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tap water

Pepperfreak said:
I would say go for the water filter thing and give it a try. If that works great...

'The water filter thing???'

You have to be making a joke.

What do plants need? Water and Photons.

Your dismissal reeks of poor science. Poor growing ability. Poor understanding of your plants.

Why filter tap water when it raised your 19 children just fine?

I have well water with no chlorine and I don't filter my water anymore but maybe I should. I think its important to know what's in your water before you start filtering it, especially well water. If you have chlorine let it sit, as you would aquarium water.
I have watered plants using chlorinated water for years - this ia a red herring if I've ever seen one. I used rainwater on my seedlings because they are not quite as strong, were indoors, didn't get sunlight, etc. It ain't the water because even plants that have only survived on rain exhibit the same symptoms.

Just out of curiousity, how many of you have grown peppers from seeds to pods in the past? More importantly, paid attention to them as they were growing? I had about a dozen plants (from a nursery) I stuck in the ground last year. They got the same attention as the other 150 plants in the garden - next to none! Honestly. The only time I really looked at them was to see if they had any ripe pods. For all I know, the plants had leaves that curled just like they are now. They could have, for all I know, had thousands of aphids on each plant. Except for the fact I didn't get them in the ground until late June, they did great.

I'm still going with the idea that the "problem" is that the peppers are being peppers and reacting to nature. Nothing more, nothing less.

i had a prob that affected only my Annuums, fairly similar..

ended up being two spotted mite, but they usually leave like little yellow dots on the undersides of the leaves, but i don't see any in the pics,, But then after spraying a commercial pest thing, a few of the others went like those 1's, and grew weird, but still grew

so if happened after spraying may be that ..
I do use tap water (unfiltered, straight from the hose), but I don't really think that's it.

I sprayed all my plants down with Triazicide since I couldn't find Safer's Soap. I will report back if they recover or not.

- Eric
RedwoodIsland said:
'The water filter thing???'

You have to be making a joke.

What do plants need? Water and Photons.

Your dismissal reeks of poor science. Poor growing ability. Poor understanding of your plants.

Why filter tap water when it raised your 19 children just fine?


First off...You obviously miss-read my post along with the rest of this thread and your attempt at either sarcasm or a personal attack at me is completely unwarranted. Besides that, all I am TRYING to accomplish by my posts is find a common theme that may be a leading cause to this problem that people are experiencing. I'm not dismissing anyone!!!

BTW if you read the rest of the posts since I posted, you would have found that the person who initiated this thread just said that they are using well water. So now I don't even see the relevance in a possible contaminant in peoples water. Which leads me to believe that there HAS to be another commonality.
chlorinated water

wordwiz said:
I have watered plants using chlorinated water for years - this ia a red herring if I've ever seen one.

Well, I have beat my kids for years and they grew up just fine. Is that your argument?

Pour poison on your plants, they will still grow. So poison is good?
RedwoodIsland said:
'The water filter thing???'

You have to be making a joke.

What do plants need? Water and Photons.

Your dismissal reeks of poor science. Poor growing ability. Poor understanding of your plants.

Why filter tap water when it raised your 19 children just fine?


RedwoodIsland said:
Well, I have beat my kids for years and they grew up just fine. Is that your argument?

Pour poison on your plants, they will still grow. So poison is good?

RedwoodIsland, This isn't the place for personal attacks, if that is the type of forums you enjoy, then stick with Yahoo. We are all here to help one another and to commiserate about peppers, period. I guess I'm not understanding where this hostility is coming from.
RedwoodIsland said:
Well, I have beat my kids for years and they grew up just fine. Is that your argument?

Pour poison on your plants, they will still grow. So poison is good?

Convince me chlorine is poison. Go ahead, I'm waiting. I drink chlorinated water, I've swam in chlorinated water, I've ate produce that has been watered that is, you guessed it - chlorinated. So show me the errors of my ways. And while you are at it, explain WTH this has to do with the topic - I've already posted that I used rainwater on many of the plants showing the leaf curl.


wordwiz said:
Convince me chlorine is poison. Go ahead, I'm waiting. I drink chlorinated water, I've swam in chlorinated water, I've ate produce that has been watered that is, you guessed it - chlorinated. So show me the errors of my ways.

Chlorine is beneficial because it is a poison.

Including it in your water is keeping you safe.

Chlorine in public water supply is safe and valuable.

Introducing chlorine into your plants is wrong.

Because you have noticed nothing, does that prove your pro-chlorine ways? Or prove your lack of attention?

I envision a land where seed sharing is as common as shaking hands.
What is your vision???
I have well water with no chlorine and I don't filter my water anymore but maybe I should. I think its important to know what's in your water before you start filtering it, especially well water. If you have chlorine let it sit, as you would aquarium water.

