• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Purple Thunder / Bhut Jolokia x (PdN x Bonda Ma Jacques)

I have decided to start a dedicated Grow Log for
the Purple Thunder Bhut Jolokia hybrid.

It made its first appearance in 2015:
"This coloration might be the result of the intense
light on these red Bhuts, but only 2/6 show the trait.
If it is a cross,the only purple-y plant near the bhut
was Trippa's Mystery Cross. All of these seeds from
the same pod:"

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lespaulde said:
Looking good, and what a growth for only 16 days! First pods in another 16? ;)

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Thanks, Erv! :rofl: Wouldn’t  that be awesome!?
CaneDog said:
I finally get to post a picture in this thread!
Alright! First of many, I’m sure!
This is a PT Mystery that just sprouted. It was in total darkness in the germinator until immediately before I took the picture, so I'm not putting much stock into the cotyledons showing full green. The stem, however, already shows a deep purple - does that remind you of anything PtMD?   :)
Yep, I somehow went dyslexic on the labeling  :rolleyes:
Welcome to my world, CD!
Thanks Paul! 
BTW - the BJh2 are also sprouting, but nothing's up yet.
Great news, Doc! I know these will flourish in your care.

Ducks on a roll!
DontPanic said:
I'm batting 100% on germination for the BJh seeds I've sown so far.  8/8, 4x BJh-2 and 4x BJh-Mystery.
Wow, Mitch, you can’t do much better than that!
Good luck bringing all eight to plant-out.
Nice strong Bhut look to that one, PaulG!  I have 2 sprouts of the BJh-2 going - just had a late 2nd one pop up. 
They're probably too early for it to be meaningful, but one is looking darker and the other lighter.
CaneDog said:
Nice strong Bhut look to that one, PaulG!  I have 2 sprouts of the BJh-2 going - just had a late 2nd one pop up. 
They're probably too early for it to be meaningful, but one is looking darker and the other lighter.
Looking forward to comparing notes, CD. 
My specimen hasn’t shown a lot of color, yet.
Needs a little summer sun  :cool:
Mr.joe said:
I plan to grow out a couple the plants I don't grow ill either plant at work or give to a coworker, so if all goes well a couple of us will grow them
Sounds good, Joe! Keep us posted!
Can’t  wait to see how they do for you!
Sleeper67 said:
These Bonda ma Jacque crosses sound amazing to me I think that the standard BMJ is very tasty pepper

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The Bonda is a real favorite alright. Purple Thunder and 
Trippaul Threat both have some Bonda ma Jacques in
This year am growing the Bonda Mahala (a BMJ x Yellow 7),
Seeds from Windchicken.
PaulG said:
Looking forward to comparing notes, CD. 
My specimen hasn’t shown a lot of color, yet.
Needs a little summer sun  :cool:
Sounds good, Joe! Keep us posted!
Can’t  wait to see how they do for you!
The Bonda is a real favorite alright. Purple Thunder and 
Trippaul Threat both have some Bonda ma Jacques in
This year am growing the Bonda Mahala (a BMJ x Yellow 7),
Seeds from Windchicken.
. I have the bonda mahala growing this year however sadly only 1 plant out of 4 made it

I might need to get my hands on these other 2 varieties

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Paul-that's a great little specimen you got going.  You got purple veins in the leaf and also purple stalk.  Stout little seedling.
I have 2 PDH-2's sprouted.  About 6 inches tall.  More purple patterning.
I have 2 PT mystery's.  One is super purple dwarf that is growing slower than the other.   The other has the normal purple pattern.
I have 2 PDH-3's.  One is green.  Entire seedling is green.  In fact, it is the stoutest looking seedling I have.  The other has the normal purple patterning.
All plants are outside.  Weather is super hot.  34 degree's C today with steady 20 mph winds.  I hate having the plants out in the wind and other wise harsh climate but it is hardening them.  I am fertilizing seedlings now so they are now growing noticeably.
Plants growing in the Las Santos Provincia of Panama.  The hottest and driest and most miserable place in Panama.  Oh, my seedlings are a little over a month old.
I also have orange Chocolate Bhut Jalokia seedlings planted at the same time.  They are the healthiest plants.   I wonder if the green foliage is more protection for the plant than purple foliage is?  
Glen_ said:
Paul-that's a great little specimen you got going.  You got purple veins in the leaf and also purple stalk.  Stout little seedling.
I have 2 PDH-2's sprouted.  About 6 inches tall.  More purple patterning.
I have 2 PT mystery's.  One is super purple dwarf that is growing slower than the other.   The other has the normal purple pattern.
I have 2 PDH-3's.  One is green.  Entire seedling is green.  In fact, it is the stoutest looking seedling I have.  The other has the normal purple patterning.
 I wonder if the green foliage is more protection for the plant than purple foliage is?  
Since the cross is in it’s earlier generations,
we can expect some variation.
The purple shading is a response to light, natural
and artificial. Sort of like a sun tan for a human. So,
I guess it’s a protective response.