• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Purple Thunder / Bhut Jolokia x (PdN x Bonda Ma Jacques)

I have decided to start a dedicated Grow Log for
the Purple Thunder Bhut Jolokia hybrid.

It made its first appearance in 2015:
"This coloration might be the result of the intense
light on these red Bhuts, but only 2/6 show the trait.
If it is a cross,the only purple-y plant near the bhut
was Trippa's Mystery Cross. All of these seeds from
the same pod:"

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Yours looks much prettier than mine. The wind here has been particularly hard on my pt plants. My pt have long branches and only a few leaves, but they keep growing and now they are flowering shook I'll just stand back and let it happen.
My PT plants have always had less foliage than most of my other varieties and they seem to be some of the most affected by our strong winds losing leaves and in some cases whole branches. A few minutes ago under my worst looking pt plant I see what is almost definitely hornworm poo from a fairly large worm, but I cannot find the worm at all and this plant has very few hiding spots. I don't know where the worm went, but I'm not done looking
Hello all.  My Purple Thunder plants are about 6 months old.  Producing continuously.  Its hard to show any individual plant fotos since there are several pots with PT growing and they sort of merge together into a huge cluster.

There is this visitor in the Purple Thunder also.


When Purple Thunder gets older and bushier its hard to see all the chili's.  There is literally hundreds of chili's on these plants.



A couple of months ago I planted another generation of Purple Thunder.  Seeds came from the adults shown above so this is an f5 generation.  I am in the rainy season now so these juvenile Purple Thunder are not growing quickly or vigorously.  Some are having issues.  However, they are forming blossoms now.
That's very interesting, Mitch.
Those pods look almost pink
or salmon color. How close to
That's why I always try to grow out 3 or 4
of something in the hopes one of the plants
produces the phenotypes we are looking for.
How are the others doing?
PaulG said:
That's very interesting, Mitch.
Those pods look almost pink
or salmon color. How close to
That's why I always try to grow out 3 or 4
of something in the hopes one of the plants
produces the phenotypes we are looking for.
How are the others doing?
They start out with a sort-of neon lime-green color, then go through a brief period of yellow or orange, but they ripen up to a red color.  But it's not a glossy deep-red color.  It's more of a light, flat red, with a tint of orange.
Two years ago, I grew some "Original Ghost" peppers I got from Sawyer, a fellow THP-er.  This BJh-Mystery is growing very similar to the Original Ghost I grew two years ago.
I think the Ghost pepper is supposed to be the same thing as a Bhut Jolokia, isn't it?
I have three other BJh peppers going (another BJh-Mystery, and two BJh-2 plants).  They're healthy, and have more purple in them, but aren't putting on too many pods yet.
Now that the summer heat is setting in, I won't be surprised if they don't do much until fall.  That's not unusual for me when I grow Chinenses.
It seems that with a little more sun my PT has gone back to being purple! I'm loving this look.

There are a ton of pods on the go now

As well as plenty of flowers

And the first ripe pod but I'm gonna leave him on there for a few more days to see if there is any further colour change
Wow, great to see all the nice color on those pods!
The pods in Andy's third picture sure look like Trippaul
Threat purples.
Keep up the good work, everybody!
Hello everyone.  These foto's are of the second generation of Purple Thunder I have planted in 2020.  I planted the first generation at the end of December 2019 making those plants about 7 months old.  I saved seed and planted this new generation a few months ago.  I would have to go thru my notes to see when these were planted.  The peppers on the plants are huge.  I can't id them yet since the plant labels can no longer be read.  However, when these peppers ripen I will know.  I planted PDH 3 and Mystery this time since when I planted these no PDH 2 peppers had any seed ready for me.  Notice the green pods.  Those are definitely PDH 3.  These plants are probably 3 months old from when I sewed the seed.  Plants are in 10 gallon pots.  Later on these plants should produce hundreds and hundreds of pods if they are anything like their parents which are still producing.  This generation is the F5 generation.  So far, my favorite variant is the PDH 3.  Giant blocky blood red pods.





Siv-I don't have BJH 4 growing.  Your pods are very beautiful and different colors and shapes with the nice bumpy skin.  Very nice.  
I have BJH 3 and mystery growing only now.  I seem to be getting smooth skinned pods only now.  The diversity of the pods is interesting.
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