Potawie's summer of 2010

Looking fabulous as always POTAWIE.

I grew the Rosa Bianca eggplant last year but didn't pick them early enough and they got hard. Keep an eye on them and let me know how they taste. Thanks dude!
When I was talking about my best plants this year, I totally forgot about my second year Big Chile plant. It must have 50 good sized pods on it, and a few huge ones


P...do those big chilis taste like anaheims? great looking plant
The big chile is a mild Numex/Anaheim hybrid variety which usually produces big pods. I usually don't overwinter annuums but this one was a great success :)
thanks P...success is an understatement in this instance
Nice plants especially Kapowie. I might try Opalka next year. How's the Murupi Doce doing?

My murupi doce is a very strange growing plant, pods are just starting to get to regular size now. I hope to try to improve on this variety over time by selective breeding. I'll save some seeds for you ZanderSpice since you showed interest last year, but I don't know how stable it is and don't want to mass distribute seeds until I work on and observe it a bit more.

As for the opalks, I noticed I have a pink skinned version growing this year from tomatogrower's seeds and it looks like it was possibly a cross between an opalka and a pink oxheart but I'm just guessing. Its probably my best producing tomato this year but I still have to give it proper taste testing
My murupi doce is a very strange growing plant, pods are just starting to get to regular size now. I hope to try to improve on this variety over time by selective breeding. I'll save some seeds for you ZanderSpice since you showed interest last year, but I don't know how stable it is and don't want to mass distribute seeds until I work on and observe it a bit more.

Thanks! I can't wait to try it. I'll send you a list of my stuff around seed trading time. Hopefully something there interests you.
Found a little free time today to spend with my plants and to take some pics

Dwarfed Caribbean red still producing

Chinese 5 color in transition, but skipping a few colors

Cap 1546

Kapowie peach color

Not BLACK NAMAQULAND. Cool looking fat upright pods

Pumpkin getting big very quickly

Today's pepper harvest, so far
Awesome plants as usual. That CR is really cool and the cap 1546s are nice plants to grow eh?

Caribben reds always produce like crazy for me. The dwarfed plant just looks so small and compact but its falling over from all the weight.
The cap 1546 seem like great dwarf ornamental. They don't get very big but they sure are attractive, I think I could sell a lot of them in the future, especially to city dwellers :)