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review Quad reviews the Snakebite PR

stillmanz said:
Exactly, I took his concentrate to the HSFFF in Victoria Australia and put it up against the Blairs Extreme sauces range (Extracts and all) and by all reports it was consistantly hotter, I even got asked by the Saint Johns Ambulance to stop giving out samples. And Thats a true story.

Real Nagas is Real Nasty.

The paramedics politely asking you to stop handing it out....

thats got to be the best sauce story ever.

next time...a video please ;)
Anyway...lets not get lost again.

the Snake Bite PR. Hard to comment because my version is obviously very different to the current version, but yeah, label & ingredients read the same. And I have 2 Naga sauce that is as hot if not hotter.
I'm at a loss to explain all this.

It is a well made sauce though. Very thick, thats good I like to dollop rather than drizzle. A unique flavour...thats a plus...it's getting harder to make anything 'new'.

I don't find it a 'must have' item though. I'll be waiting for more feedback before I buy more.

Just my 2 cents.
The first one I had was the Snakebite Extreme which wasn't so carroty, it was a long time ago though so it could have been like your one. All the Private Reserve ones I've had are more orange/carrot coloured and I started buying them as soon as they came out.
i just weighed 10 Naga's 49gms, so blend that up and you would have approx 50ml of Pure Naga with, was it 100mls of other stuff.
1:3 geez that be a bit hot
stillmanz said:
Nagas don't seem to work like that I don't know why but in my experience fresh nagas and bihs for that matter are much nastier fresh. See what you think when you get some fresh pods. Fresh slivers hung on in burn time so much longer than dry and the taste I found was seriously comprimised. But thats just my opinion from the fresh pods given to me by Billyboy.


I know fresh pods give a better flavor vs dried, but I still think the heat would be the same because the ammount of capsicum will still be the same for each pod, but for weight dried would be hotter because its more concentrated.
thats just my thought.

Omri said:
I've seen him reading this post, so he has read it.

what are you watching this forum all day everyday ?
Hello everyone & thank you QuadShotz for posting an honest review of my Naga Snakebite sauce - Im glad you really enjoyed it. After ready the subsequent comments, I though I needed to answer a few questions.

- I can confirm that the sauce contains no cinnmon (or 5 spice) its the combination of the ginger, the garlic and other ingredients.

- Im surprised that kick was not spread evenly around your bottle as the whole sauce is cooked/blended for a few hours and the Nagas are added pretty early in the process. All sauces should be shaken before being used particularly if seperation is a problem (like it was it batch 1 but not in our latest batches after a few recipie tweaks).

- as ive said before, my aims for this sauce was to make a 'Natural sauce' without extracts which is tasty (edible) whilst trying to maintain the heat level AND THE TRUE TASTE OF THE NAGA as much as possible. 10 Nagas probably accounts for about 1/3 of the bottle with the other ingredients the rest. I'd experimented by adding even more Nagas and reducing the red chiles and other ingredients to change the ration over 2/3 Naga, 1/3 other ingredients but find 10 to be the optimum number. If I made a 30 Naga pod bottle, you would hardly notice the difference in heat as there is a point at which adding even more Naga doenst make a lot of difference to the overall heat level and only destroys the taste. Even changing the consistency (making it very runny like tabasco sauce) doesnt help. I am not a professional sauce maker, but after nearly 18 months in trials Ive come to the conclusion that it doesnt matter what you do, the other ingredients particularly the tomatoes (the red chillis are another very hot chinense by the way) will always tone down the heat. Thats why Blair etc always add artifical extracts but IMHO Extracts give you that intial zing (like a needle through the tongue) but leave a horrible nasty chemical taste. Whats the fun in having that on your Burrito?

- Ive done a pure Naga paste in a 25ml jar in the past (a Naga Concentrate called 'Pure Pain Pure Evil')which im sure many of you saw sold on ebay last year and has since been replicated by others (now theres a surprise :). However its not economical to produce and Id rather use my Nagas in a sauce. If you really want to pay £5 ($10) for a small jar of concentrate to try, just email me. If I get lots of requests I make a batch.

- The colour of the sauce has changed a little between batches due to a few recipie tweaks but not drastically so. The label in the picture is definately a bit orange due to the lighting. The label border is red which should give you an idea of the colour of the sauce.

- Rainbowberry, the bottle needs to be indestrucable to contain these bangladeshi bad boys. :lol: Thanks for the order by the way

stillmanz said:
I have tasted real naga and two pods in a bottle is plenty hot. billy boy grew them and a few here on this forum have tasted them and will agree.

Perhaps Mark is getting swindled by his co-packers? That or he's swindling all of us.

I totally agree with you Stillmanz. Nagas grown in the right conditions are scintillatingly hot. Thats why I import all Nagas used in the sauce from a relible contact in Bangladeshi where growing conditions are optimal. The climate in the UK is not hot enough to produce the 'real deals' although even UK grown Nagas grown in stressed conditions are still searingly hot. I trust my co-packer 100% - I have too!!

