food Post Your Crappy Spicy Food

Grillllllllled Cheeeeeese , BABYYYYYYY!!!!
(try NOT saying that in the voice of Randy Savage.....)
1/2 ketchup, 1/2 sriracha makes the perfect dip for this melty-cheesy goodness!!!






It's hard to make 4 ingredients more awesome than that!
You know that is not crappy and you're just looking for those "that is not crappy." comments. So I won't be commenting!
But of course Paulky's post is crappy.
It's got it all.
Melty schmelty with a dirty thumbnail.
And half n' half sriracha n' ketchup is still ketchup in my book.
Like a dirty tampon cheese melt.
Paulky FTW!!!!
texas blues said:
And half n' half sriracha n' ketchup is still ketchup in my book.
Well yeah it's spicy ketchup lol. You act as if ketchup is a bad thing. 
I like a little vinegar tang in my tomato condiment. Ketchup hater!!!!!!
The Hot Pepper said:
Well yeah it's spicy ketchup lol. You act as if ketchup is a bad thing. 

I like a little vinegar tang in my tomato condiment. Ketchup hater!!!!!!
I love ketchup.
But only on fries.
mrs. blues has turned ketchup into an abomination.
She puts it on tacos.
And yes, dips her grilled scheeze in it.
My ex's family poured it all over a prime rib roast I served them.
You can't live with these people.
I'd take tomato soup over ketchup but the Sriracha had to zip it up in to something tasty methinks! As a base it works, like in BBQ sauce, you don't taste ketchup.
By itself, no thanks... on many things. Tacos? Yeah. NO!
Prime rib? Lock them up!!!!
I like ketchup for tater tots and as a coverall for reheated beef (burgers and steak) ...
Where's wheebz? ... I ended up seeing him tagged in a fb from a few months ago that made me lol a little ... I think he was in front of a vat in a captain morgan's pose or something along those lines ...
JayT said:
Ketchup has three proper uses, on top of a meatloaf before the final browning, with fries, and in making cocktail sauce.  Other than that throw it away.  Where is my rules thread anyway?
He used is as base. Sheesh. Can't live with these people. Next time you use BBQ sauce I'm gonna call it ketchup.
P2K, next time call it "Sriracha tomato condiment" lol. Then these guys will be all over it.
I didn't complain about his using it mixed with sriracha.  I only commented on ketchup in its pure form.
Makes sense. Since that's not what he did. :lol:
I agree with Jay's rules....with one.....and only one exception:
It pairs well with grilled cheese.
There is not another food on the planet, save the ones mentioned in the rules (and maybe not even the meat loaf), where ketchup would spring to my mind.
A bottle lasts 6 months in my pantry!
***I'd much prefer a tomato bisque.......but would have detracted from the ambiance! ;)