• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

randyp SW Iowa 2015 not corn grow.

    Time to knock the dust off the keypad and practice with the camera I got at the end of last season.My seed list is ready but still needs taken down a bit.I will say (judy) is going to have her own section in my garden and Hence forth shall be stated in my updates as(The Judy Wing).Also I have some seeds from my good buddy Dew(thanks Scott).One more shout out to Chris(Joyners powders friggin rock)as I will be introducing his ""Mystery Wine""to some good old dark Iowa soil.
    Alabama Jack,your puree basic recipe is the one I now will be using to preserve peppers for sauces that I don't dry,send to our friends on this site or torment my people at the factory with.It's so simple that I can move your numbers up or down and get the same results.I will be doing a better job this year on weights and measurements to not only help me but anyone checking in so if they see something I need to adjust,we have accurate numbers to go by.
   Starting nursery first week of March,plant out date first week of May.
All will be from seed this year.My first two years I bought some live plants,after I did my first start with seeds last year,I found they were more prepared and thrived because they had been in my control from the start.I do think highly of"chiliplants"and would send anyone looking for a healthy plant or new types to consult them.
      I look forward to watch other glogs,as we fight the weather,bugs,and other thing's the Wrath of God sends our way.
   Good luck to all.
  If I can get my seed from the "Growdown"to be as tall as the corn here I will be a happy man. :party:
Puree --
2100 gr  peppers
1260 ml wht,vinegar
2tbls sea salt
7tbls honey
I found my new roaster perfect for this,as i ruin more pans trying to cook on a burner.(get a good one)
Use nothing but plastic utensils,I set temp at 275 degrees and adjusted up or down according to my simmer.
cooked down just a bit not 1/3rd for this batch.I am still toying with what works for me.
Waterbath jars.This made 3qts and 1pt(i will never,never cook puree or any heavy on the peppers stuff in the house again.lesson learned.)
thanks again AJ
2015-01-18 005.JPG

2015-01-18 006.JPG

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2015-01-18 009.JPG

2015-01-18 010.JPG

    Back to the glog after a break.Dr says I need a new hip.We will be putting that off for as long as I can.I have 7 years before I retire so I can tolerate the dang thing at least half of that.And I will do it in the fall.,Watch football and no plants in the ground. ;)
Got a new toy for my beds that hooks on my lawn trimmer.I like it.
2015-04-23 011.JPG

my indoor newbies are coming around and the final plants are in the group.I will update at plantout(5-16)my list
2015-04-22 004.JPG

top soil added to compost and mulch bags laying with cuts top and bottom to run rain thru until I need them
2015-04-16 004.JPG

main drip line ran along beds ready for feeder lines at plant out
2015-04-12 019.JPG

fert mixing barrel with shot from were drips start and are buried so i can run the rider thru without moving hoses
2015-04-12 013.JPG
Ozzy2001 said:
How does that tiller work? Does it bog down easy? Pretty handy for raised beds for sure.
     Scott thanks for stopping in.That tiller kicks ass.I have it on my 14inch 25cc 2cy Murray(mtd)that has the coupler in middle.I ran 25 beds in less then a hour,It has plenty of power.I was worried it would get away from me and rip up my drip line main or the boxes,but bit was very easy to work front to back.The clicklink tiller goes on several types of lawn trimmers.
 Damn Randy sorry to here about the hip . Hope it eases up until football . 
Loving the looks of those raised beds :)
romy6 said:
 Damn Randy sorry to here about the hip . Hope it eases up until football . 
Loving the looks of those raised beds :)
     Go figure Jamie.I had a birth defect on Rt femur just below ball on top so with every step and any time it was used it grinded the cartilage out.Not much at all left,bone on bone.The Dr also pointed out a bb in my rt thigh I got playing bb-gun wars with my brothers back when I was 14 or so.We did not have playstation and all that crap at the time and made up or own games.One of my bro's must have overpumped the daisy beyond the 1 you are suppose to. :shh:
    Garden stuff is coming along,cant wait to get it all outside.
Sorry to read about the hip, that just can't be fun.
Lots of work into the raised beds, they be looking goood!
Devv said:
Sorry to read about the hip, that just can't be fun.
Lots of work into the raised beds, they be looking goood!
    Thanks Scott,we are becoming the walking wounded on THP.Doc has me on an insane amount of prednisone for 2 weeks.Its helping the hip swelling but is bad If ya like to sleep. ;)
3 bad panoramic shots of plants going out in 3 weeks


