• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Purple Thunder / Bhut Jolokia x (PdN x Bonda Ma Jacques)

I have decided to start a dedicated Grow Log for
the Purple Thunder Bhut Jolokia hybrid.

It made its first appearance in 2015:
"This coloration might be the result of the intense
light on these red Bhuts, but only 2/6 show the trait.
If it is a cross,the only purple-y plant near the bhut
was Trippa's Mystery Cross. All of these seeds from
the same pod:"

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This has been a great season for the Purple Thunder cross.
Awesome color, and great vigor. I hope everyone who gets
these seeds will grow them out and post some results here
next season. Will be interesting to see what future generations
Thanks for following this thread - see you here next season!
Would you look at that, My last post of the season is a
page-topper    :rofl:
Thanks a lot for the seeds good sir, they arrived safe and sound! This is not helping my choices get any easier for what to grow next year, but I love it! :) The Bjh-2 is my favorite in terms of looks, did you notice any flavor differences between the varieties?

PS: the pequin is drying a little more before I 'pack' it away until Jan - nice to even be able to sample a pod :dance:

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My seeds just arrived!  Thanks!  :)
I've been going back through the Glog reviewing the differences between these phenotypes.
The BJh-2 looks interesting because of the yellow/orange mixed in with the purple hues.
I'm not sure why, but any pepper with the word "mystery" attracts my attention.
Alright! I am glad they made it there, DP!

Hope they do well for you.
snagglepuss said:
Many thanks for the seeds Paul they arrived yesterday.

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Great news, Gary. Glad they made it in one piece.
I hope they do well for you.
MarcV said:
I haven't been too active on THP lately and just stumbled upon this thread...
I hope that's just because you have been busy.
Wow that purple thunder looks really nice! I have to say those colorful pods appeal more to me than the Tripp'l Threat pods do! :oops: :D
The PT turned out to be a nice cross, Marc. A lot different
type of pepper than the Trippaul Threat cross, for sure. The
pods are much more bhutish, whereas the TT pods lean
more toward the PdN-shaped pods.
Glad you like 'em!
DontPanic said:
I just got a few BJh-2 and BJh-Mystery in the dirt yesterday.
I knocked my first batch onto the floor.  This is my second try.  :)
I didn't like to hear that, Mitch  :tear:
I live in fear of doing the same thing  :doh:
Good luck bringing the new sowings
into the world!
lespaulde said:
Gotta love them purple leafs! :) Can't wait to see this plant in full size...
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Wow, great color, Erv. I hope it does well for you!