• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Purple Thunder / Bhut Jolokia x (PdN x Bonda Ma Jacques)

I have decided to start a dedicated Grow Log for
the Purple Thunder Bhut Jolokia hybrid.

It made its first appearance in 2015:
"This coloration might be the result of the intense
light on these red Bhuts, but only 2/6 show the trait.
If it is a cross,the only purple-y plant near the bhut
was Trippa's Mystery Cross. All of these seeds from
the same pod:"

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Eh oh! First pod is ripening! :dance:

Bjh-2 variety, with lots of colors at the same time. I believe this happened in just 36hrs as it was still fully dark purple on Fri. Woohoo!


Overall, the plant finally forked and is putting out new buds, so hopefully I'll get more than just one pod this season :)


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Got 2 of these in the ground Paul. They have a sunburn, and were planted about a month late, and we havent gotten bit a couple drops of rain since they went in. So dont expect much from me, but I will try to snap a few pictures when/if they put on some new growth!
I guess I can join in here - my plants are Bjh-4 isolated seeds from Paul. I had three germinate, one had very purple leaves so I put him in hydro. The purple has gone from the leaves but the stems are dark. Lots of flowers!

The other two are a twin set in the same cube so I just planted them on in soil together since they were both the same size and I didn't want to try separating them.
May 27th:



Got to sample the first pod last night, and just wanted to stress one more time what a beauty it was:



You can clearly see which side got sun and that contrast is very pleasing to the eye.

Then when you cut it open, I find it's very pretty with the yellow inside:


Flavor was very good, exactly what I've come to love about the ghost peppers, just with an ever so slightly less intense burn than e.g. BJ Purple. I had it with some Indian food and it really boosted the spice level to where I like it.

I saved the seeds of course; Paul, what F number should I be labeling them as? Thanks again for this excellent cross, its stunning both inside and out! :)

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Those rings look great, beautiful color!
Glad you found the taste and heat acceptable.
The BJh-2 seeds were F3, so your seeds
will be F4.
Carry on, brother!
Excellent, that way I have things recorded properly. ;) Really a killer pepper Paul, no wonder so many want to grow it!
Thank you!

PS: oh, and acceptable is quite an understatement, it's really spot on and what I expected from its lineage! :)

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Great looking plants!
I also didn't know there was a PT-4, what a freaky looking pod!
@ Lespaulde: My PT-2 plants go from a very dark purple, almost black to the red-ish color, then to a yellow.
Devv said:
Great looking plants!
I also didn't know there was a PT-4, what a freaky looking pod!
The BJh-4 was not very productive early on
in the season, but toward the end picked it
up a little, so I isolated a couple of pods. Siv’s
pod actually looks a bit better than the smaller
pods from last season’s BJh-4. If it goes true
to form should be red-orange color.
My thunder plants are lacking in leafs, probably due to the winds that we're having way too often. I'm happy to announce that I officially have at least two pods on one plant and more to come, I hope.

I have one plant that is labeled moa scotch bonnet, but it has purple stems and purple in the leaves. I accidentally planted it between my purple thunders because they look similar. My " not a moa" is also growing pods.


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