Stillmanz, Ive grown Nagas for many years, more than you can shake a stick and before most chilliheads had even heard of them. When I first brought Naga Morich to chileheads attention in the various forums years ago I was accussed of making them up (google the oldest references you can find to Naga Morich!!). I was the first to sell Naga seeds on ebay (I use to get £60 ($120) for 20 seeds in the first year before the people who bought the seeds grew out the plants and tried to repeat the trick. Look how many Naga seed sellers on ebay there are now!! Many on this forum receievd large batches of FREE seeds. I even supplied Dave Dewitt with the original seeds for the Dewitt & Dr Bosland growout trials which spawed their infamous 'Sagajolokia review' found below hence the original 'chileman' seeds reference and the reference 'Mark McMullan a.k.a. "The Chile Man" advertises "Naga Morich", offering peppers and seeds'


Imaguitargods legendary thread on this forum: 'I ate the Naga Morich'arose after he grew out the pepper from seeds I sent him in 2005


Im sorry for the rant but don't like being accussed of being a fraud/swindler!!!

Every one has different views & tastes. Some cannot tollerate eating a Jalapeno, others barely break sweat eating a whole Naga.
The only way to truely find out for yourself if Naga Snakebite is any good is to buy the sauce (apologies for the blant plug).


If you check out our feedbacks/reviews only 1 review out of 228 is negative and he was a suspected sauce seller who delibrately left negitive feedback for his own gain.

thechileman.org site also shows the full & independent reviews from the The Hotpepper,Hotsauceblog, Hotzoneonline and others who kindly reviewed the sauce check them out

darlochileman said:
I am not a professional sauce maker

Maybe you should be Mark, it's only yours and Woody's sauce that I buy over and over again, not the big brands.

darlochileman said:
Ive done a pure Naga paste in a 25ml jar in the past (a Naga Concentrate called 'Pure Pain Pure Evil')which im sure many of you saw sold on ebay last year and has since been replicated by others (now theres a surprise :). However its not economical to produce and Id rather use my Nagas in a sauce. If you really want to pay £5 ($10) for a small jar of concentrate to try, just email me. If I get lots of requests I make a batch.
I prefer the sauce to the concentrate, like you say it's only a small jar and if you use it like sauce it's gone in no time.
Look its a great product nice taste and damn hot. Its also one of the the originals your a naga pioneer. Your website is awesome. I'm not trying to stir trouble I just see a few inconsistencies.
There is still alot of doubt in my mind, and I promise this will be my last post on this thread. ( remembering there is no such thing as bad publicity, I garentee your sales will spike in the next two weeks because of this thread), so heres the thing.

I have weighed nagas (I got 2 kilo of fresh pod at the shop)
also hippy seed has weighed, I have found as he has the weight varies from 4.5 to 6 gram per pod roughly,
multiplied by 10 thats vaguely 50 grams per bottle , if I used nagsa like that with a similiar recipe people wouldn't say its carrotty they would say,"why are you trying to kill me?".
Now if you do a 200 bottle batch thats a lot of nagas. (my maths is pretty bad but thast like 10 plus kilo, 2.2 pounds to a kilo) Whats that cost to get to the UK?
but whatever,
Like I said its a good product and if sales from the sauce keep your excellent website running I'll give it a 2 thumbs up.

Ive just read through all the comments posted and i agree to an extent, have any of you tried cooking with naga?? Once its cooked through the heat goes through all the other ingredients and its intensity is lost compared to eating a raw one. It's also hard to get decent fresh nagas these days too. The ones i grow myself are much hotter than the commercial ones available. Who can grow enough to fill the demand.
I found a company when i was at the chilli fiesta in UK that specialise in naga products, they also make a wickedly hot naga sauce called dragons blood which is the hottest thing ive ever tasted, although it has a bit of extract in it the flavour of the naga is fantastic and completly hides any bitterness of the extract. They also do a few other naga products, you should check them out www.chillipepperpete.com
He's probably Pete ;) Anyway it's a good site to check out, he does a good range of powders and has a chilli game that you can play on there too. Do you know if he has a shop in Brighton Mark? I live in the South-East too so if he did it wouldn't be far for me. Kent to Sussex, wouldn't take too long.
Hi rainbowberry,

He used to have a small shop in Brighton but I think its closed now as he prefers to concentrate on the markets & shows. I will ask him when I speak to him tonight

PS Stillmanz sorry for 'spouting off'. I'll keep working on the SB recipie (when I get some free time away from the day job) o try and improve it.

Thanks Mark, that's what I thought, I was quite certain I read somewhere that he had a small shop. I've often considered buying his Dragon's Blood, but it's that extract thing again though that stops me and makes me buy the natural sauces.