Potawie's fall progress 2009

Today I picked most of my remaining peppers and am now in the process of cutting back some overwintering plants. I'm also busy deciding what I want to grow next year, and I'm hoping to grow a few peppers over the winter and probably work on making some new hybrids

Here's my last big bowl of heat for about 7-8 months:(

And here's a cool douglah plant which I sort of bonsaid for the winter
I think this is my second year overwintering the Douglah, but it was very small last fall since it was started very late in the season
I can't believe you are still harvesting there Potawie. I am getting freezes here. My plants are done. Are you bringing them in or covering them or what? Cool looking Douglah.
The pods in the pic are from 4 plants that I brought indoors to finish ripening. Now that they are picked clean I will cut them back including roots for overwintering