• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PIC 1's......Pod Pornage.............2012

Here's the start on my grow log. Well no pods yet but I have to start somewhere, and away we go!

The seeds in the containers are all c.chinense. They were dunked in a germinating solution for an over-nighter on December 1st.
This was the first phase of the germination process with plantings happening every 2 weeks through the month of January.
The annum species and the mild/medium strains will get planted late Jan through early Feb.


Most of these are "Super-hots.


Here's a shot from today, things are looking up and up.


Here's a unique looking seedling. It has 3 cotyledon's and a set of 3 true leaves. The seedling is a Trinidad Scorpion Green, seeds are from Chris (cc). I've seen the triple cotyledon with my Coronong's but not the triple set of true leaves at the same time


Here's another seedling that caught my eye. The leaves are as dark purple as my Dutch.Hot's. This one's the Purple Bhut Jolokia seeds were also from Chris. I know the leaves will eventually turn green.....but right now they look pretty... :cool:


Did somebody say "Purple"......Here's one of my overwinters. The Maui Purple. The flowers have set and soon the chili's will form...........yea


And finally another overwinter and was an over-achiever/producer last season. That's why its here. It's's the TS Butch T

More to follow, soon

Your plants look exceedingly beautiful. You have got yo process down like BB King singin' the blues. Everything's perfect. You have my respect. Good job! :hell:
Your plants look exceedingly beautiful. You have got yo process down like BB King singin' the blues. Everything's perfect. You have my respect. Good job! :hell:

Thanks for the comp.

Haha..............BB King.........and so many others have performed at "Blues Fest" here in Chicago......haven't missed that in years, weather permitting..
Clapton's Crossroads Guitar Fest is a great one also!

Here's a little update,........ before "Our Gang" goes out for a "New Year's Eve" pub crawl...


I'll start with a few overwinters...FDA Scotch Bonnet.......nice early lateral growth


Naga Morich.....pretty tight compact growth


"Jonah".....filling in with some additional lower growth


This was cut back to a 3" stump, ....Red 7/Pod....... New growth on "old" wood.................it can happen......... :cool:


Back to some new stuff...........part of 216 plants so far......more seedlings to come...


Bahamian Goat....

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable "New Years............... :cheers:

Looks like you have optimal lighting for your early winter Chicago garden. :) I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on my plants and make sure they are getting enough hours/day too.
Looks like you have optimal lighting for your early winter Chicago garden. :) I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on my plants and make sure they are getting enough hours/day too.


Good lighting is part of the puzzle...........a good deal of patience also helps out........when you have a larger indoor grow you almost need to step away for a bit. I spent a good deal of time today between everything that's growing,
I watered, repotted flowers, potted up 4 flats of peppers, trimmed some lettuce for a dinner salad........and now I'm back here.
I guess you really can't escape from it all...
more photos with an update this weekend

Now that the Footballs over with today......Here's a weekend update...


Here's "Sunny" the cat, he follows me everywhere!


A group of 432 potted up peppers


These are some "XL Caribbean Red's" seeds compliments of Tim Smith


A Hawaiian Beach Pepper


Once again "Follow That Pepper"...Here's an update on the "Purple Bhut Jolokia"...I'll be following this plant to harvest.
(seeds courtesy of c.cmpman)

Wow Greg they all look so even/consistant and a great colour. What is your current additive regime? ? I can only dream of having such a great space and skill to pull that scale of grow off. One day maybe :)
Wow Greg they all look so even/consistant and a great colour. What is your current additive regime? ? I can only dream of having such a great space and skill to pull that scale of grow off. One day maybe :)

Hey Trippa,

Whats up. Thanks for checking this out. Your plants are looking pretty good also. I keep gallon bottles filled with diluted nutes. When potting up the peppers I add a root stimulator to the watering can. Otherwise I use Fish Emulsion, Botanicare products Pure Blend Pro Grow, Cal-Mag, Liquid Karma, Epsom Salts,..SuperThrive...all of those get highly diluted with water. But I use most of them at every watering.

Greg your grow set up looks like a damn nursery. I work at a plant/produce joint and we only except perfect in both departments, coming from a guy that has sent back tomato and pepper starts due to quality.. those starts are abso-f***n-lutely perfect. Id take them any day off the week. I can only hope that mine look half that nice when they grow up. way to go dude.

Sunny is a very pretty cat btw. It freaked me out a little bit actually, when I was 10 years old I found a cat in my grandmas forest when I was looking for snakes, skinny, cold and given up on life.. I brought him back to her house and I named him "sunny" and he literally could have been your cats twin. Crazy!

