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greenhouse Potawie's greenhouse porn 2009

Id say cut that Hair you hippy,Great pics as usual buddy,Looks like you had a hella of a lot of snow again..Worse than last year ? :)
I usually let the barber cut my hair:) but only when it gets warm and buggy out. I'm part Samson you know!
As for the snow, what you see in the pic is pretty much what fell yesterday. Not nearly the snow-load/melt we had last year
I usually let the barber cut my hair:) but only when it gets warm and buggy out. I'm part Samson you know!
As for the snow, what you see in the pic is pretty much what fell yesterday. Not nearly the snow-load/melt we had last year

Good news indeed about the snow, let my Samson Locks grow to lol as i had a scalp while i was working away nice to see your plants
have overwintered so well to again buddy :)
The sun has finally come out a bit today so I moved most of my bigger plants into the greenhouse for the day. Unfortunately its going to be cold tonight so they'll be coming in the house again and probably for at least the next 4-5 days too.
I'm starting to find a lot of aphids again but am keeping them under control, and once the garden hoses thaw out I should be in good shape.

Here's most of what was brought out today. Some new, some overwintered, and 1 from a cutting/clone

Here's the huge stalk again on my 3rd year Guadaloupe hab plant

This is my second year "BigBang" Naga reaching for the beer
Here's the huge stalk again on my 3rd year Guadaloupe hab plant

Beautiful plants!

must... have... greenhouse!!

Potawie, have you experimented with the Bonchi thing? I'd say if you ever decide to put that Guadaloupe out to pasture, she'd make a beautiful bonsai. What a stem!
I sometimes do the bonchi thing overwinter, but pot-up and let them grow normal again in the spring. I really don't want to waste any of my best plants for only ornamental purposes.
Yes Bonchi are all very nice but rather over-winter and have a killer next season,J does some beauty's as you no but not my cup of tea. :)
Question for you Potawie...when you overwinter your plants do you increase the container size each year?
Not usually, they get cut way back(roots too) and potted down, but will probably end up in the same big pots as last year
Almost all my veggy plants got outside recently for a good spray with the garden hose. I try to spray off as many aphids as I can outside before applying neem, soap, or pyrethrum spray and then I bring them in the shaded greenhouse to dry off. A couple days of this in a row should really do a number on the little bastards but its cold at night lately and its taking a lot of time and effort moving plants around all the time.

Here's plants of all differnt sizes before decontamination

And an overhead view
Bet its nice to have the plants outdoors and getting some breeze.
Been adding a neem Fertilizer(organic) to my pots and when im re potting with a lot of success the blighters are no where to be seen
good that your plants look great despite the pain of the damn aphids :)