• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

randyp SW Iowa 2015 not corn grow.

    Time to knock the dust off the keypad and practice with the camera I got at the end of last season.My seed list is ready but still needs taken down a bit.I will say (judy) is going to have her own section in my garden and Hence forth shall be stated in my updates as(The Judy Wing).Also I have some seeds from my good buddy Dew(thanks Scott).One more shout out to Chris(Joyners powders friggin rock)as I will be introducing his ""Mystery Wine""to some good old dark Iowa soil.
    Alabama Jack,your puree basic recipe is the one I now will be using to preserve peppers for sauces that I don't dry,send to our friends on this site or torment my people at the factory with.It's so simple that I can move your numbers up or down and get the same results.I will be doing a better job this year on weights and measurements to not only help me but anyone checking in so if they see something I need to adjust,we have accurate numbers to go by.
   Starting nursery first week of March,plant out date first week of May.
All will be from seed this year.My first two years I bought some live plants,after I did my first start with seeds last year,I found they were more prepared and thrived because they had been in my control from the start.I do think highly of"chiliplants"and would send anyone looking for a healthy plant or new types to consult them.
      I look forward to watch other glogs,as we fight the weather,bugs,and other thing's the Wrath of God sends our way.
   Good luck to all.
  If I can get my seed from the "Growdown"to be as tall as the corn here I will be a happy man. :party:
Puree --
2100 gr  peppers
1260 ml wht,vinegar
2tbls sea salt
7tbls honey
I found my new roaster perfect for this,as i ruin more pans trying to cook on a burner.(get a good one)
Use nothing but plastic utensils,I set temp at 275 degrees and adjusted up or down according to my simmer.
cooked down just a bit not 1/3rd for this batch.I am still toying with what works for me.
Waterbath jars.This made 3qts and 1pt(i will never,never cook puree or any heavy on the peppers stuff in the house again.lesson learned.)
thanks again AJ
2015-01-18 005.JPG

2015-01-18 006.JPG

2015-01-18 007.JPG

2015-01-18 009.JPG

2015-01-18 010.JPG

Great work on the grow space, those plants should be super happy once they move in. Great list of varieties you're growing as well. Hope you have an awesome and productive season
tctenten said:
I like the planning ahead. Is that a closet that you have that set up in?
  My daughters.She has flown the coup..That kid painted over 1928 wallpaper with the nastiest green you ever saw Terry.
Scorched said:
Great work on the grow space, those plants should be super happy once they move in. Great list of varieties you're growing as well. Hope you have an awesome and productive season
Thanks Tony,I think the people on this site is why I have been getting better.Lots of help and pods from all over,Its a rewarding venture Good luck to you this year.
I see a happy home for the babies ;)
Wow, 1928! your house must be really cool. That's when real wood was used! Ours was built in 1979, with real yellow pine studs. Clear studs without the funky knots you get now. And dang it's so hard nails won't work, they just bend. LOL
Good luck this season!
  It has the old lathe in the walls and yes the flooring to me is the best part of the house.The wallpaper from that time period was still in the house when I moved the kids in it 15 years ago..You could tell the word "Variety"was not an option.
   I am picking up the pace.
This is my transplant and seed starting area.What a mess..could be worse
2015-03-21 001.JPG

the baby pool is perfect for my watering needs in the area,and will be bottom watering the 6inch pots soon.
2015-03-21 002.JPG

moved my first round into the main grow room along with the growdown thai.
2015-03-21 004.JPG

These are a batch of seeds for friends and giveaways on here.Along with restarts for 8 varieties of 25 that have not popped yet.
2015-03-21 006.JPG

re-set the yard boxes went from 15 last year to 25 and spaced them so I don't crawl to harvest,Also can now get my riding mower thru.
The straight lines will help me with installing the next pic.No More 5 in the morning before work when I cant see beating my plants with the water wand.Automation Baby. :dance:  :onfire:
2015-03-21 010.JPG

