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powder-flake powder question

I'm back from a mind boggling journey in Google land and after many "scientific" and medical sites, I believe...I beleive that capsaicin probably does have the ability to permeate latex gloves. However, I could not find any sites devoted to this specifically, but the common theme is that in fact latex is permeable to certain chemicals.

Who would have thought? Not I...

I have always worn latex gloves without problems, but the ones I use are usually the heavy duty thicker types that paramedics use.

I love learning, everyday there is something new ;)
I've noticed that as well when working with a lot of habs lately using these old dishwashing-type gloves.


At first, I thought it was just from the quite warm water used to clean them off. But, I noticed that after seeding/chopping about a pound of habs, that afterwards my hands had a strange warm tingly feeling, almost like IcyHot. But they were completly dry inside the gloves...:shocked:

Well, now I know what that is, but was pretty weird at first. Good thing I wasn't using Nagas, eh?

At around $6 for a box of 100, the nitrile may be a purchase I'd have to get soon. This is the first time I'd heard of them. :)

Kewl, thanks!

This morning I was browsing thechileman.org and came across Mark's Journal. He posted a really good and scary experience that he had with thin gloves, titled 14th April - The Worst Day of my Chile Life! . Its a good read if ya'll got time. Made me laugh and cringe at the same time.
its a very good read Pepperfreak, i can sooo relate too

here is from my Pain files on Gloves..
Latex, no sucks really bad, got hunan hand for 8hrs deseeding 2 dozen Jalapenos..
Nitrile..(powder and Latex free,, Chemical and Puncture Resistant) NO THEY @#%^%^@ ARNT. got hunan hand with Red Habanero's
2 Nitrile gloves(each hand) Works up to Savina's Ok..
Naga's No, as after taking off, wiped sweat away and burnt face then Hunan Hand hr later for 6 hrs..
Ansell Super Gloves.. Less feel but only 1's that work properly.

Note to self: remember to put the knife used to deseed naga's STRAIGHT into hot soapy water, whilst still wearing gloves.

so get a Pair like Quadshotz got shown and a face mask and ya shouldn't have a Problem :)