great looking plants Greg...question...your nutes/growth stimulators...do you mix them or make a gallon dilution of each one?
Greg your grow set up looks like a damn nursery. I work at a plant/produce joint and we only except perfect in both departments, coming from a guy that has sent back tomato and pepper starts due to quality.. those starts are abso-f***n-lutely perfect. Id take them any day off the week. I can only hope that mine look half that nice when they grow up. way to go dude. Sunny is a very pretty cat btw. It freaked me out a little bit actually, when I was 10 years old I found a cat in my grandmas forest when I was looking for snakes, skinny, cold and given up on life.. I brought him back to her house and I named him "sunny" and he literally could have been your cats twin. Crazy! Brandon
Thanks Brandon, The starts are coming along nicely...I've got a few more flats of c.chinense waiting to sprout. The rest of the peppers will get planted mid Feb. (Jal's, Anaheims, Bell's..etc) "Sunny" the cat...........he's playful and keen eyed, No pests in the growroom, but if there were he'd find them... I can see your grows turning out quite well.......you'll have some massive plants buy the time you plant out! Greg
Very nice group of some really healthy looking plants.
Thanks for checking this out! Greg Hey Ronnie, As far as the "juice" goes, I keep around plastic gallon milk containers, as well as misting bottles. All are labled to what's in them. If a product calls for an oz. per gallon than that's what goes in the gallon container mixed with water. When I water I'll use 2 "Capfuls" of the any of the pre-mixed gallon solutions into a 2 gal watering container. That way the plants will get a highly diluted amount at each watering. No chance of burn-out. I can water when the lights are on with no problems. My grow area in the sub-basement is running at about 70 degrees. I hand water each tray. Only enough water to hydrate the plants.....with not much drainage left in the bottom of the flats. I find it better to let the soil dry out a bit especially in the cooler basement. Now my other grow area is running around 85 degrees. Those seedlings and startups need to be watched over and watered more often. I will bottom water the trays due to excess evaporation caused by high room temp. Heck ,I remembered last year I foliar feed some of my plants under my MH lighting, I forgot I'd changed the timer and the lights came on shortly after. The plants had burnt "tips" ...............(yep I did type a "p") but they all recouped. Lesson learned, that's another reason I like to dilute.......oh and it saves some $$ in the long run.. . I replenish the gallon containers when they start to empty... Greg
Thanks Greg...I was just wondering...I mix mine...like 1/2 strength Karma and ProGrow...but then again, I usually don't foliar feed...and I bottom water only....

I may try your method if I have issues...
Simply fantastic professional grow going on here!

another nute follow-up, because I don't wanna screw up: If you add 2-cups of full strength to 2-gallons water , and you decide to use 4 products--do the 8-cups (total 1/2 gallon) get blended and go into the 2-gallon container. Or do you maintain the 2-cups ratio for each application and end up with 8-gallons of dilution?

Also, I use the Botanicare Cal-Mag. My local hydro guy said I didn't need Epsom Salts. Do you use them separately and notice different results? Is it something you tend to use every watering?

Also, once sprouted, how long do the seedlings stay in the 85-degree room? When mine sprout, I immediately get them under the lights and remove the heat--room temp runs around 68F. Now I have a heat mat, was wondering if I should keep it on after sprouting for awhile....
Greg your grow set up looks like a damn nursery. I work at a plant/produce joint and we only except perfect in both departments, coming from a guy that has sent back tomato and pepper starts due to quality.. those starts are abso-f***n-lutely perfect. Id take them any day off the week. I can only hope that mine look half that nice when they grow up. way to go dude.



Absolutely beautiful looking plants, Greg. Can't wait too see the full-grown plants ;)
Simply fantastic professional grow going on here!

another nute follow-up, because I don't wanna screw up: If you add 2-cups of full strength to 2-gallons water , and you decide to use 4 products--do the 8-cups (total 1/2 gallon) get blended and go into the 2-gallon container. Or do you maintain the 2-cups ratio for each application and end up with 8-gallons of dilution?

Also, I use the Botanicare Cal-Mag. My local hydro guy said I didn't need Epsom Salts. Do you use them separately and notice different results? Is it something you tend to use every watering?

Also, once sprouted, how long do the seedlings stay in the 85-degree room? When mine sprout, I immediately get them under the lights and remove the heat--room temp runs around 68F. Now I have a heat mat, was wondering if I should keep it on after sprouting for awhile....

Hey Sil,
I have separate gallon containers for each product. Each gallon also has a few drops of Superthrive in them. When I water I use a 2 gal watering can. That's enough to water about 3 flats, which currently have 18 plants in each. What I do is pour a minut capful from each gal bottle into the watering can, such as a capful of Pro-Gro, Karma, Cal Mag and Fish Emulsion......remember that's a capful of already diluted solution and its getting diluted even more when I fill up the w/can with water. There's no way to burn the plants that way, and they're getting a little nutrition with each watering.

I foliar feed with epsom salts...it's pretty fast with the results....I use both, but the Cal-Mag does the job with the needed calcium.
You don't have to use both. Epsom salts are cheap and will last forever.....at least it seems that way...If you have it use it.

I remove the seedlings to the basement once they get potted up. It's 85 mainly because of the lights. 3- 400w mh and 12- 4 bulb T8 fixtures.
It probably isn't the best idea to keep the heat mat under the sprouts unless there are more seeds to emerge. I place a bath towel over the mat to eliminate any hot spots under the seed flats.



Absolutely beautiful looking plants, Greg. Can't wait too see the full-grown plants ;)

Absolutely beautiful looking plants, Greg. Can't wait too see the full-grown plants ;)

Thanks Meatfreak,
I can't wait to get the 1st ripe ones off the plants.....salsa it will be.