2015-03-21 017.JPG

Hi Randy! I just came across your 2015 "Twisted" glog and thought I'd pop in for a look around... very nice! I'm a little bit jealous that your snow has all melted, but ours should be gone in a couple of weeks bog willing. Good luck with your grow this year, I'll be following. :party:
   Rick good to here from ya.We had very little snow this year.Had one big one that was on this side of the new year.I have been sneaking over to scotts grow just to remind me what the hell i am suppose to be doing.I will be watching your year also.I pray we have as close to last years weather as possible. :pray:
Looks like you are getting ready. How many plants per box are you aiming for? I need to do some work outside, but the weather has just been uncooperative so far.
Good job Randy! So you're going for raised beds eh? At least you don't have to wait for the ground to thaw. It's still melting here... the snow and ice is about half gone, and it'll take another week or two for the ground to be workable, then it'll be time for me to get a truckload of humus for my beds too. It's worth it though!
tctenten said:
Looks like you are getting ready. How many plants per box are you aiming for? I need to do some work outside, but the weather has just been uncooperative so far.
    Hi Terry.2 per box.They are 35X@24 or so
stickman said:
Good job Randy! So you're going for raised beds eh? At least you don't have to wait for the ground to thaw. It's still melting here... the snow and ice is about half gone, and it'll take another week or two for the ground to be workable, then it'll be time for me to get a truckload of humus for my beds too. It's worth it though!
   Luv the beds I moved the 5 by the fence(no after 2pm sun) in 2014 and spaced the row so i could stand to harvest and not crawl.Also can now get my riding mower all the way around.The 2 rows will work good for the water drip system i am putting in.My compost came from local farmers(hogs)Every dog in the county will be in my yard if I don't lay out some pepper powder.The compost did have some extra calcium(bones)in it.It ph'd at 7 which was outfriggin standing,Considering I have done nothing to it yet.
plant bed setup 2014.JPG
randyp said:
    Hi Terry.2 per box.They are 35X@24 or so

   Luv the beds I moved the 5 by the fence(no after 2pm sun) in 2014 and spaced the row so i could stand to harvest and not crawl.Also can now get my riding mower all the way around.The 2 rows will work good for the water drip system i am putting in.My compost came from local farmers(hogs)Every dog in the county will be in my yard if I don't lay out some pepper powder.The compost did have some extra calcium(bones)in it.It ph'd at 7 which was outfriggin standing,Considering I have done nothing to it yet.
Drip irrigation too... you're getting serious! :party: I love my setup, but the municipal pressure is too high. It's only supposed to run at 20-30 p.s.i. and mine blows out the barbed plugs at the ends. Put hose clamps on to stop that and the water jets out at every emitter site. Last year I bought a plastic flow reducer and it didn't work as advertised, so this year I got one made of brass that's adjustable. I spent about $100 on that and a wireless rain sensor that's supposed to override the watering program in the hose timer if the ground's already wet enough. I hope that's the last hardware I need for the system beyond the distribution lines, drippers and emitters.
I can see that the smell of pig might bring the dogs around... fortunately you have the remedy close at hand... :twisted:
       If it did not smell then the compost has no power.lol I get some rains it will soften the smell I hope.Rick go pop a leak in your neighbors water line,that should(reduce pressure) do the trick.Seriously that does suc about your pressure.I cant believe there is not a regulator out there that could help ya out.By the way are you fertilizing thru the drippers?.I am afraid to try it.
I wouldn't want to risk clogging the emitters in a low pressure drip irrigation system by trying to get liquid nutes through them. Also, I lay down IRT plastic mulch to warm the soil and make a warmer microclimate for the plants, and I want the nutes to go to the roots where they'll do the most good without having it run off the plastic, so I uncap half liter water bottles, slice off the bottom and bury them next to the plants with an inch of the open bottom showing above the ground. When I want to fertilize I just tip a measured dose down the "funnel" next to each plant and it perks in next to the roots. Cheap and effective since water bottles can be had for free. :)
  I am down to using paper to try and get several of the seeds on my list up before its to late.Some were saved from pods and few bought.
2015-04-04 001.JPG

the space is filling nicely.even without all the planned variates,i have plenty to keep me busy.Most disapointed the mystery wine save from a pod is not going to make it.I will be contacting ya Chris for next season.I wanted to Iowa dirt them suckers and kick the seeds back at ya.
2015-04-04 007.JPG
I use the paper towel method most of the time. Good luck with the stubborn ones.  Where are you in IA?   I am in sest central IL about an 1:15 from several of the bridges to IA.
jcw10tc said:
I use the paper towel method most of the time. Good luck with the stubborn ones.  Where are you in IA?   I am in sest central IL about an 1:15 from several of the bridges to IA.
   Thanks for droppin in Justin.I live in Corning (SW Iowa}This is my first paper germ I have tried.I hope it works.But I do have enough to fill my beds and keep me busy.,I know your glad spring is kinda here.My to do lists are longer then ever.