaps of land I'd have the wide rows going........
Welcome back brother! Been missing your weekend pics and advice. Don't worry you're not the only one overcrowding a few! Everything looking great man! What's keeping those 60 from making the cut? I almost planted some of my extras randomly throughout the Navy base. I had several open spots in the landscaping picked out. Thought it might be fun to see if anyone noticed...gave them to a couple good homes instead.

Don't be a stranger!
I almost planted some of my extras randomly throughout the Navy base. I had several open spots in the landscaping picked out. Thought it might be fun to see if anyone noticed...gave them to a couple good homes instead.

Don't be a stranger!
That would have provided you with many weeks and months of entertainment!
Not much happening since the last update......some flowering going on and a few pods, but I can tell things will be rumbling soon!..


The last of my plants are in...5,7, and 18 gal pots here


This is one of a few urns that I threw some "purple" plants.....besides the centered purple fountain grass and potato vine we have a "Pimenta Da Neyde, Pimenta Chris "Fat Red" and a Purple Bhut"....which have all been pinched back to promote dense growth. I do have larger versions of these elsewhere.


a couple of Jamaican pods


some "Nagabon" pods starting to shape up. This plant was from a different seed stock than my overwintered plant which will have different shaped pods


a "Datil" pod with more flowers on ther way


Here's a "West Indian Red" which has started to show promise with its flowering


not a superhot by no means.....just a "Cajun Belle" which always throws out tons of peppers...


and finally some "Aji Limons".............til next week, thanks for checking this out,

Dang it Greg you're short changing us!!! That's only 8 pics!?!? Give us MORE! Really liking the "Purple Urn" its already killer! Its going to be amazing once filled in. Your purple bhut looks identical to the ones I have going, Gonna have to talk you out of some seeds for the Pimenta Da Neyde seeds before next year!
Great update! Plants are lookin good my friend. I'm lovin that purple planter. We get stuff like that in from nurseries but never with peppers, that's a great idea! Nagabons are lookin good to. I'm drooling seeing that ripe one! I've been divin in to the powder lately quite a bit but it's just not the same :( lol. Hows that cajun belle? Is it kinda like a slightly spicy bell pepper? Good to see an update from you Greg. Hope all is well with you and the family buddy.
