guitar string ...
grantmichaels said:
TrueNorthReptiles said:Well... This thread died...
Jeff H said:
Na. This thread is 6 years old. It doesn't die just because someone hasn't posted in a week or two.
Neat amp. I don't think I've ever heard of those before. Price almost seems too good to be true.
moruga welder said:my dads 1957J45 Gibson acoustic guitar , he bought it new in 1957 for $300 , sweet sounding guitar , he played the shit out of this sweetheart , thats the only wear . he use to write music and give steel and acoustic lessons down at the music shop , which was known to attract a couple of bigger names back then to have jam sessions when they came to livingston county pheasant hunting . he always wanted me to play but i ended up a drummer . we had enough guitarist in the family . REST IN PEACE POPS !
yep , she's all original ! nothing changed or added as was the day he bought it . he always told me to take care of it when he was alive someday it'll be worth some money , i still see the ol' fellow ( his friend ) who had the music shop back then , he's still around doesn't move well , but still kicking . he's about 85 now . he's asks me about the guitar when i see him .texas blues said:
And looks to have original Kluson's.
That's a stone blues machine.
I could drop some panties riffing on that guitar!
i agree my friend , i've had it out of the case twice in 5 yrs. since my DAD passed away . first to loosen strings, 2nd. to polish it up . its in the original case . afraid i might break it . it was his baby ! it stands by my side of the bed . don't have much of pops stuff left but this one i keep an eye on .TrueNorthReptiles said:Morugawelder, I would be afraid to even touch that guitar. A family heirloom like that deserves to be in a climate controlled glass case, in my opinion. Too valueable.
Keybrdkid, I'm really digging the finish on that Martin! Shiny is overrated. I've always wanted to learn some keyboards/piano. They can add so much depth, power and emotion to music. Highly underrated instruments these days.
TrueNorthReptiles said:Well... This thread died...
I am going to order one of these tomorrow. Bugera 6262...
Hard to believe he uses no post EQ or anything! Scary tone out of that beast.
ORDERED!!! Oh boy, am I going to tick off the neighbors with this thing!
I forgot that I have the combo of this 2 x 12. Eurotubed. It's freaking loud!!! I wish they did a built in attenuator like they did with some of their models. Goes to the point where you can drown out your drummer. Too bad you can't switch the bright/clean with the footpedal
Holy Crap! This is a steal!!!!^82170943587-sku^H85849000000000@ADL4MF-adType^PLA-device^c-adid^51870555867
$249 for the head???? STEAL OF THE CENTURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TrueNorthReptiles said:
Oh yeah, 120w tube will tick off the neighbors fairly efficiently. My main amp was an original 5150 for many years (6262 is basically a clone of the 5150). I had no problem drowning out our drummer (the whole band if I chose). Eventually I want to pick up an attenuator for this bad boy.
I was not familiar with them until here recently. I knew the name and I knew they sounded good, but that was it. I googled them and saw them on Musicians Friend for $249 and I jumped on it. Where else are you going to get a tube head with that kind of tone for anywhere close to that, even used?!