I would just leave them in there and feed them occasionally to keep them alive...a living rug of pigons
Philipperv said:Hey Quad, you almost qualify to be an honorary Aussie.
Novacastrian said:And you looked damn fine if i say so myself!
QuadShotz said:Well, she *was* an Aussie...the lift one, not the other one.
patrick said:I put peanut butter on toast with bologna and cheese and then dip it in Bean and Bacon soup.
Badger said:If I knew what bologna was I'd probably agree - everything else sounds fine. Is it some kind of salami?
QuadShotz said:You'd consider it a sausage.
Does Oscar Meyer ring a bell?
Only from the "I wish I were an Oscar Meyer weiner" song in the Simpsons. We don't have them over here.
JayT said:I think girls with big ears are cute. Not large, just sticking out.
Badger said:I like girls with big hooters
scarpetti said:Why didn't you just do a plate job on her? That's when the glass coffee table becomes involved.....
Think about it.... Still disgusting, none the less........
imaguitargod said:Pffffffttttbwwwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
What a great follow up post, Badger.
Skydiver said:Neither of my pinky fingers are straight, they both curve inwards.
LordViykor said:My missus pinkies do the same, I tell people they're like that because someone pinched her in the nose.