What I would suggest to you to do ,is to call local health Dept.( or better )visit and ask them for bottle for Partial chemistry test ( is it total 8 tests )for 18$ in MI may be different price in Canada,
you would test for Chloride-ND-20=excellent
Hardens -25-100=excellent
Iron -ND-0.2 = excellent
Nitrate ND= excellent
Nitrite ND
Sodium ND-20 = excellent
Sulfate ND-50 = excellent
Fluoride1.0-1.2 = excellent -personally I don't like fluoride at all -you can read on it on the net.
You can contact any lab which is testing water and they will be able to do this test .
If you contact local Health Dep and if your well has some construction deficiencies they may make you to correct them.
so you can see you may have chloride in well water, I wonder how it relates to chlorine used to disinfect waterand how it affects plants.
Above results are: ND=not detected ,and I only posting results for excellent water quality,for satisfactory numbers are bigger (if you need I will post them later ,the numbers are standing for mg/l or ppm
Regards Andy
Hope plants will be OK:P
RedwoodIsland said:
Because you have noticed nothing, does that prove your pro-chlorine ways? Or prove your lack of attention?


Redwood, prove to me when you quit beating your wife. :rolleyes:

I've noticed, over the years I have watered my garden using chlorinated water that the plants don't curl up and die but actually get greener and grow better than they were doing without water. This doesn't prove anything other than plants do better with water than without, though I'm sure you know this.

I simply asked for some proof that using chlorinated water is wrong, dangerous, hazardous, whatever. Can I be blunt? Put up or shut up.

And again, I'll explain that this cannot the common factor that is causing the leaf curl - which seems to be the original idea of this thread - because plants I have not watered with chlorinated water exhibit the same symptoms. Hopefully, I didn't type this too fast for you to understand. :shocked:

chlorinated water = good?

wordwiz said:
'Redwood, prove to me when you quit beating your wife.'

When she/he stops crying, I'll stop the treatment. ;)

'I've noticed, over the years I have watered my garden using chlorinated water'

Again, if I beat my plants/kids and they do OK, am I providing what they need?

'I simply asked for some proof that using chlorinated water is wrong, dangerous, hazardous, whatever. Can I be blunt? Put up or shut up.'

You sir are proof of the benefits of chlorinated water. Please post a pic of your superior body so we all may attempt to achieve this greatness.

Frequently, there are not one, but many sources of trouble, I'm looking to solve them all.

'Hopefully, I didn't type this too fast for you to understand.'

That is your attempt at wit?
I love it :)
wordwiz said:
I'm still going with the idea that the "problem" is that the peppers are being peppers and reacting to nature. Nothing more, nothing less.


This is not peppers being peppers, this is a serious concern that is quickly wiping out all my production. I check every plant several times a day and have been growing peppers for many years and I've never had such a serious problem ever, other than maybe aphids.

As for chlorinated water, I wouldn't use it without letting it sit or filtering it. Try putting it in an aquarium and you'll see it can be quite toxic

Have you gone through other season when it got so hot so quickly? That's when I started noticing it in my plants, especially the ones that had not been transplanted for a few weeks. We went from temps barely in the 80s to the mid 90s overnight, plus it stayed in the 90s.

It did the same thing last year but by then my peppers had been in the ground at least six weeks. And TBO, I don't know if they curled or not nor do I know if they had aphids. I was too inexperienced to even know to check. Nevertheless, they turned out great.

And for the record, I'm using tap water in my hydro system, though I did let it set overnight with the aerator bubbling away.

I don't think it has anything to do with temp change since it has affected my indoor plants, greenhouse plants and outdoor plants but only peppers.
I don't think it has anything to do with temp change since it has affected my indoor plants, greenhouse plants and outdoor plants but only peppers.

The plot thickens then. It's not water, it's not soil, it's not lighting, it's not infestation, it's not the weather. That doesn't leave anything, does it, except maybe genetics. And that seems far-fetched that all kinds of seeds from around the world have suddenly changed.

I wish I could help you determine what is causing it. Perhaps e-mail Dr. Borland at NMSU and ask his advice?

wordwiz said:
The plot thickens then. It's not water, it's not soil, it's not lighting, it's not infestation, it's not the weather. That doesn't leave anything, does it, except maybe genetics. And that seems far-fetched that all kinds of seeds from around the world have suddenly changed.

I wish I could help you determine what is causing it. Perhaps e-mail Dr. Borland at NMSU and ask his advice?


it is not light,not soil,(because it would show earlier) it is also not water for the same reason ,but it could be fertilizer,quality or quantity of it,did you apply any ???
Why symptoms didn't express earlier ???
or maybe accumulation of salts in soil from watering/fertilizing???