Ya... I hear ya 'bout "walking wounded"... There's a poster on the wall at work that says "Getting old isn't for sissies" ;)  Hearing about your BB story I see your childhood was pretty much like mine, only it was my cousins instead of my brother...
Cool attachment to your string trimmer... I'm all in favor of anything affordable that makes my work easier. Plants and raised beds look great! Here's hoping the weather warms up enough to plant the peppers and eggplants soon and sending good vibes for your hip. Keep on truckin'!
stickman said:
Ya... I hear ya 'bout "walking wounded"... There's a poster on the wall at work that says "Getting old isn't for sissies" ;)  Hearing about your BB story I see your childhood was pretty much like mine, only it was my cousins instead of my brother...
Cool attachment to your string trimmer... I'm all in favor of anything affordable that makes my work easier. Plants and raised beds look great! Here's hoping the weather warms up enough to plant the peppers and eggplants soon and sending good vibes for your hip. Keep on truckin'!
   Thanks Rick.We are both about to hit the ground running(or limping, :shh: )in the next couple weeks.I took up your idea on buried fert bottles and did them this morning.Put about 10-15 holes on one side in the bottom half to spread it out a little with a solder iron.Gosh that was easy.
2015-04-26 06.26.10.jpg
randyp said:
   Thanks Rick.We are both about to hit the ground running(or limping, :shh: )in the next couple weeks.I took up your idea on buried fert bottles and did them this morning.Put about 10-15 holes on one side in the bottom half to spread it out a little with a solder iron.Gosh that was easy.
2015-04-26 06.26.10.jpg
Nice! You don't actually have to burn all those holes in the bottles... just uncap the top, slice off the bottom and bury it all except for the last inch or so. Your way will seep into the soil quicker though.
I hear ya about the Prednisone, I've been on it since the end of March. It has all kinds of nice side effects :D
Devv said:
I hear ya about the Prednisone, I've been on it since the end of March. It has all kinds of nice side effects :D
      Scott I think I have got more done this weekend then I have all year.Not being able to sleep might have something to do with it.And I eat anything in reach. :think:
lets see if i can get a vid for us.this is a test. ;)Video garden tours are officially on the menu this season.
today got the main plants put on the porch
2015-05-01 09.43.23.jpg

2015-05-01 13.49.09.jpg
randyp said:
lets see if i can get a vid for us.this is a test. ;)Video garden tours are officially on the menu this season.
Lookin good, but the video isnt playing...says, "This video is private."
Plants look great. Wish I had a tiller like that. Have a tiny little electric plug in one and it took me 4 hours to till the new 20 x 5 bed. Still better than having to turn it all over with a shovel.
That's a helluva tasty looking batch of sausage. Oh and what Runescape said, video is set to private
Runescape said:
Lookin good, but the video isnt playing...says, "This video is private."
   Try it now.I think i got it going.Thanks for letting me know.
Scorched said:
Plants look great. Wish I had a tiller like that. Have a tiny little electric plug in one and it took me 4 hours to till the new 20 x 5 bed. Still better than having to turn it all over with a shovel.
That's a helluva tasty looking batch of sausage. Oh and what Runescape said, video is set to private
Thanks Tony.That was( vid) the first time I had it in my hands.I got better with it and kept the dirt in the beds.Took me 45 min to do 27 beds and a tractor tire. ;)
smoking the summer sausage
2015-05-01 10.45.08.jpg

flash cool in ice water to set the sausage
2015-05-01 15.46.26.jpg

sliced and ready.I tell ya what,the peppers and powders we all make take sausage to a new flavor level.
I used Joyners in some and some of my own,You cant buy that extra little punch with flavor anywhere.
2015-05-01 16.03.45.jpg
   Half the plants went in this morning.
4 large orange thai
3yellow bhut
3t,scorp moruga bhut
2red 7pot x choco ghost
2  7pot x yellow bhut
2 jays red ghost
2 red bhut
3 red 7 pot (seed from a pod i grew in 2014 that made the reapers taste like cotton candy)bout killed myself and my co-workers.it was a friggin hot pod.
2015-05-02 07.34.42.jpg