food Post Your Crappy Spicy Food

Posting tilapia is dangerous enough, putting it in Crappy Food opens the flood gates! :)
"The U.S. Department of Agriculture cited some alarming facts about Chinese farm-raised seafood. Researchers noted that “many of China’s farms and food processors are situated in heavily industrialized regions where water, air and soil are contaminated by industrial effluents and vehicle exhaust.” The report also stated that it “is common practice to let livestock and poultry roam freely in fields and to spread livestock and poultry waste on fields or use it as fish feed.”
The USDA report was based on documents obtained from the Food and Drug Administration, which oversees seafood inspections.
After the study was released, news organizations, including Bloomberg and, reported the rampant use of animal feces as food in Chinese aquaculture – specifically calling out the practice on tilapia farms.
=Poop sponge! :lol:
Thanks for that information THP. I wish to known that before I ate it and now I'm scared. If this is known by the USDA then why does it continue to sell?
Grass Snake said:
What would you guys do different or add to enhance this meal?
Buy better fish. :P
(Sorry had to...)
To answer seriously I personally wouldn't bake it, I'd cook it in cast iron or on the grill. I'd nix the paprika, thyme, oregano, and garlic and go for more seafood-friendly herbs like taragon or sage butter and spices like pepper, some hot pepper powder, and a squeeze of lemon. Don't overseason unless you are blackening, which is also a great cooking method.
Since you asked! :)

Grass Snake said:
Thanks for that information THP. I wish to known that before I ate it and now I'm scared. If this is known by the USDA then why does it continue to sell?
Don't sweat it man, just try to avoid "Product of China" food! Most tilapia is from China, I've never seen otherwise. 
At our local Try-N-Save they have tilapia from 2 sources.
One from Mexico @5.99 a pound and a "natural" one from Ecuador @7.99 a pound.
Both farm raised.
Its my understanding that nuclear power plants would introduce tilapia to the the cooling ponds to eat away 
debris and weeds to keep the ponds clean.
They ate any 'thang and ever 'thang. 
And then some smart guys realized they could raise it for cheapness and feed it crap.
There's also Basa and Swai.
More crappy fish.
A shit-ton (official SoFlo measurement) comes from Vietnam and Mekong River tributaries.
Very bad juju.
Agreed. On Dirty Jobs Mike Rowe went to a tilapia plant. That says it all, lol. Overcrowded, fed antibiotics and poop, I only eat wild/line-caught fish or deep sea fish. I know TB you do the same except for salmon because you trust some of the open water pens.
I love fish. I wish I wasn't a damn label reader it would be easier!
I love catfish but it's mostly all farmed. In fact a lot of that comes from China. Hellll no! 
My wife tells me now "Oh yeah I heard something about that". I remember reading something similar about watercress and the dangers if grown around livestock. The asian marts always have watercress but I never buy.
And this is the GOOD US stuff. ;)
texas blues said:
At our local Try-N-Save they have tilapia from 2 sources.
One from Mexico @5.99 a pound and a "natural" one from Ecuador @7.99 a pound.
Both farm raised.
Its my understanding that nuclear power plants would introduce tilapia to the the cooling ponds to eat away 
debris and weeds to keep the ponds clean.
They ate any 'thang and ever 'thang. 
And then some smart guys realized they could raise it for cheapness and feed it crap.
There's also Basa and Swai.
More crappy fish.
A shit-ton (official SoFlo measurement) comes from Vietnam and Mekong River tributaries.
Very bad juju.
Where do you buy your fish? I read you were going to the Central Market in Plano the other day. Thats my go to spot when I can afford it.

The Hot Pepper said:
And this is the GOOD US stuff. ;)
This is a real eye opener. I know a little something about fish tanks and the nitrates in that water is probably off the charts! Fish that live in those conditions are prone to disease and they must have alot fish die daily. No more farm raised fish for me. Thanks guys
About the poopsponge thing.. I have a vietnamese coworker that eats all kinds of weird stuff like delicatessy food from various asian countries, including meat ferments. He also does not mind eating tilapia.

HOWEVER he refuses to eat Pangasius and tiger prawns as he knows how they are bred in Vietnam for the European market.
Came home last night to the kitchen looking like a twister hit and my son MIA. Okaaaaay… glad I picked up sushi on my way home.
Today I asked my son "what the….?", to which he sadly responded that some friends had a pot luck post-Christmas dinner and not many people ate the soup that he made. Wanting to be encouraging, I got the pot out of the fridge to fix myself a big bowl, but had to hesitate when I took the lid off. Here's the bowl after I heated it and then ate some:

I think this ties with (or maybe even beats) sicman's post of a while back. Just think - that pic is after it's been reheated - you know what it looks like when it's cold? Yeah, I won't go there.
Looks aside, it does taste really good - and it's really hot. As in the kind of hot I would never intentionally fix for native mid-westerners unless they told me they eat hotter than habaneros on a regular basis. This is black bean "soup" made with onions, bacon, cilantro, hot pepper powder, beef stock (really), and who knows what else. Hmm, I'd say there's some cumin in there, too. Between the heat and the appearance, I'm not surprised his friends didn't gobble it up, but that's not all - most of his friends are vegan, vegetarian, and/or Jewish. He's actually rather intelligent, but I really have to wonder what he was thinking when he decided to make this. But, since it tastes so good, thought I'd give him some props here. My task is done - TOP THAT!
It helps if you wear ruby slippers, click your heels together three times, and repeat "there's no place like home."
It helps even more if you close your eyes while eating it.  :lol: